Pictures show life on Mars

Oct 1, 2007
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"THESE amazing pictures seem to prove something geeks and Sci-Fi fans have suspected for years - there's life on Mars.
Nasa's Mars Explorer Spirit sent us these images from the surface of the Red Planet four years ago.
After intense scrutiny, pictures that could be a living being have finally been found.
An amateur astronomer commented: "As far as I'm concerned, this is proof.
"What else could it be but a human-like creature?"
A pile of rocks, perhaps?"




For a pile of rocks, it sure does stick out. But...meh. I get the feeling it's just a manip.
These things are just coincidences. Much like the face on Mars. I'm sure it's just rocks.
as much as I wanna believe i know its just rocks in the shape of a human.
Plus, if this was taken 4 years ago one would figure the folks at NASA would be giddy to present the possibility to the world.
[georgelucas]I knew it![/georgelucas]
^Not familiar with them, but I figured it was like the Weekly World News (or what used to be WWN).
Although I'm a believer in life elsewhere in the universe, I am not convinced by that picture. Either it's a manip, or a strange formation of rocks. It's like the so called face on Mars, as startling as it was, it simply wasn't so. More or less, it's like seeing animals in cloud formations. We're going to need more evidence then whats been posted above.
I think there was, but they never end up well, not on a website like this one, anyways. I mean, take this thread for example. I wouldn't even bother.
A guy sitting on a rock, in a weird position .. in the middle of nowhere.
I'm convinced. :up:
the girl from The Ring be kickin it on Mars these days? Who knew :o

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