I try to be, and I think it's a sad state of affairs when a person like that can be considered "outdated."
To be honest I don't think I'm much like Clark, although I try to... there was once a situation where I even thought 'what would Superman do?".
I think it's important to have morals you can act in pursuance with, however I don't believe it's possible always to make the right decisions and very often people fail (myself included).
I always try to be, but no human being can be. This is what sets Superman aside from the rest of us; its not his powers, its his unshakable sense of right and wrong.
So, mego joe, you didn't say if you are like him.
Eight people who voted in this poll seem to disagree with you. t: ^
I always try to do the right thing . . . but do I just think it's the right thing because that's what I want to do?
Okay, I'm not talking about the Superpowers. I mean, do you think you're like him in the way that he always tries to do the right thing, is respectful of people .. the part of him that's like a boyscout.