I voted Not Sure Yet. As we're really only hitting the tip of the iceberg with the unmasking.
We've had about a month or so to let this sink in a little bit but it's only the beginning of things to come.
In all honesty, this really reminds me of the beginning of The Clone Saga. When we were first seeing the guy calling up Aunt May and they were only showing his ring...and I would be like, "Who IS that guy?!" And then when the big reveal came it was like, "WTF?!?!". And after that the Spidey books were absolutely AWESOME and EXCITING to read.
I'm getting that same feeling now. And I'm hoping that these guys have SOME KIND OF PLAN THIS TIME as opposed to saying, "Hey, lets just toss this story out there, see if it works, and if it does...we'll milk it like a big breasted mamacita".
But with the way things have built between Tony Stark and Peter Parker since the Hydra arc. The new suit. The unmasking. Everything has been handled very well, minus The Other.
I liked the way he unmasked and ASM # 532 was a very good prelude to Civil War # 2, as it really showed that Peter REALLY didn't want to do it, but when it comes right down to it he HAS to do it. If they were going to get all the heroes to step up and register than having one of the most contreversial heroes in the universe take his mask off in front of the whole world sends a message. Stark is definitely right about that.
But what I like so far in ASM is that they're getting into the part where Peter is beginning to see that he made the right decision legally, and toward the Registration act. But he didn't make the right decision for himself. And hasn't Spider-Man always been about that? How many times did he blow off dates and blow off important things in Peter Parker's life to go save people and stop a villain? It's really no different, in my opinion. Except this time things have gotten ten times more complicated. He's got SHIELD, the government, and his PEERS that would be against him if he just straight up didn't sign the act.
I'm really looking forward to Sensational Spider-Man, as The Chameleon returns and some older Spidey rogues as well. And Friendly Neighborhood has the return of Mysterio, whoever THAT is going to be. And after reading the latest installment of Civil War Frontline, Osborn is OUT and that means TROUBLE.
So really the REALLY GOOD stuff hasn't even happened yet. So for now, when it comes to the poll, I'm not sure yet as to whether it's overall been a good decision. But so far, it's been a blast and I haven't been so excited reading Spider-Man since The Book of Ezekiel.