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Comics Do you like the unmasking....THE POLL

What do you think?

  • LOVE IT!!!! Opens the door to some great stories.

  • Like it. A good idea, not sure about the execution though.

  • Dislike it. Just seems like a bad idea.

  • HATE IT!! Totally out of character, thanks again Marvel!

  • Not sure yet.

Results are only viewable after voting.


Aug 24, 2000
Reaction score
Hold on before you eat my head off for making another Civil War thread, know that this is a poll and I checked the first five pages and there is no poll on the subject.

This is just not do you like him being unmasked but do you like that Peter willingly agreed to unmask himself in front of the world because a law he hates told him to? Great idea or not. Let's see then.
Like yourself DACrowe, i'm in favour of the overall CW premise, but feel that the unmasking is an overtly contrived way of leading up to the 'epiphany' moment that we all know Peter will have before too long.

Still, (and no doubt someone will point out that this belongs in another CW thread but given that i'm not even really seriously expecting it, i'm just throwing it out there, I don't expect anyone else to either) given JQ's insistance that there is no 'right side' - despite the pro-reg's obvious portrayal as the bad guys - might there be a possibility that this is correct? I.E. , when CW is over, might it transpire that the entire thing has been orchestrated by Iron Man (and possibly Richards) for some, as yet undisclosed reason? (Bear in mind, all i'm reading is CW and the associated Spider-man tie ins. So if Iron Man's characterisation in his own comic is inconsistent with the above musing then disregard it...)
I just feel it was too forced. I'm not completely against the idea of Pete unmasking, but it has to be for the right reasons and he needs to be much smarter about it. For him to just walk into this situation knowing it would endanger his family and friends is just stupid.
LOVE IT!!!! Opens the door to some great stories. i like where it's going. his reasons for doing it made sense. and yes, it was forced, but in a good way. not ever story will be gold, not even every past story is gold.
"HATE IT!! Totally out of character, thanks again Marvel!"

Love Civil War! Enjoying it more than any other Marvel Crossover in the past 5 or 6 years (meaning it's better than Dissassembled and House of M, big whoop)!

Still....I hate the unmasking. Totally out of character for Spidey. Yeah, I understand he felt it was right, but anyone with a half a brain could see the fallout it would generate....and that NONE of it would benefit anyone in the Marvel U aside from the villians.
Hate IT!! i remember reading the comics from the 60's and i liked it when like no one knew pete's identity now...............imo THIS UNMASKING **** IS WRONG!!
Is Veddy Veddy stupid. Reeks of a shoddy publicity stunt to get the character more mainstream media attention.
Cyclops said:
Is Veddy Veddy stupid. Reeks of a shoddy publicity stunt to get the character more mainstream media attention.
Yeah, I agree. But the annoying thing is...it bloody worked! Hell, even the big news websites (bbc.co.uk, ect) here in the UK covered it! Which means Marvel have no (financial) reason not to pull a stunt like this again in the future. Bah! :down
Hate it. It took him what, 3 issues to make his decision? That is waaaaaaaay too little time to even contemplate something that important.

Let alone the fact that he NEVER would have done it in the first place.

I don't even like spidey that much and I think it was a terrible move. Love civil war though outside of that.
strange options. the "like it" has a negative afterthought to it so i was forced to vote LOVE IT, when --well lets be honest-- that's a bit strong. if you were gonna do that then "dislike it" should have had a positive point after it...
anyway i liked it and thought the execution was fine.people have made me a tad unsure with all the negativity, but from a readership point of view - not a 'i think peters real and im gonna fret for his safety' POV -- this will give some original stories. kind of like lots of what if?s
shinlyle said:
Love Civil War! Enjoying it more than any other Marvel Crossover in the past 5 or 6 years (meaning it's better than Dissassembled and House of M, big whoop)!

Still....I hate the unmasking. Totally out of character for Spidey. Yeah, I understand he felt it was right, but anyone with a half a brain could see the fallout it would generate....and that NONE of it would benefit anyone in the Marvel U aside from the villians.

Can't stand it.

Just a ploy to make money and to make the evening news to get a few new fans to go otu and buy multiple copies to sell later.

Wasn't done because it is in character, or because it makes sense, or to please long term fans, or for positive change.

It is just another storyline that requires "fixing" at some point, regardless of what you think of it, and will be "corrected"....the question is just how long until the real Spidey returns....and what cheesy storyline they'll come up with to explain it away.
Maybe I can't read, but if you look at the big picture and examine how everything was executed, Peter unmasking made sense to him at the time(as it did to me), and he was totally in character.

I may not like that he did it, but the story's been executed nicely thus far...

But what the heck do I know....

:confused: :confused: :confused:

JackSkellington said:
Yeah, I agree. But the annoying thing is...it bloody worked! Hell, even the big news websites (bbc.co.uk, ect) here in the UK covered it! Which means Marvel have no (financial) reason not to pull a stunt like this again in the future. Bah! :down

Of course it did. Spider-Man's arguably the most popular superhero of all time, so such a major change to his status quo is going to make headlines. It's comparable to Superman's Death (though "The Other" is almost a direct ripoff of Superman's Death) and Knightfall.
I voted Not Sure Yet. As we're really only hitting the tip of the iceberg with the unmasking.

We've had about a month or so to let this sink in a little bit but it's only the beginning of things to come.

In all honesty, this really reminds me of the beginning of The Clone Saga. When we were first seeing the guy calling up Aunt May and they were only showing his ring...and I would be like, "Who IS that guy?!" And then when the big reveal came it was like, "WTF?!?!". And after that the Spidey books were absolutely AWESOME and EXCITING to read.

I'm getting that same feeling now. And I'm hoping that these guys have SOME KIND OF PLAN THIS TIME as opposed to saying, "Hey, lets just toss this story out there, see if it works, and if it does...we'll milk it like a big breasted mamacita".

But with the way things have built between Tony Stark and Peter Parker since the Hydra arc. The new suit. The unmasking. Everything has been handled very well, minus The Other.

I liked the way he unmasked and ASM # 532 was a very good prelude to Civil War # 2, as it really showed that Peter REALLY didn't want to do it, but when it comes right down to it he HAS to do it. If they were going to get all the heroes to step up and register than having one of the most contreversial heroes in the universe take his mask off in front of the whole world sends a message. Stark is definitely right about that.

But what I like so far in ASM is that they're getting into the part where Peter is beginning to see that he made the right decision legally, and toward the Registration act. But he didn't make the right decision for himself. And hasn't Spider-Man always been about that? How many times did he blow off dates and blow off important things in Peter Parker's life to go save people and stop a villain? It's really no different, in my opinion. Except this time things have gotten ten times more complicated. He's got SHIELD, the government, and his PEERS that would be against him if he just straight up didn't sign the act.

I'm really looking forward to Sensational Spider-Man, as The Chameleon returns and some older Spidey rogues as well. And Friendly Neighborhood has the return of Mysterio, whoever THAT is going to be. And after reading the latest installment of Civil War Frontline, Osborn is OUT and that means TROUBLE.

So really the REALLY GOOD stuff hasn't even happened yet. So for now, when it comes to the poll, I'm not sure yet as to whether it's overall been a good decision. But so far, it's been a blast and I haven't been so excited reading Spider-Man since The Book of Ezekiel. :up:
This is true. But we all knew Supes would lose the lame costume and Bruce Wayne would be back and we all know Peter will lose those ****ing annoying claw thingys and Iron costume (albiet I highly doubt he'll lose the organic webbing. It is popular in the movies so Marvel conformed for new readers).

However, being unmasked, is something that can't be retconn (well not without doing something really, and I do mean really annoying, like the tripe we got to bring Aunt May back from the dead or their attempt to retconn MJ's marriage b y first killing her and then going "Okay fine, you got her back....but she is traumatized and leaves Peter." Three of the worst retconns ever, but to fix this would be as stupid as having Superboy punch the timeline continuity (sorry to DC fans).

Anyway, I'll now give my opinion now that the thread has picked up some steam. If you have read my view in other threads, I think it is entirely out of character. I love th eidea of a Civil War but Spider-Mann is on the wrong side. I never liked him as an Avenger, never was a team player as a self-professed loner. Other heroes worked with him but they didn't trust him or usually didn't respect him anyway (save for the FF and Cap America).. That is why his only real partner has been Black Cat and a clone of himself. I digress though. I think for him to willingly unmask himself is against everything he's done in comics for 40 years.

He does it because a law he hates is passed....what? He says even if it is morally wrong and sucks it is the right thing to do....since when has SPIDER-MAN cared about ****ing legality? This is the guy who breaks about 20 laws an issue. And all it is going to lead to is lawsuits and villains trying to kill MJ and Aunt May every other issue. It is lame. Now if they wanted to unmask him (again a bad idea IMO) I'd rather him turn on Iron Man for bringing up force to attack fellow superheroes and Iron Man then drugs Peter and unmasks him to the world as a tool and Pete throws blows with Stark and goes to the other side.

But watching Spidey fight Captain America and Daredevil (two of the only heroes who ever respected him, albeit FF do and they're on the other side) is just wrong when he knows he is morally wrong. He isn't some stupid neo-con who will do whatever the law tells him to and thus would have supported throwing segregation in the '50s. I mean by this logic he should be turning himself in because he is a vigalante and is wanted for murder. But he knows the law is wrong.

Civil War is a good idea, but Spidey is on the wrong side and him willingly unmask himself is an insult to 40 years of character development. In my opinion though.
Its not just you opinion,others feel the same also.Spider-Man wears a mask for a reason,those who have read the Spider-Man comic can say tons of reasons also.

This whole idea feels like a gimic to boost sales,or to brand Joe Q as "the guy who finally made Spider-Man reveil his idenity".
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