Poll says more Brits think Sherlock Holmes is real and Churchill was a myth

So much for that skit about Americans being stupid.
So much for that skit about Americans being stupid.


I'm sick of those videos asking the average idiots historical facts about America.

Lets go to other countries and ask them about their past and countries history.

I guarantee you there will be just as many fools not knowing ****.
Then they must have all rejoiced when he killed Professor James Moriarty. He couldn't terrorize them anymore.

Churchill couldn't do something like that.
Then they must have all rejoiced when he killed Professor James Moriarty. He couldn't terrorize them anymore.

Churchill couldn't do something like that.

I'd love to visit the Sherlock Holmes memorial. I hear that its near Dr. Jekyll's house.
All Nationalities are ignorant. People in general only care about things that effect them.

Still, how in the hell could someone believe Holmes was real? That's like, general knowledge. Something everyone should just innately know. And even worse, to think that one of Britain's greatest leaders was a myth. Hilarious. And sad.

Edit: Worse yet, it says they also believed Gandhi was a myth. It's almost fascinating how they could be so far off.
These are the same people that think the Necronomicon is a real book.
On one hand, I'm sure that there are ******s in all countries.

On the other hand...Jesus tapdancing Christ that's REALLY pushing it. The ******-O-Meter blew up with that one. :o
I remember my grandpa telling me when it was in all the papers that Sherlock Holmes, along with Flash Gordon, singlehandedly defeated the Cat People in the great invasion of '34.
Who's this "Churchill" bloke anyway? Everyone knows that Doctor Who defeated the Nazis in WWII. :up:
HA, now I know 'spot of tea' means 100 proof liquour.
HA, now I know 'spot of tea' means 100 proof liquour.

Now we know why they're so obsessed with Tea Time, the drunk Redcoat bastards. :o

Seriously, when is Tea Time? I'm guessing it's the same as Happy Hour.
That quarter will be the under educated council house families on benefits with 13 kids despite being 15 years old. :csad:
I'm English and the above post is true. However that poll must've sampled the biggest ******s in the country only. No-one I know is that stupid. Just the state of our current education I guess.

Did you know on GCSE exams you get marks for putting your name on the front and for writing ANYTHING as an answer to a question. Apparently its shows you've read the question and tried.
Where is jourmugand to say, "Odd, I would have expected these answers from Americans, not Europeans. :huh:"


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