Poll: Under the mask/in the suit


Nov 11, 2011
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Alright, let's end this once and for all, who would YOU like to see as Ant-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

Please give reasoning for your answer if you can! And yes, personal preference is an acceptable reason!
It should be Hank. Then when he moves on to Goliath, Giant-Man or whatever, Lang can be Ant-Man.
I say Hank for a few different reasons:

First of all, he can be interesting and fun, as shown by A:EMH. Secondly, Hank brings another super-scientist to the table, but in a different manner than Banner or Stark. Hank is more of a mad scientist who means well and just screws up, which can lead to hilarious, horrifying, or endearing consequences. Any way you go sounds like a good story though.

Having Pym be Ant-Man also gives us Janet as the Wasp potentially, in addition to Ultron, who holds a special place among Avengers villains. To NOT include these two in the MCU is asinine.

Finally, while Lang and O'Grady have both been great as Ant-Man, their entire existence as a costumed hero depends on Hank Pym inventing Pym Particles and doing it first. Unless Marvel decides to entirely skip an origin story (unlikely considering the general public have no knowledge of Ant-Man whatsoever), having them be Ant-Man generates some problems.

It's just easier to let Hank be Ant-Man (at least first)
Pym and Lang. Forget about O'Grady.
Assuming Ant-Man comes out before Avengers 2, I think this would be a good route to take:
1) Ant-Man -Hank becomes Ant-Man and never takes on another persona or grows giant. If they are determined to have Scott Lang as Ant-Man II then fine, whatever....

2) Avengers 2 - But I'll be annoyed as hell if it isnt Hank instead of Scott that joins the Avengers as Ant-Man. At the very end he becomes Giant-Man.

3) Avengers 3 - For any appearances between, maybe even a Giant-Man/Wasp film if there is enough interest, he would just be Giant-Man. He would stay Giant-Man for the bulk Avengers 3 before switching to Ant-Man at a crucial point. From there out he would switch between the two personas whenever necessary and it could be a cool visual if the costume automatically morphs when he switches sizes. If they want to keep Lang (or O'Grady) around as a spare Ant-Man thats fine, or, heck, let one of them take on the Yellowjacket persona. Either Clint or Bill Foster could originate the Goliath persona in the MCU.
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i think Scott Lang should use the helmet and gas cannisters like he did in Marvel Premiere (but not be in an actual ant-man costume). his objective would not be becoming Ant-Man. and i think Hank Pym should be in the movie in the official Ant-Man costume (why wouldn't he have a backup?). i think there's room for two; especially if one is just a desperate father using stolen equipment. i think it adds to the action + gives the title character to actually get into a fight with another ant-sized person. and i don't expect a sequel (sure as hell don't want to wait another decade to see it). so why not honor the contributions of both characters?
Honestly, I think it should be exclusively Hank Pym who becomes "Ant-Man"

Scott Lang may be involved, as a cameo or more, but he shouldn't be the actual hero.
Honestly, I think it should be exclusively Hank Pym who becomes "Ant-Man"

Scott Lang may be involved, as a cameo or more, but he shouldn't be the actual hero.

i said pretty much the same thing. but i thought that it should be mentioned that Pym hasn't actually been Ant-Man for a long long time. he was only Ant-Man as an Avenger for a few months before making the switch to Giant-Man. if he were to appear in an Avengers movie, i'm betting that it would be as Giant-Man.

Scott Lang, on the other hand, has been Ant-Man (in the books) since a little before the 80s. it wasn't even a case of Pym passing the mantle along as part of a legacy. he simply lef the identity behind. he had been Giant-Man, Goliath, and then Yellowjacket before Scott came into the picture. Hank continued on as Yellowjacket.

i think that, in some ways, Hank being Ant-Man is significantly more important to fans of Pym than Pym himself. i guess what i'm saying is that, at this point, Ant-Man is Lang's legacy. his daughter already emulated him. he's currently leading a team as Ant-Man. he hasn't used any other supehero id. i think he's put in too much time to be considered a placeholder.
Honestly, I think it should be exclusively Hank Pym who becomes "Ant-Man"

Scott Lang may be involved, as a cameo or more, but he shouldn't be the actual hero.
I will allow him to be the hero in AM2 :o
i said pretty much the same thing. but i thought that it should be mentioned that Pym hasn't actually been Ant-Man for a long long time. he was only Ant-Man as an Avenger for a few months before making the switch to Giant-Man. if he were to appear in an Avengers movie, i'm betting that it would be as Giant-Man.

Scott Lang, on the other hand, has been Ant-Man (in the books) since a little before the 80s. it wasn't even a case of Pym passing the mantle along as part of a legacy. he simply lef the identity behind. he had been Giant-Man, Goliath, and then Yellowjacket before Scott came into the picture. Hank continued on as Yellowjacket.

i think that, in some ways, Hank being Ant-Man is significantly more important to fans of Pym than Pym himself. i guess what i'm saying is that, at this point, Ant-Man is Lang's legacy. his daughter already emulated him. he's currently leading a team as Ant-Man. he hasn't used any other supehero id. i think he's put in too much time to be considered a placeholder.

Tru dat.
I really, *really* hope Pym is steered more towards Giant-Man in the MCU, since that's by far his usual association with the Avengers. I think Pym as Giant-Man, Lang as Ant-Man, and Janet as Wasp makes for a good Avenger-friendly trinity.

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