Legends Poll: Who's Your Favorite EU character?


Sep 10, 2009
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In the Star Wars Expanded Universe, which characters are your favorites?
Easily Cad Bane. My favorite SW character for a long time was Grievous, but then Cad Bane showed up and it took the top spot. The voice, the hat, the tactical efficient ruthlessness. What a friggin' cool guy.
Its so hard to choose between the many amazing characters in the EU, but I narrowed it down and voted for Quinlan Vos, Mara Jade Skywalker, and perhaps the greatest of all...the legendarily awesome Kyle Katarn.
Easily Cad Bane. My favorite SW character for a long time was Grievous, but then Cad Bane showed up and it took the top spot. The voice, the hat, the tactical efficient ruthlessness. What a friggin' cool guy.

Well, Grievous ain't an EU character, so your dilemma is easily solved.:cwink:
Katarn, Thrawn, Revan, Mara Jade and Anakin Solo.
Aayla Secura was in AOTC so she's not an EU character is she?

Id didn't realize it was multiple choice as I'm still half asleep lol, so I voted for Hondo. As I have said in the old Star Wars thread before I can just see him in the Cantina in Mos Eisley making a deal with Han and Chewie. :D
Aayla Secura was in AOTC so she's not an EU character is she?

Id didn't realize it was multiple choice as I'm still half asleep lol, so I voted for Hondo. As I have said in the old Star Wars thread before I can just see him in the Cantina in Mos Eisley making a deal with Han and Chewie. :D

I'm not sure about Aayla, because she actually existed in the EU before AOTC.
Darth Revan. KOTOR still remains one of my favorite video games I've played. The story for Revan is just great. :D Definitely my favorite EU character... Probably my favorite SW character all around actually. Definitely going to check out some Old Republic novels.

He was almost in the Clone Wars animated series too.

Crap, Starkiller and Quinlin Vos too! :D
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I'm not sure about Aayla, because she actually existed in the EU before AOTC.

Once in the movies though aren't the characters then considered cannon rather than EU which is always up for retconning?

Darth Revan. KOTOR still remains one of my favorite video games I've played. The story for Revan is just great. :D Definitely my favorite EU character... Probably my favorite SW character all around actually. Definitely going to check out some Old Republic novels.

He was almost in the Clone Wars animated series too.

Crap, Starkiller and Quinlin Vos too! :D

Revan was going to be the Clone Wars?
Once in the movies though aren't the characters then considered cannon rather than EU which is always up for retconning?

Yeah so I guess not really a EU character.

Revan was going to be the Clone Wars?

Yes, in Season 3. For the Mortis Trilogy their was talks between Dave and George about including Darths Revan and Bane as Force Ghosts.
Quinlan Vos is #1.

But I also like:
Darth Bane, Ahsoka Tano, Asajj Ventress, Savage Opress, Aalya Secura, Jaina Solo, Jacen Solo, Anakin Solo, Ben Skywalker, Mara Jade Skywalker, Darth Malgus, Darth Zannah, Darth Krayt, Darth Talon, Darth Revan, Darth Malak, Darth Cognus, Morlish Veed, Nyna Calixte, Zayne Carrick, Gryph, Sith Emperor, Exar Kun, Dace Diath, Non Anor, Carnor Jax, Clone Emperor, Prince Xizor, Jahan Cross, Abeloth, Shimrra, Lumiya, Seba Sebatyne, Ganner Rhysode, Dass Jennir, Moff Trachta, Starkiller
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I voted fo Starkiller but I'm also a big fan of Darth Malgus and Ben Skywalker!
Yeah so I guess not really a EU character.

Yes, in Season 3. For the Mortis Trilogy their was talks between Dave and George about including Darths Revan and Bane as Force Ghosts.

Yep, and also Darth Bane, but then Lucas decided against it in the end. They made character models for Revan, and Darth Bane.

Here's the video about it:http://www.starwars.com/watch/ghostsofmortis_commentary.html

Thanks guys, I really hope they give another thought to using this idea as Revan wont be in the new trilogy of movies so this is the best shot at putting the character onscreen.
Before he died it was most definitely Anakin Solo but after that I grew really attached to Jacen. Even as Darth Caedus I still loved him as a character and he just became so deliciously devious in the way he manipulated everything. I seriously cried at the end of the last Legacy book. Cade Skywalker and Darth Krayt both were amazing characters as well. Oh and Darth Bane. I haven't really read any books pre-Darth Plagueis but after I read it I just had to go read the Darth Bane books and that first one just BLEW ME AWAY! Can't believe I forgot to mention him first for real cuz he is my absolute favorite. I guess Anakin and Jacen just had so much more to do given their genealogy and place in the stories but Bane was just a straight BEAST
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Ohhh and of course Kyle Katarn but even better and haven't seen him mentioned yet but.... Corran mother****ing Horn!
There should be an "other" option
Quinlan Vos got my vote out of that list. Other notable mentions are Thrawn, Assaj Ventress, Cad Bane and Jacen Solo.
I voted for Kyle (who the more I read am becoming a HUGE fan of), and Cade Skywalker. I could easily see one of them as a protoganist in a series of films. I also quite like Ben Skywalker but he is not on the list

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