Does anyone else find it kind of strange that every other Marvel Character has gotten a power/skill upgrade but Spidey?? I mean, not counting the events of "the Other" and "the Queen" (which were retracted.....due to extremely bad writing and vision), but Spidey's been at the same level for 25 years. Everyone from the street level heroes to the Thor-like heroes have experienced increased amount in their power level. Cap is able to "see" events quicker (someone please explain what that means to mean), Daredevil is able to press 650 lbs because his sense of touch allows him to shift his muscles in such a way to increase his strength (again what???), Wolverine is somewhere in the enhanced level to 2 ton-range, the Black Widow can lift 500 lbs, Iron Fist is at peak human....and once again these are only the street level heroes. Remember when the Hulk was the only super hero capable of lifting over 100 tons? Now it seems that 100 tons is some kind of sub standard bench mark which anyone can aspire to. I know that keeping Spidey within street level fits in with his appeal, but personally, I find nothing wrong with Spidey being in 20 ton range. I wouldn't mind seeing his reflexes up in the 20 times the normal limit also. I know Spider-Man was never meant to be the most powerful character in Marvel Comics, but he was still meant to be a formidable foe. With everyone else getting increasingly powerful, I dont think 10 tons and 15 times faster than a normal human (reflexes) will cut it.