Iron Man Q & A w/Jon Favreau from his Myspace site!

Advanced Dark

Nov 17, 2005
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Ongoing Q & A from Jon Favreau's Myspace site!

Check every day for new posts from here:

Advanced DarkWrote:

1) Since Iron Man is part of Marvel's internal slate you could conceivably have a cameo from any of the other characters to help Marvel promote future films, and for the fans. Is that something that we might see. Perhaps at the end when the film is about to run the credits it shows Iron Man zooming towards a major threat to the city...a Hulk Rampage. Or having Nick Fury in a scene w/Stark, etc...

2) Have you already been talking to actors to portray any roles in this film? Stark? Stark Sr? Stallone for Stark Sr! Zak for Iron Man. :)

3) If Iron Man is a successful as you hope are there any other Marvel characters you'd like to bring to the big screen that are part of Marvel's slate, and Deathlok which is also at Paramount. Hulk 2?

4) Of all the comic book films that have come out since Blade...what's your favorite one?

5) What directors influenced you the most and what actors are you hoping to have a chance to work with in your career?

That's it!

Jon Favreau:

1. Not likely in the first film.

2. I've not met with any actors yet.

3. No.

4. What year was Blade? That's a very specific question. I like the XMen movies a lot. Batman Begins had a lot of good stuff too. I'm looking forward to Ghostrider as well. I saw the trailer over at Marvel and it looks very interesting. But the best comic adaptation, by far, was the Foggy Nelson scenes in Daredevil. It made cinema history. Especially the director's cut.
Posted: May 7, 2006 2:36 PM

Jon, thanks for making these topics for our input.


1. Did you read any of the earlier scripts written for this project?

2. Tony's father, Howard Stark, was the antagonist in the earlier drafts, do you think he still will be a villain in your movie?

3. Do you have a particular favorite artist rendition, or armor variation for Iron Man?

Jon Favreau:

1. No
2. No
3. Granov

Posted: May 7, 2006 2:37 PM

This question was asked of Bryan Singer at ComicCon last year, but I"ll change it to fit your project:

Which is our hero in your vision? Is he Tony Stark who happens to be Iron Man, or is he Iron Man who happens to be Tony Stark?

Jon Favreau:
Stark. I think.

Posted: May 7, 2006 5:02 PM

Will you be approaching this from the realm of reality (like Warren Ellis' run on the title, or from the realm of fantasy (like just about everyone else who's ever written the title)?

Jon Favreau:


Posted: May 7, 2006 5:03 PM

rhombus ? starWrote:
In the context of the comic book, which era should we expect to see?

Jon Favreau:

Present day.

Posted: May 7, 2006 5:05 PM

Film Critic SaysWrote:
1. Do you prefer the circle or diamond shape on the chest?

2. Will you be doing video blogs like Bryan Singer did for Superman Returns and Peter Jackson did for King Kong?



Jon Favreau:

1. I prefer the circle (the way he looked when I was a kid), but the diamond might look cooler. Dunno yet.

2. Perhaps. We'll document everything. Don't know what we'll do with it yet.

More to come...
Posted: May 7, 2006 5:12 PM

My question's for Jon are,

(1) You made a point of saying that the villian in Iron Man wouldn't be magic based or mutated. Would you still be willing in a future film to use a character like Mandarin, who is considered Iron Mans greatest arch-enemy?

Jon Favreau:

I can't imagine ever presenting Mandarin in the way he first appeared in Tales of Suspense in the sixties. I think it would blow the reality of the movie. That isn't to say, however, that we would not draw from these characters. I just think we have to make choices in tone as well as overcome the inconsistencies of the forty years of the books.

Posted: May 7, 2006 6:24 PM

Hi Jon,

1. Do you favour making Iron Man's suit practically, out of CG, or a combination of both?

2. Do you think this movie is signalling a new direction in your career as a director?

3. Have you got anybody in mind for specific parts right now? (no need to say who, just yes or no :-) )



Jon Favreau:

1. A combo. The suit in action could lend itself quite well to CG. Metal sells better than flesh in CG. We would do a build as well, but much CGI in this movie.

2. I know that the effects thing is definitely a new club in my golf bag. We'll see how it goes. I may be sick of it in two years.

3. Not yet.

Posted: May 7, 2006 10:25 PM


Cg augmentation is more trouble than its worth. Tracking is a *****. Its easier to have a cg double for hard core shots, and a suit for acting. Iron man can be rendered beautifully in CG these days, and any aerial acrobatics would be best done in CG to avoid any accidents or injuries, and it looks better. Those things tend to look to wire-fooey.

Jon Favreau:

I could picture 70 percent Cg Iron Man , 30 percent costume. Most of the time the CG looks better. Even in organic character shows. Animatronics and puppetry is Too Limited.

I agree. I look forward to testing the latest technologies. After seeing Kong, I'm a bit more open minded about CGI.

Posted: May 7, 2006 10:28 PM


1. can we expect to see war machine in this movie?

2. can we expect a more batman begins type of film, or the superman movie with richard pryor?

3. of all the infamous iron man villains, who do you favor? and also who do you think would suit the movie well?

Jon Favreau:

1. Not yet. It's a fun thought for sequels. Especially if we get someone cool for Rhodes.

2. If I have to pick between the two, I'd guess Nolan's version.

3. Not at liberty yet...

Posted: May 7, 2006 10:30 PM

4) Plan and simple Jim Rhodes or no Jim Rhodes ?

Jon Favreau:

Jim Rhodes

More to come...

I'm liking this guy more and more.

I hope he delivers.
Tony's father, Howard Stark, was the antagonist in the earlier drafts, do you think he still will be a villain in your movie?

Jon Favreau: No

that is fantastic... but also let the guy do his work, as you can see he's hardly started as of yet and we're already bombarding him with questions over and over, i think he's given out as much info as possible given that I bet you only like 10 pgs of the script have been written... let's wait a month or two then ask more
echostation said:
that is fantastic... but also let the guy do his work, as you can see he's hardly started as of yet and we're already bombarding him with questions over and over, i think he's given out as much info as possible given that I bet you only like 10 pgs of the script have been written... let's wait a month or two then ask more

I know. I feel like the fans may jack with his head too much at this point.
echostation said:
that is fantastic... but also let the guy do his work, as you can see he's hardly started as of yet and we're already bombarding him with questions over and over, i think he's given out as much info as possible given that I bet you only like 10 pgs of the script have been written... let's wait a month or two then ask more

The fans didn't start this...Jon did. He specifically started 4 or 5 separate threads. He was actually online last night till about midnight PST. He's asking about casting, villains, and storylines. He wants to know what the fans want.
i like what both John and Zak are doing :up:...thank you for talking to the fans :up:
I asked him a question about Mandarin and he answered it in 4 minutes, that was awesome, that he is online answering questions, no matter how little they may be.
Anyone know where I have to go to ask him some of my own questions? Much appreciated. :)

just look on for either Jon favreau he has a link or just look for the Iron Man movie group.
Jon sounds like he has a pretty good handle on it; good understanding of the character and what needs to be done to render him on screen.

Definately like the use of Rhodes even though he wont be War Machine. Characters like that I think tend to get overlooked because people dont write them in just because they dont become their superhero personas. I would have liked to see John Henry Irons in the Superman movie instead of Kal Pen as made-for-movie Luthor goon. I;m sure he'll do a good job though.

or more specifically:

Just found this too:

'Iron Man' Director Favreau to Become a Dad
Actor and his wife expecting third child
May 8 2006

Jon FavreauLOS ANGELES -- Jon Favreau, who's signed up to direct Marvel's comic book property "Iron Man," will soon usher a more vulnerable being into the world.

The actor-writer-director and his wife are expecting their third child, reports People.

The actor and Joya Tillem, a physician at Los Angeles' Cedars-Sinai Hospital, already have two children together: Max, 4, and Madelaine, 3.

Favreau, 39, and Tillem, 36, wed in November 2000 in Sonoma, Calif.

Favreau's film credits include "Swingers," "Daredevil," "Something's Gotta Give" and "Wimbledon." Before "Iron Man," his directing experience includes "Made," the Will Ferrell holiday comedy "Elf" and "Zathura: a Space Adventure."
Posted: May 8, 2006 11:10 AM

Film Critic SaysWrote:
1. When do you plan on releasing the film? Summer of '07? Fall of '07? Or sometime in 2008?

Jon Favreau:


Posted: May 8, 2006 12:55 PM

Justin (Solid Gold Baby)Wrote:
Why are you such a cool guy? Were you dropped on your head as a baby?

Jon Favreau:

Not that I remember.

Will add more later...
Glad to see that SOMEONE from the DD film has seen the director's cut...:up:
Posted: May 8, 2006 2:46 PM

Jon, I'll ask you plan and simple Goatee or mustashe what's your choice ?

Jon Favreau:

Dunno yet.

Posted: May 8, 2006 2:49 PM

Where are you planning to shoot at?

Jon Favreau:


Posted: May 8, 2006 2:51 PM

Instant KarmaWrote:
1) Will Stark be a tech-fiend or just a guy in a suit? To my way of thinking the suit is just an aspect of Ironman, but Ironman is a guy obsessed with gadgets. We going to see crazy add ons to his car, house, er... pets? :p

2) Weapons Manufacturer or do-good philanthropist?

Jon Favreau:

1. Tech fiend guy in a suit.
2. Weapons manufacturer.

A general congrats from board member to Jon on his soon to be 3rd child.

Jon Favreau:

Posted: May 8, 2006 2:43 PM

Thank you all. She's due in September.

Also I made a suggestion in an early question to Jon that maybe Foggy Nelson (his character from Daredevil) could make a cameo in Iron Man. This is where that led to:

Posted: May 8, 2006 3:18 PM


Well, Foggy was Starks lawyer for a time...

Jon Favreau:

When was that?


Posted: May 8, 2006 3:21 PM

around issue 300 plus or so before the "crossing" in volume 1.

I also think in Volume 2 Foggy was Starks lawyer. But yes he did represent him for a time, so you could feasibly play Foggy discussing a problem for a minute and it wouldnt be out of place!

More to come...
Posted: May 7, 2006 2:35 PM

JeffreyWrote:My only suggestion is that Tony Stark has a strong and underrated rogues gallery. Howard Stark doesn't need to be a villain.

Jon Favreau:

Howard Stark as the villian was from an old abandoned draft. He is not our villian.

More to come...
Has anyone attempted to ask him if he's thought what the best age range for Tony Stark and/or the actors who played him would be ?
Is Timothy Dalton still out cuz i remember he used to be quite a big pick
sweetness:up: i'm so glad he's talking to fans. I had an old ironman script treatment i might have to pull out dust off adn post there. Not that he would use but it be cool if he commented on it though.
FYI, the comments by "Jeffrey" are by myself.

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