Quantum Break


Daffy Duck Vs The Joker
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Dec 27, 2005
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What they showed at E3 looks a bit more meaningful than the trailer at the reveal during which I didn't have a clue what was going on. I think this might turn out quite well with Remedy in charge
Not sure if this was just joke or not but I thought I'd put it up any way.

Quantum Break may cross paths with Alan Wake

(2 hours ago)

Speaking with Joystiq, Remedy creative director Sam Lake hinted that the studio's Xbox One game Quantum Break may have a connection to Alan Wake. We jokingly asked if Quantum Break was really just a story written by Alan. He said no, but added that Quantum Break deals with many timelines and universes. "The way we approach these things is definitely kind of – they're connected in weird ways. And definitely for Remedy fans, there will be a lot of familiar things from a Remedy game."

"We are definitely dealing with the idea of multiple timelines – essentially a multiverse – where many things are possible," he said. Our theory is that Quantum Break's season "cliffhanger" will be Alan waking up in the middle of the night, realizing that the entire game was just a dream.

Our full interview with Sam Lake will be up soon.

source: Joystiq
I want to see more on this soon. Wonder what the gameplay will be like.

Remedy’s Sam Lake Talks Quantum Break And Alan Wake 2

on Jun 21, 2013 at 12:40 PM

Remedy's creative director and writer, Sam Lake, talks Quantum Break, Alan Wake 2, Max Payne 3, and crowdfunding.
... More

I forgot about this game. We haven't got a release date or window right?
I don't think so, but I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that it's going to be shown at VGX. Maybe we'll get some more information then.
That looks really good. Alan Wake is one of my favorite games, so I can't wait for this game. :D
The game looks great, can't wait to reserve it & play it.
I still don't know what the f**k this game is about, but it deff looks pretty. I really like Remedy tho, so im hoping this turns out to be pretty cool.
Can't view that video for some reason. Will have a look on youtube.
Now this is what i expected X1 games to look like. Forza and Ryse are cool but look like very well programmed 360 games.
Now this is what i expected X1 games to look like. Forza and Ryse are cool but look like very well programmed 360 games.

Thats going to happen regardless. The further away from the current(or last?) gen we get, the better these games will start to look.
well since that youtube video is a no go.This is why we have video game news site for.

    • This is the video from youtube that was put up& is now blocked you can watch that here, in this second image
    • Quantum Break

      VGX 2013: World Premiere Featurette
      Everyone's been wondering what the gameplay actually looks like. Well, here it is -- see for yourself. (2:38)

      Posted: 12/07/2013
      Views: 179,190

and lastly

Last edited:
Wow, just seen it. This does look awesome!
This was the most impressive trailer from the VGX show IMO.
I still don't know what the f**k this game is about, but it deff looks pretty. I really like Remedy tho, so im hoping this turns out to be pretty cool.

You're not going to know what it's about until you're playing it if Alan Wake is any indicator. :oldrazz:
If that's the indicator you're not going to know what it's about after playing it either!
At VGX those Remedy guys said they were working on multiple projects. I'm really, really hoping one of them is Alan Wake 2.
I'm pretty sure Microsoft will be leaning on them for that if they have any intention at all to continue it.
To me, from that Alan Wake video they put out a few months ago, it seemed to me like either Microsoft wasn't interested or they wanted to do something with Alan Wake that Remedy didn't agree with.
They wanted multiplayer only 24-7 Alan Wake Death match.

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