Question about House Of M


Jan 27, 2003
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I''ve been playing catchup with Marvel Comics. For thlast 2-3 years I stoped reading becouse of trying to catch up on bills, anhow I just read the House Of M hardcoverd colleted edition. I just need to be clear on how it ended. On the final pages I saw two serprate planets. Did The Scarlet Witch create her own new world, and who if anyone is there with her? And when she said there will be no mutants are only mutants that survived were the ones protected by Dr. Strange and Emma Frost? And does the end of the house of m kinda bring us into the current X-men: Messiah Complex saga. Any info would be helpful,

I''ve been playing catchup with Marvel Comics. For thlast 2-3 years I stoped reading becouse of trying to catch up on bills, anhow I just read the House Of M hardcoverd colleted edition. I just need to be clear on how it ended. On the final pages I saw two serprate planets. Did The Scarlet Witch create her own new world, and who if anyone is there with her? And when she said there will be no mutants are only mutants that survived were the ones protected by Dr. Strange and Emma Frost? And does the end of the house of m kinda bring us into the current X-men: Messiah Complex saga. Any info would be helpful,


The books youll want to catch up on are:
Xmen: 198
Xmen: Decimation
Xmen: The rise and fall of the Shiar Empire (when its released as a trade)
Son of M

She didnt create a new world as such, she altered reality which resulted in mutants world wide loosing their powers. In the end there were only 198 mutants left in the world (which is covered in the series Xmen:198 and any of the Xmen: Decimation books). (

After House of M the collected energies of the worlds mutants becomes a sort of energy cloud outside of Earths atmosphere. This energy wave awakens Vulcan ( but also becomes part of an energy absorbing mutant in Canada resulting in a creature dubbed "The Collective" (

Also Quicksilver becomes obsessed with giving back the mutants powers no matter what the cost and gets into a conflict with the Inhumans (which is in Son of M)

You can either read them all on wikipedia to get the basic plot points or look for the trades at a store
You would have been better off never reading the crap in the first place.
I remember being floored by how bad HoM. I couldn't believe it was the event for that year.

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