question about superman, Clark Kent and Lois Lane


Jul 12, 2004
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What's better?
Clark tells Lois he's superman or superman tells Lois that he's Clark Kent.

I dunno, the question just popped into my head.
What's the difference, exactly?

I mean, yes, they're different scenarios, but I don't think anyone can answer which is better until you explain what you see as a distinction between the two of them.
Well one brings superman down to her level

The other raises Clark.

Then you gotta think who the main identity is
Here's the deal.
He's really Clark Kent. He reveals he's Superman by opening his shirt. It's a much more iconic image than Superman putting on a pair of glasses. Superman II did a decent job with it, but not as well as All-Star Superman.
Well, the real question is, how do you make the revelation without Lois looking like a total moron?
Well, the real question is, how do you make the revelation without Lois looking like a total moron?

All-star had it done pretty well, in that Lois still didn't accept it straight away, but I guess that could be seen as her just being stubborn. Another way could be for the artist to show a change in stature over a number of successive panels as he reveals the Superman logo.
We do have a stupid questions thread right?
Yeah, but that's changed entirely in recent times. Mostly due to the fact that Clark's parents are still alive. Though that claim has always bothered me, as he was raised Clark Kent, not Superman.
I thought it was pretty much agreed by now that Supes is basically a schizo in this department: there's Superman, there's the Clark Kent that works at the Daily Planet and stumbles around a lot and then there's the Clark Kent that his family and friends see. The latter is the real deal.

Also, definitely Clark Kent reveals he's Superman.
I don't think it matters which. Neither Superman nor the Clark Kent that Lois knows are the 'real' person.

It's only when you put the two together that you see who he really is.

Yeah, but that's changed entirely in recent times. Mostly due to the fact that Clark's parents are still alive. Though that claim has always bothered me, as he was raised Clark Kent, not Superman.

...also true.
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Superman is the real person, Clark Kent is the disguise.

Bull.****. I will argue with someone over that notion with Bruce/Batman, but it is just blatantly not true with Clark. If he was actually Superman, he would never be Clark Kent because he would have no need for such a persona. He is through and through a Kansas farmboy out to help people. He wears the costume because of its advantages, but if he had it his way, he would fly around in his normal clothes helping people.

'nuff said :up:

Wrong wrong wrong.

We do have a stupid questions thread right?

I'll expand. Certainly, there are elements of the Kent persona that are a fabrication (e.g., needing glasses, being clumbsy), but unlike the fakeness of Bruce Wayne (e.g., drunken playboy antics), at the end of the day, Superman looks forward to coming home and being himself as Clark Kent, whereas if Batman had his way, he would have no need for the drunken persona and spend all his time in his cave. That said, I beleive both of their true personas are a third. For Clark, it's being at home with Lois and for Bruce it's being himself in the cave without a mask with Alfred or whoever. But there is a fine line difference between the two and it comes down to Superman wishing he could be Clark all the time. He tried it when he first started saving the space plane in street clothes and it showed him that he needed some sort of disguise.

Anyways, my two cents. Have at 'em.
That's a fair point. However, Robin and Alfred don't call Bruce Batman when they're at home. They both have three personas, but Clark generally doesn't have to put up as much of an act. He just downplays some qualities when in public. Bruce Wayne is a completely different person in public and private.
That's a fair point. However, Robin and Alfred don't call Bruce Batman when they're at home. They both have three personas, but Clark generally doesn't have to put up as much of an act. He just downplays some qualities when in public. Bruce Wayne is a completely different person in public and private.
Hmm... at the same time though, Bruce is wearing just as much as a mask (figuratively) when he's Batman as when he's playboy-Bruce, what with the growling and the yelling. When Clark is Superman, he really is being himself. Possibly hamming up on his Boy Scoutness, but certainly more himself than Batman is to Bruce. I think with, say the Donner films, they really do make it seem as though fumbling bumbling Clark is the mask, but I wouldn't say that's true in the comics, where (until the ****ing reboot) Clark was a competent, well respected reporter.

Perhaps that's why the idea of Clark's Smallville years are so interesting. It's Clark's absolute true self. Now, I've also liked the idea, though I've never seen it anywhere, that the whole population of Smallville (all ~200 people) know full well Clark is Superman and he flies around freely in street clothes whenever he goes home.
I think you could do that, depending on Smallville's size. I.e. decent-sized town vs small farming community. Really, it wouldn't be surprising, since given the Superboy stories (or just having a heroic kid with superpowers walking around), most of Smallville would have been saved by Clark at one point or another.

Guess they could bridge the gap and him yell at people in boardroom meetings.

But overall, there isn't that big a difference between Clark Kent and Superman. At least, not as big as the difference between Bruce Wayne's public persona and Batman.

The character isn't really fabricating anything in either the Clark or Superman persona. He's not faking his enthusiasm and talent for investigating and writing the truth for the public as a reporter, and he's not faking the manner in which he carries himself when flying around saving people. Sure, he can exaggerate some aspects of that, like the hands-on-the-hips-and-puff-out-chest stance as Supes, or occasionally spilling his coffee as Clark, but they're usually dependent on the given situation, like intimidating criminals. Of course, the Superman side of the equation is viewed with an entirely different mindset by readers and the public of the DCU, so he's seen as iconic and above everyday humans, which distances Superman greatly from Clark in the eyes of many. But just because some people view him that way doesn't mean that's how the character is.

Lois is/was in the unique position to bridge that gap between how Superman are Clark are seen, which, in a nutshell, is why the two of them grew close enough to eventual get married. How she accepts the reveal, I thought was done relatively well in All-Star, with her trying to wrap her head around combining her mental image of both Clark and Superman into one person.
I could see an argument for either case. Even if you believe that Clark Kent is the "real" persona, it's Superman who Lois is attracted to. On the other hand, if Clark Kent is the "real", or "realer" persona, it would be more appropriate for him (as Clark) to say that he is Superman.
Why can't Lois be more attracted to Clark than Superman? Pre-New 52, they were even engaged before he revealed his costumed identity to her. Superman was just a schoolgirl crush that she eventually recognized had little substance to it beyond physical attraction, so Lois started warming up to the coworker with a heart of gold who had slowly grown from a rival into her best friend over the years, and she steadily grew more attracted to Clark than Superman.

Now, I'm not saying Clark is more "real" than Superman (as I wrote above, I think they're equally "real"), but from Lois' perspective, one of the identities is far more approachable than the other, and easier to form a lasting emotional connection with, and thus be attracted to in ways beyond the physical.
I wish Superman TAS would have bridged the gap and had Clark reveal himself to Lois. They made it in JL that Superman and Lois were dating and had more than flirting and physical attraction. Getting to know both Clark and Superman personally makes it even more unrealistic that Lois wouldn't put two and two together.

BeeTeeDubs, this has been one of the most thought provoking and enjoyable discussions I've had on the Hype in a while. Really shows how each interpretation of Superman has its own weight and flaws/benefits.
Yeah, but that's changed entirely in recent times. Mostly due to the fact that Clark's parents are still alive. Though that claim has always bothered me, as he was raised Clark Kent, not Superman.

Thankfully now his parents are dead, so no saccharine scenes of him running home to mommy for pie and advice.

Bull.****. I will argue with someone over that notion with Bruce/Batman, but it is just blatantly not true with Clark. If he was actually Superman, he would never be Clark Kent because he would have no need for such a persona. He is through and through a Kansas farmboy out to help people. He wears the costume because of its advantages, but if he had it his way, he would fly around in his normal clothes helping people.

Wrong wrong wrong.


I am speaking in terms of Superman in his most iconic version as created by Siegel and Shuster, not John Byrne's character. And that Superman-far and away the most successful version-was the real person and Clark Kent was a disguise. I think Jerry Siegel knew how Superman was supposed to be as he created him.

I'll expand. Certainly, there are elements of the Kent persona that are a fabrication (e.g., needing glasses, being clumbsy), but unlike the fakeness of Bruce Wayne (e.g., drunken playboy antics), at the end of the day, Superman looks forward to coming home and being himself as Clark Kent, whereas if Batman had his way, he would have no need for the drunken persona and spend all his time in his cave. That said, I beleive both of their true personas are a third. For Clark, it's being at home with Lois and for Bruce it's being himself in the cave without a mask with Alfred or whoever. But there is a fine line difference between the two and it comes down to Superman wishing he could be Clark all the time. He tried it when he first started saving the space plane in street clothes and it showed him that he needed some sort of disguise.

Anyways, my two cents. Have at 'em.

Superman does not wish he could be Clark all the time, but being Clark helps him cope with the responsibility of being Superman.

Maggin explains it best:

The only "Clark Kent" that was ever a real person was the private Clark that was raised by Jonathan and Martha Kent, and when they died, that Clark died too, leaving just Superman/boy and the nebbish Clark Kent. They were the only people who ever understood the true him. His friends that only know his as Clark just know the facade; his fellow heroes who know him as Superman don't understand him completely because he is on a physical and mental level even beyond them, and other Kryptonians like Kara and the citizens of Kandor don't completely understand him because they were raised as pure Kryptonians while Superman had an earthly upbringing. Superman does not think like an Earthman. He thinks like a Superman. Not a Kryptonian-that's how Kara thinks-but like a superman.
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