Question in regards to the prequel comic tying in with MOS


May 11, 2013
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Okay, so Kara's scout ship crashes on Earth.
Her crew was killed by an on-board threat.
She awakes from her pod and defeats the threat.
Her scout ship is found approximately 18,000 years later. Kara dead? How could she have survived all this time?
Considering Goyer wrote the comic too (I think) and Kyrptonians have insanely long lifespans, I'd say there's a good chance of her turning up.

Probably in the disappointing third film that everyone will hate. :hehe:
I'd say it's highly likely she shows up in the next movie as way of showing that Clark isn't alone as a Kryptonian. It adds a layer to the story besides just dealing with Lex Luthor.
I'd say it's highly likely she shows up in the next movie as way of showing that Clark isn't alone as a Kryptonian. It adds a layer to the story besides just dealing with Lex Luthor.

I'm just trying to figure out how she would still be alive, really lost lol
Okay, so Kara's scout ship crashes on Earth.
Her crew was killed by an on-board threat.
She awakes from her pod and defeats the threat.
Her scout ship is found approximately 18,000 years later. Kara dead? How could she have survived all this time?

I can see here living 18,000 year on a planet with a yellow sun. She probably left the ship and got turned into a Capsicle.
Is that why when Clark walks into that spaceship in the artic why one of the pods were open ? I don't see the point of having Clark not being alone isn't that point of whole film that he became in peace with the fact he's alone? I think super girl appearing takes away from that.
Is that why when Clark walks into that spaceship in the artic why one of the pods were open ?

Another reviewer pointed out the same thing. I'm curious as well.

Can we get a more detailed synopsis of the comic please?
^ Deborah Snyder hinted as well.

My question... Is this prequel comic going to have a full print run? Or only available with the Bluray pre-order?
I agree that Clark has come to terms with his origin by the end, and he knows that he has to deal with literally ( what with the Codex being a part of him) being the Last Son Of Krypton. He accepts it. But at peace? I'm not sure it's the same thing. And if he is out of the blue presented with a young (well young looking anyway) girl who is a kryptonian and a member of the El clan then I am sure he will have a cloud over his soul lifted. How that could be done in a sequel is the question. I would like if they said Kara was able to make a shelter of some kind away from the scoutship but also with a hibernation capscule. Perhaps after awhile she thought it was best to wait for rescue like that instead of on the ship. Why? I don't know. I'm just spitballing here people. I have never been too big on Kara, but I really want her in the MOS films for some reason.
Considering Goyer wrote the comic too (I think) and Kyrptonians have insanely long lifespans, I'd say there's a good chance of her turning up.

Probably in the disappointing third film that everyone will hate. :hehe:

LOL, no doubt.
What really makes me curious is if they'll show how different Kara is from Kal considering that she is either an ancient Kryptonian from before the genetic manipulation began or has a purpose like Zod and others. She's technically only his kin as opposed to his cousin.
It's possible they could go the Smallville route and say that a Kryptonian (Kara) had children with a human.
However Kara shows up I want her to be presented in a more dignified way then has been done in the last 20 years or so across various media. I don't want a boy crazy shopaholic, or constant flirt type characterization. That's all just too cliche and annoying to me. She can be light and fun without going that route. No mid rift exposed costume. We have more than enough "hottie" type, male fantasy iconic female characters. I think sex appeal is for good or ill a part of Wonder Woman, or Catwoman or the fishnet wearing Black Canary and Zatanna. Supergirl is different though aside from being someone that can be used to show how Superman would be as a parent, she is a young girl, not an adult. Let her be that.
I wonder if Kara refroze herself in one of those chambers to protect herself from the ship crash, and then woke up somewhere near the present day. In the comic, we do see a figure walking away from the ship after the crash, but that might have been Dev-Em.

I need to watch MOS again, but did they explain specifically how the military and Hamilton found the underground spacecraft? Perhaps Kara woke up in the present day and left the ship, and that is why the ship was discovered.
I wonder if Kara refroze herself in one of those chambers to protect herself from the ship crash, and then woke up somewhere near the present day. In the comic, we do see a figure walking away from the ship after the crash, but that might have been Dev-Em.

I need to watch MOS again, but did they explain specifically how the military and Hamilton found the underground spacecraft? Perhaps Kara woke up in the present day and left the ship, and that is why the ship was discovered.

I thought the comic showed that it was Clark being close to the North that activated the signal which was picked up by Hamilton and the military. Thus, they went up there to check it out.
Yeah, you might be right about that. I need to read it again.
A few points...

- One of the major clues that I'm surprised has been mostly overlooked is that there was ALREADY a House of El suit in the Fortress ship. Likely Kara's, assuming the Kryptonese suits are malleable to different body types. (How awkward for Clark. He's wearing girl's clothes... ;o) )

- Dev-Em was on that ship with Kara, yet he pops up with Zod and co. I would guess that Einstein's relativity stuff means that in bending space, the "18,000 year old" explanation doesn't really mean anything, therefore Kara isn't really that old and should certainly pop up in the future.
was Dev-Em even with Zod in the movie??

we really never knew any of the other Kryptonians besides Faora, Nam-Ek, and Jax-Ur.

I do hope Kara shows up, but I'm not sure how.
was Dev-Em even with Zod in the movie??

we really never knew any of the other Kryptonians besides Faora, Nam-Ek, and Jax-Ur.

I do hope Kara shows up, but I'm not sure how.

They weren't names but you *did* see them - on the deck of Black Zero seemed to be their main appearance. (Tor-An and Dev-Em seemed to be Zod's gun-wielding wingmen). :-)

I guess Dev-Em somehow made it back to Krypton....
was anyone actually named Dev-Em in the credits??

because if they never really called him Dev-Em, that means they could have just written off that character and replaced him with nameless Kryptonian goon #2.
Nam-Ek isn't listed in the cast and crew credits, but Dev-Em is so, there's some kind of issue with continuity there with the content of the prequel comic vs MoS itself. I've yet to see anyone 100% confirmed say "Yes the Kryptonian fighting with Faora against Kal in Smallville is Nam-Ek" so if there's such confirmation that is absolutely true I'd love to see it.

As for the suit inside the ship, some of that is covered in another post I made but the basic gist of it works out like this:

- the scout ship was launched from Krypton many thousands of years ago by members of the House of El (Jor-El makes the point of telling Kal that it was the House of El that really pushed for exploration and colonization off-world in the first place)
- it was piloted by Kara Zor-El herself, a member of the House of El, and a distant ancestor of Jor-El and Kal-El obviously

and of course the big BIG one:

- when Kal inserts the House of El command key, that uploads Jor-El's consciousness into that system and it's perfectly logical to assume that since he's now running the ship (more or less) it's not outside the realms of possibility that he caused the ship to create the suit for Kal during their chat - it's not necessarily something that's been there for 18,000+ years which so many people believe; it's created for Kal when Jor-El takes command of that ship

That's my take on things.
so....wait.....Dev-Em was listed in the credits??

I know the art book mentioned that Nam-Ek was the giant in Zod's army.

however, Nam-Ek was also in the prequel comic. or, at least, a Kryptonian named Nam-Ek.

when Kara and the scouts are training in the jungle, she tells them to split up. she addresses one of them as Nam-Ek.


who knows.........

is the prequel even considered canon??
It's tough to say whether or not the prequel comic will be or should be treated as canon. Suffice to say everything that happened before this movie should not, of course, except the most basic parts of Superman lore: he comes from Krypton as a baby, Jor-El is his natural father, Jonathan and Martha Kent find him and raise him here on Earth, and so on. Even Kryptonite is tossed out from the "old canon" and not used the same way so, this again is what I describe by saying "This ain't your Daddy's Superman." :)

The prequel was written by Snyder and Goyer (and another writer) so I personally will consider it the canon for this new retelling of the tale until I have a reason not to, but that's just me - I'm not advocating other people do, they have to make that choice for themselves.

Nam-Ek is not listed as a character in the movie credits nor in the cast and crew credits/listing on IMDb, but Dev-Em as portrayed by Revard Dufresne:

So I honestly still don't know who that Kryptonian fighting alongside Faora in Smallville is supposed to be, go figure. I'm going to assume (oh boy) that it's Nam-Ek since so many people seem to think the same thing although I don't have any 100% confirmation on who it's supposed to be - he's huge, a giant even and that's what Nam-Ek is described as, one of the largest if not the largest member of Zod's crew.

In the prequel, Kara does refer to Dev-Em and Nam-Ek, they're both supposed to be part of that first group - that's not to say all of those same people end up in the scout ship later on, however. Also: what happens with Nam-Ek that gets him from working alongside Kara 18,000+ years ago on Krypton that keeps him still alive (or Dev-Em for that matter) all those years?

It is a mystery. :)
yeah, it is confusing.

also, I think some of those kids books referred to as the giant guy as Nam-Ek.

hopefully Snyder and/or Goyer come out and address the prequel it part of continuity and canon. was it just a one-off story??
Maybe each new generation of Kryptonians is a modified variation on the most successful model from last time. So Jor son of El might be the 60th Jor-El who's also a scientist, albeit one designed with more curiosity than a previous variation, while Nam-Ek/Tor-An has been slowly modified to be bigger and dumber as time went on.

This would actually add some meaning to Faora's evolutionary advantage line if the Kryptonians were actually artificially evolving successful strains into "reincarnations" of previous citizens.

Theoretically this could mean that Dev-Em and Kara are less modified than any future versions of the same name.

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