Krypton, nowhere did I say that. I simply said the movie made a specific stylistic choice with the way the actors were directed. If it didn't work for you, that is fine. You enjoy what you enjoy. I say this all the time. But you realize you are being equally dismissive with a post as you are accusing me, right? Because the inference here is you disagree with me therefore I am stupid and being condescending. Which I am doing neither, but I feel like you are.
Also, I replied your other post after this one, and deleted it. I am just addressing it here. Once again, I know I am repeating myself a bit, but the gist of that reply is I never said this movie was 2001 or Solaris. I said it had stylistic and directing similarities in how the acting was used. Not that the movie itself is a grand cinematic masterpiece. So again, strawman.
So, instead of putting words in my mouth I never said nor meant, how about we just agree that we don't see eye to eye here? Skip this entire strawman you are laying out. Also, maybe next time, maybe try and make your points without needless condescension? Cause we can have discussions where we disagree without it.