Razor's Fan art


Oct 20, 2007
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Hello all. I decided sence I have so many drawings that I wanted to share with everyone and get advice, that I would start my own art thread. There is no rhyme or reason to this thread, and any advice or if you have an Idea that you think might work even coloring, feel free to post pics of any changes or colorings that you wish.

First one the chopping block is a Sonic Character WIP that for now I'm calling Silo the Hedgehog. He is kind of a mix of Shadow and Silver with what seems to be Tails' tails on his head.

looks great! dig the lower right one the most. CANT WAIT to see more. you're clearly a massive talent. thanks for sharing!
Here is that lower right one with the style of "wings" that I wanted for Silo that resemble Shadow's.

looks freaking awesome! i like the update!
He has a long spike/hair thing kinda like DBZ SS3 Goku (if the refrence fits) but I cant figiue out how to convay it.
I was just wondering if anyone wanted to color him? I was thinking of light brown/Tan with dark brown tips on the spikes.

Also I was thinking of different names and I was thinking the name Stryker might fit him a little better than Silo.

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