RE5 Gameplay


Jan 8, 2007
Reaction score
I just wanted to see a list of what everyone wants for the new RE. I know there hasn't been any info in awhile, but with DMC4 done, maybe they'll release some new stuff. This is what I want for RE5.
1. Real-time weapon change: but not every weapon like UT, just maybe three, and you could switch which ones in the briefcase.
2. Movement when shooting: The speed in GOW would be fine.
3. Way more creepy moments like all the Regenerator appearances, and the chainsaw man, just throw big tough guys at me with some creepy music and I'm good. Or a bunch of people, since apparently RE5 wil have thirty people against you at times, whilst RE4 could only manage like eight. And have them run, because the Ganados walked alot more than they ran, which annoyed me.
4. An old-school difficulty setting. It would be the cheapest way to appease hardcore fans, just halve the ammo so dodging zombies to save bullets is necessary again. I guess gamers would just have to improvise again to get their scares. Like for RE4 you could do an all-knife run, only using the pistol when long range was needed, no knife run so you end up wasting your bullets on crates, no merchant run so you only get two rocket launchers, the pistol and shotgun, and the Broken Butterfly if you backtrack(can't get this one down, the leather fetish El Gigante is too powerful), no upgrade run, so all the weapons are weak and have ****ty reload times, clip sizes, etc., and maybe more I can't think of.
5. Retool the enemy animations, it looks like all they did was switch skins, the walking, throwing and swinging animations were all recycled.
6. Have them try to eat you AND beat you down, a la 28 Weeks Later, when the dad beats on his wife and chews on her throat all at the same time. Just knocking you down to the ground isn't good enough.

I want all this to happen, but there is a good chance only five will work. I'm a realist though, so that's just me. What does everyone else think?
as long as its as good as RE4 then I'll be happy. What I want most of all tho is some type of co-op multiplayer mode. I doubt well see this but I'd be soooo stoked if this happened.
Yea but that wouldnt be fair to the dev's for them to dumb it down so itll run on that little thing.

Having the same game with a different (though obviously inferior) graphics engine isn't dumbing it down. Also after playing Resident Evil 4 on the Wii, the controls will make the Wii version of Resident Evil 5 the most fun.

Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition has some of the best controls I've ever played.
I can't wait for Resident Evil 5. Has there been any new releases since the trailer?
Nah, the trailer was the last thing we've gotten. I really cant wait for it though, it's gonna be awesome.

And yeah, I would totally by a Wii version of it in addition to the copy I'll be getting for my 360, for the controls alone.
Having the same game with a different (though obviously inferior) graphics engine isn't dumbing it down. Also after playing Resident Evil 4 on the Wii, the controls will make the Wii version of Resident Evil 5 the most fun.

Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition has some of the best controls I've ever played.

It's not just graphics, though... Environments would probably have to be segmented, the animations scaled back, and there'd likely be a lower on-screen enemy count. It wouldn't be the same experience as the PS3 and 360 versions, and I honestly don't think it will happen unless Capcom wants there to be a PS2 version to milk, as well. I'd like to think Capcom has more integrity than that, but they've done worse.
It's not just graphics, though... Environments would probably have to be segmented, the animations scaled back, and there'd likely be a lower on-screen enemy count. It wouldn't be the same experience as the PS3 and 360 versions, and I honestly don't think it will happen unless Capcom wants there to be a PS2 version to milk, as well. I'd like to think Capcom has more integrity than that, but they've done worse.

It is rumored that they're remaking all the old RE games with RE4 style play and controls for Wii, so I wouldnt be surprised to see RE5 done the same way.
It is rumored that they're remaking all the old RE games with RE4 style play and controls for Wii, so I wouldnt be surprised to see RE5 done the same way.

Yea but the old Resident Evils arent next-gen games tho. Resident Evil 5 is. They are adding things to the game that a current gen system couldnt least id imagine so.

I actually wouldnt doubt if this game were to appear on the Wii, but it wouldnt be the same game that 360/PS3 owners will be playing.
Yeah, I'm sure it'll be changed if they do it. That's why I would buy it in addition to my 360 version instead of only buying one of them.
Wii version will happen eventually. Capcom are notorious platform ****es. look at RE4. Look at Code Veronica. Look at RE2. It was on Gamecube for God's sake.
Wii version will happen eventually. Capcom are notorious platform ****es. look at RE4. Look at Code Veronica. Look at RE2. It was on Gamecube for God's sake.

Again, the difference there is that those games were not going down a level, they were going across or in the case of the Wii, slightly up. In this case, Resident Evil 5 will have to be really stripped to get it to run on the Wii. I mean if this game were to go to the Wii i wouldn't be surprised, but i dont think itd even be worth it as the game is meant for the 2 much more powerful systems.
Again, the difference there is that those games were not going down a level, they were going across or in the case of the Wii, slightly up. In this case, Resident Evil 5 will have to be really stripped to get it to run on the Wii. I mean if this game were to go to the Wii i wouldn't be surprised, but i dont think itd even be worth it as the game is meant for the 2 much more powerful systems.

Remember RE2 for N64? They had to completely revamp it to work on cartridge, didn't that? That being said, I sort of like the idea of Wii having its own RE franchise. Sort of like Grand Theft Auto Stories on PSP, Wii can have the Resident Evil Chronicles.
But the Wii really isn't getting its own Resident Evil franchise. It's more like it's getting the entire Resident Evil franchise while the Xbox 360/Playstation get the more graphically powerful recent games.
But the Wii really isn't getting its own Resident Evil franchise. It's more like it's getting the entire Resident Evil franchise while the Xbox 360/Playstation get the more graphically powerful recent games.

Thats a good point. I definitely think they would need to expand "Chronicles" a bit more so its not just past games.
Thats a good point. I definitely think they would need to expand "Chronicles" a bit more so its not just past games.

Meh, I don't see the need for another Umbrella Chronicles game. I'd rather see Resident Evil: Survivor series remade into a full FPS game and have the main series (Resident Evil 0 - 3 and Code Veronica) get remade with Resident Evil 4 gameplay and graphics with Wii Edition controls.

Maybe even more spin-offs.
Real-time weapon changing for certain equipped weapons would be nice.
what they need to do is make another Resident Evil Outbreak for the PS3. The series had potential on the PS2 but it had too many obstacles bc of the limits the hardware placed on it. Id love to see what they would do with it with the technology out now
Real-time weapon changing for certain equipped weapons would be nice.

OH YEAH!!! I'm 1 of 19 on replies that actually reply to my post!:woot: Jk, I thought of that cuz I don't want to go all MGS and have eight weapons avaiable, but I also don't want to go the Halo route and have only two weapons. I think one two-handed weapon(rocket launcher, mine-thrower, shotgun) could be equipped, as well as two smaller weapons(handgun, magnum, uzi) would be the right balance. And of course three sets of grenades(frag, flash, fire). Might as well join the main topic of discussion for now though: I think RE5 could be done on the Wii, but at a much smaller level. It would be what Vice City Stories is to Vice City, but there would be less of a dramatic gap. Can't wait for some new information so we don't have to shoot in the dark as much.
Yeah, it'd be nice to knee cap a b**ch then swing that shotgun around to blow his head off. I'd really like a button that changes weapons back and forth between the 2 weapons you've most recently had out, that would be sweet.

As for a Wii port, I could see a Wii version of RE5 being a completely unique experience. A storyline specifically for the Wii that goes hand in hand with the 360/PS3 versions, because realistically the Wii can't handle what's being dished out. Just because someone doesn't have a system shouldn't mean their version of the game is a cheapened experience.
Although I've not played my RE4 Wii version too much, I can say I've found the control scheme a lot harder, with certain buttons being mapped all over the place.

But of all the suggestions, co-op (either -preferably- online or offline) would go down a treat and really give the game another level.
Although I've not played my RE4 Wii version too much, I can say I've found the control scheme a lot harder, with certain buttons being mapped all over the place.

But of all the suggestions, co-op (either -preferably- online or offline) would go down a treat and really give the game another level.

...the only buttons you use are A and the trigger...
OH YEAH!!! I'm 1 of 19 on replies that actually reply to my post!:woot: Jk, I thought of that cuz I don't want to go all MGS and have eight weapons avaiable, but I also don't want to go the Halo route and have only two weapons. I think one two-handed weapon(rocket launcher, mine-thrower, shotgun) could be equipped, as well as two smaller weapons(handgun, magnum, uzi) would be the right balance. And of course three sets of grenades(frag, flash, fire). Might as well join the main topic of discussion for now though: I think RE5 could be done on the Wii, but at a much smaller level. It would be what Vice City Stories is to Vice City, but there would be less of a dramatic gap. Can't wait for some new information so we don't have to shoot in the dark as much.

Gears of War esque changing then, one sidearm, one rifle or Submacine gun and your Machete/Parang will be your unequippable Melee weapon.

Diablo-style Health recharge maybe??

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