Batman Begins RECAST Batman Begins


I got nothin'
Jul 2, 2003
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Okay. You're the director of Batman Begins. Choose your players.

And yes, you are allowed to pick the same actors in Nolan's version.

I'll start.
Bruce Wayne/Batman - Christian Bale
Alfred Pennyworth - Ian McKellen or Peter O'Toole
Rachel Dawes - Vera Farmiga
Jim Gordon - Gary Oldman
Lucius Fox - Don Cheadle
Ra's al Ghul - Viggo Mortensen
Fake Ra's al Ghul - Ken Watanabe
Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow - Cillian Murphy
Carmine Falcone - Frank Vincent or Ray Winstone
Arnold Flass - Ricky Schroder
Gillian Loeb - Ed Harris
William Earle - Rutger Hauer
Thomas Wayne - Linus Roache
Martha Wayne - Sara Stewart
Joe Chill - Richard Brake
All the same cast except Maggie Gyllenhaal instead of Katie Holmes...not too imaginative, I'm sorry, but the Begins cast would've been stronger that way, period
All the same cast except Maggie Gyllenhaal instead of Katie Holmes...not too imaginative, I'm sorry, but the Begins cast would've been stronger that way, period

I totally agree, Maggie G is better actress, I could see her slapping Bruce.
Katie Holmes wasn't that bad. I liked her in the role.
All the same cast except Maggie Gyllenhaal instead of Katie Holmes...not too imaginative, I'm sorry, but the Begins cast would've been stronger that way, period

I agree. Katie Holmes was the only thing that kept "Batman Begins" from being the perfect superhero movie.
I agree. Katie Holmes was the only thing that kept "Batman Begins" from being the perfect superhero movie.

Poor Katie ... thats a bit harsh!!!

I actually felt she really tried hard on that movie to act well.
Poor Katie ... thats a bit harsh!!!

I actually felt she really tried hard on that movie to act well.

I would actually agree with this. Its weird cause I thought she was I could see she put an effort, even if it wasnt all that.
She got a Razzie nomination for worst actress. The Razzies don't lie.

Didn't Danny De Vito get one too for his performance as the penguin...

The Razzies most surely do lie... just like the oscars!!!
Bruce Wayne/Batman - Christian Bale
Alfred Pennyworth - Anthony Hopkins
Rachel Dawes - Maggie Gyllenhaal
Jim Gordon - Gary Oldman
Lucius Fox - Ernie Hudson
Ra's al Ghul - Liam Neeson
Fake Ra's al Ghul - Chow Yun Fat
Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow - Steve Buscemi
Carmine Falcone - Ian McKellen
Gillian Loeb - Bruce Campbell(hehe)
William Earle - Powers Boothe
Bruce Wayne/The Batman: Johnny Messner
Alfred Pennyworth: John Hurt
Dr. Leslie Thompkins: Helen Mirren
Sgt. Jim Gordon: Gary Oldman
DA Harvey Dent: Joaquin Phoenix
ADA Gilda Dent: Vera Farmiga
Lucius Fox: Don Cheadle
Det. Sarah Essen: Alicia Witt
Det. Renee Montoya: Michelle Rodriguez
Det. Harvey Bullock: Ray Winstone
Det. Arnold Flass: Ricky Schroder
Cpt. Peter Grogan: Colin McFarlane
Com. Gillian Loeb: Ed Harris
Carmine Falcone: John Noble
Salvatore Maroni: Ray Liotta
Dr. Jonathan Crane/The Scarecrow: Christopher Eccleston
The Joker: Heath Ledger
Dr. Harleen Quinzel: Christina Ricci
Dr. Jeremiah Arkham: James Cromwell
Dr. Thomas Wayne: Viggo Mortensen
Martha Wayne: Cate Blanchett
Henri Ducard: Geoffrey Rush
Mayor David Hull: Mark Boone Junior
The Shooter: Richard Brake

I don't see why you'd waste your time looking at a pointless thread.
Bruce Wayne/The Batman: Johnny Messner
Alfred Pennyworth: John Hurt
Dr. Leslie Thompkins: Helen Mirren
Sgt. Jim Gordon: Gary Oldman
DA Harvey Dent: Joaquin Phoenix
ADA Gilda Dent: Vera Farmiga
Lucius Fox: Don Cheadle
Det. Sarah Essen: Alicia Witt
Det. Renee Montoya: Michelle Rodriguez
Det. Harvey Bullock: Ray Winstone
Det. Arnold Flass: Ricky Schroder
Cpt. Peter Grogan: Colin McFarlane
Com. Gillian Loeb: Ed Harris
Carmine Falcone: John Noble

Salvatore Maroni: Ray Liotta
Dr. Jonathan Crane/The Scarecrow: Christopher Eccleston
The Joker: Heath Ledger
Dr. Harleen Quinzel: Christina Ricci
Dr. Jeremiah Arkham: James Cromwell
Dr. Thomas Wayne: Viggo Mortensen
Martha Wayne: Cate Blanchett
Henri Ducard: Geoffrey Rush

Mayor David Hull: Mark Boone Junior
The Shooter: Richard Brake
Very unexpected and worthy choices, that would have been interesting indeed! Espacially Hurt and Noble! But of course, BB's cast was perfect this way except you-know-who, but even then it's just that she's less convincing because of the tremendous cast, she did a remarkable effort, I actually liked her in the scenes like in the Manor during college Bruce time. I despised her during scenes showing her trying to get credibility as a serious purposed strong assistant D.A., now that was awful. Otherwise, she was OK
I wouldn't change the cast really. It might sound funny but I was watching the Dana Carvey movie, Master of Disguise, and James Brolin who plays Dana's Father looks like Carmine Falcone from the comics. He really does. I'd cast him as Carmine. He'd be great.

And I wouldn't recast Alfred, but I would have him wear a moustache like in the comics. Seriously, Gordon looks just like he does in the comics and then Alfred doesn't. Why have all that detail for one character and not the others! Alfred wouldn't have to be bald, but the moustache would be a nice touch.

And I would recast Flass and Loeb so they would look like the comic characters.

Just not sure who, an old white man for Loeb, and someone fit, and blonde for Flass.
I have no problems with the BB cast and I thought Katie was the ideal Rachel Dawes. She may look young but then Nolan did say in Giant magazine they wanted someone relatively young and he always had Katie in mind. Murphy looked young too.IMO.
Also the Razzies are a joke. They nominated many great directors and actors. How can they even nominate The Godfather?
That year they nominated Tom Cruise,Katie Holmes and Nicole Kidman.
Coincidence for big publicity? David Wilson the Pres. had motives and likely the trio were nominated for their personal love lives not the performance.
The only recast I'd want is Christopher Walken for Carmine Falcone. He'd be a more convincing mob boss, IMO. Plus the man is absolutely brilliant in everything; especially Joe Dirt.
Daniel Day Lewis as BruceWayne/Batman. Dont admit that doesnt sound amazing.
After looking at BB opening day I'd say RECAST Christopher "F--kin" Nolan. The guy was not capable of directing a cast like that. And he also wrote Rachel Dawson for Holmes he said back when that 2005 DISAPPOINTMENT hit theatres.Now he's praising Maggie and saying "She nailed Rachel!". F--kin HYPOCRITE if I ever seen one.

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