The Force Awakens Recasting Star Wars


Feb 5, 2008
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Just an idea...

I'm sure some of you would have good ideas as well, assuming they continue with the same characters.

*edit reason. figured out how to display image instead of link.
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JGL as Han Solo


Chris Walken as Grand Moff Tarkin


Emma Watson as Leia Organa


Tom Hardy as Boba Fett


Julia Roberts as Mon Mothma

Clive Owen as Garm Bel Ibis
JGL is too boyish to play Han. You need someone a little bit older, more roguish. Nothing against JGL since I love the guy. If you're gonna go somewhat 'pretty boy' with some dark qualities, Gosling fits the bill (though he wouldn't be my choice either.)
Nathan Fillion IS Han Solo. Like, the only choice. So is James Marsden as Luke. Just watch the flying scene in Superman Returns and his reactions and tell me he's not reminiscent of Luke.
Christopher Walken as Tarkin? I doubt they're doing a remake. Remember, the dude got blowed up in Ep. IV.
Lol, James Marsden's 40. He'd never be cast as Luke, even if they were inexplicably recasting these characters. Fillion's no spring chicken either.
I mentioned them because if they're bringing the big 3 back and HAVE to recast them because they don't intend for them to be as young as in RotJ but not old, those ages you yourself said would be ideal.
I mentioned them because if they're bringing the big 3 back and HAVE to recast them because they don't intend for them to be as young as in RotJ but not old, those ages you yourself said would be ideal.
Oh I see. Nice picks for that scenario. But I really hope they don't go that route.
anton yelchin wouldn't be a bad luke he has that certain innocence and good hearted kid vibe
anton yelchin wouldn't be a bad luke he has that certain innocence and good hearted kid vibe

Well, I'll be damned! If they're going for a Skywalker heir who they want to be reminiscent of Luke... he's ideal. Wow.:up:
Heavily depends on what era they're going for.
Ok, some of those choices are terrible. The big 3 propositions are a sin, imo.
Episode 7 Cast:

Garrett Hedlund as Luke Skywalker


Aaron Eckhart as Han Solo


Hayley Atwell as Leia


Terrence Howard as Lando Calrissian

Deborah Ann Woll as Mara Jade

Jason Issacs as Grand Admiral Thrawn

I love that suggestion of Anton.

I wonder if they'll try to bring back Darth Vader? You can't really have Star Wars without him but he
died at the end of Episode 6.
I was thinking IF they decide to continue on the existing characters with new story lines they would want people of appropriate age. ford was 38 I think during ROTJ. Fillion is 41. Thats my thinking with that. its close.

It just remains to be seen if they go for 20 somethings.. etc. But if they continue the current age, I think Fillion would be great.

Terrance as Lando is epic. Nice choice!
anton yelchin wouldn't be a bad luke he has that certain innocence and good hearted kid vibe

Yelchin would have worked if they were rebooting A New Hope, but we have to assume Episode 7 follows Return of the Jedi.

Luke appears much older and less innocent in ROTJ. He's basically a man.
I was thinking IF they decide to continue on the existing characters with new story lines they would want people of appropriate age. ford was 38 I think during ROTJ. Fillion is 41. Thats my thinking with that. its close.

It just remains to be seen if they go for 20 somethings.. etc. But if they continue the current age, I think Fillion would be great.

Terrance as Lando is epic. Nice choice!

You're closer. Ford was 40 in RotJ.

I doubt they're gonna go for 20ers for Lando and Solo. Luke and Leia where 22 in RotJ, so you never know.
Yelchin would have worked if they were rebooting A New Hope, but we have to assume Episode 7 follows Return of the Jedi.

Luke appears much older and less innocent in ROTJ. He's basically a man.

Hamill also had that plastic face surgery before ESB. That "helped", too.
Yeah. But Hamill certainly didn't look like he was in highschool then. Yelchin still does.

Added to the fact that he's still playing young Chekov in Paramount's 'Star Trek' franchise. I doubt they'll cross-pollinate actors between those two franchises. It would be messy.
Just get the original actors. Have Luke be an old guy. Make him the new Obi-Wan.
Carrie needs a serious "pimp my ride" job to get back on track. Hamill too, to a lesser extent.

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