Refn & Mikkelsen - Valhalla Rising 2 - Set in Tokyo


Real Hero
Mar 20, 2008
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I'm so happy to hear about this.
Exclusive: Nicolas Winding Refn Says He's Making A 'Valhalla Rising' Sequel Set In Tokyo

When we last sat down to talk to Nicolas Winding Refn, he spoke about a project he was developing that would be set in Tokyo. He mentioned a fondness for the Yakuza, suggesting that this film would find him re-visiting a crime underworld similar to that in “Only God Forgives” and “Drive.” But no one could have guessed it would be… a sequel to “Valhalla Rising”?We spoke to Refn on the eve of the North American premiere for “Only God Forgives” and he revealed that project was a re-teaming with “Valhalla Rising” star Mads Mikkelsen, saying they had, “talked about revisiting the [One-Eye] character from ‘Valhalla Rising’ again to kind of complete… because there’s a similarity between ‘Valhalla Rising,’ ‘Drive’ and ‘Only God Forgives.’ But in a way I had this idea of Mads Mikklesen to go back to the origins of this character. But make the movie in Tokyo.”

When asked how this could be a sequel, Refn cryptically said, “Tokyo is a world onto itself.” This didn’t seem to clear up exactly how One Eye could emerge from the early Viking era to modern day Tokyo, so when pressed, Refn teased that the film was, “About the future…”

While Refn begins work on the “Barbarella” television series, it’s possible this could be his next film after "I Walk With The Dead," as he’s long spoken about his affinity for Tokyo. Whatever the case, it would be impossible for us to not get excited at the thought of “Valhalla Rising 2: Tokyo Drift

I need to watch Valhalla Rising. Been meaning to for a few months now but keep forgetting about it.
Talk him into directing some episodes of Hannibal, Mads. :o:up:
Refn needs to cast his doppelgänger Ted Levine.
they mean a spiritual sequel right? in terms of themes and concepts.

no way this can be a direct sequel when its set in tokyo??
they mean a spiritual sequel right? in terms of themes and concepts.

no way this can be a direct sequel when its set in tokyo??

The exact nature of the One Eye character was rather unclear. It is possible some iteration of him could appear in this setting.
Also, I wasn't aware this was actually getting made already.
no way this can be a direct sequel when its set in tokyo??

If One-Eye is a god, then yeah, it can be the same character, since Refn wants Mikkelsen to return.

Also, I wasn't aware this was actually getting made already.

I am speculating, but yeah, who knows? October 22 will give us some details hopefully.

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