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Grey Area

Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Hi guys - i've been reading through the most recent threads and there is alot of trolling going on. If you see an offensive post then PM a mod. If you keep the flames going it only encourages the troll. If you dont respond to the stupid threads they will dissapear from the board. The recent age poll showed alot of us to be in our 20's - lets try and keep things a bit more mature;)
Grey Area, I've been told I'm trolling because I've been trying to get my own opinion across. I think the people who found me annoying (and probably still do) have accepted that I do not share all of there opinions either, but I do respect them.
Originally posted by OzzMosiz
Grey Area, I've been told I'm trolling because I've been trying to get my own opinion across. I think the people who found me annoying (and probably still do) have accepted that I do not share all of there opinions either, but I do respect them.
There's a huge difference between a person trying to voice there opinion and a person who makes comments purely to piss folks off..
Perhaps SHH should produce some kind of "Troll'o'meter" eh? :D
Originally posted by OzzMosiz
Grey Area, I've been told I'm trolling because I've been trying to get my own opinion across. I think the people who found me annoying (and probably still do) have accepted that I do not share all of there opinions either, but I do respect them.

Everyone here has different opinions - thats what makes it interesting here. Provinding you dont offend people and post (at least semi)intellegent things and can back them up then people shouldnt have a problem wiht you.
Grey, Please tell us about your avatar.
It's from a banned Kylie ad for agent provocatuer that i have. I've made another which is just as good from the same ad of her "riding" a robotic bull :D
Kylie Minogue - I have an mpeg of her and Geri Halliwell (ginger from the spice girls) snogging.
I've heard the name, but she must be a lot bigger over there than she is here.
Originally posted by Grey Area
It's from a banned Kylie ad for agent provocatuer that i have. I've made another which is just as good from the same ad of her "riding" a robotic bull :D
You can make moving avatars?
Any chance of a moving Freddie Mercury? Elvis is looking a bit knackered now :D
Originally posted by Adenjo
You can make moving avatars?
Any chance of a moving Freddie Mercury? Elvis is looking a bit knackered now :D

Do you have any clips of him?
Originally posted by Grey Area
Do you have any clips of him?
Not on the p.c............ about 20 video tapes worth tho :D
Originally posted by Adenjo
Not on the p.c............ about 20 video tapes worth tho :D

You just lost the respect you had gained for liking Creed:p
Originally posted by Grey Area
You just lost the respect you had gained for liking Creed:p
Mate.. I never gained respect for being a creed fan... ask Superboy :D

ps I thought my devotion to Queen was well documented....
Originally posted by The Singularity
Only took 7 posts. Most impressive. :)
I wonder what the record is?

And... Would any of the other boards stand for it? :D
Originally posted by Adenjo
Mate.. I never gained respect for being a creed fan... ask Superboy :D

ps I thought my devotion to Queen was well documented....

I can make you an avatar from any mpeg you have. I had a wee look on google and there arent any floating about.
Originally posted by Grey Area
I can make you an avatar from any mpeg you have. I had a wee look on google and there arent any floating about.
Only mpegs i've got are porn related :D... hey.. It's a brit thing :D
Originally posted by Adenjo
Only mpegs i've got are porn related :D... hey.. It's a brit thing :D
Tell me about it 27Gig and counting;)
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