I've never had Ewok Hate either TBH - sure, their purpose as merchandise generators is pretty apparent and always has been, but I was never particularly troubled by that even when they REALLY became the thrust of the franchise's marketing going into the mid-'80s trying to keep it on store shelves Post-OT (b'sides, I'd already moved on to the Transformers by that point). In fact, considering how arrogant and pompous the Empire is portrayed up to that point, when their command officers put their noses up at each other and the perfectly-modulated way the phrase "You Rebel scum!" rolls off their lips with expert precision, I think it's just glorious that they got owned by a bunch of teddy bears with sharp pointy sticks.
Oh, and Ep. VI also gets points not only for finally showing us Jabba, but for Luke having become a total bad^$$ in black. I just like the comparison as it replays in my head...
Ep. IV Luke: "But I was going into Tosche Station to pick up some power converters!"
Ep. VI Luke: "You're gravely mistaken. Soon I'll be dead. And YOU with me."
Ep. VI gets a bum rap IMO.
The only really weak point in it I can find is the whole "second Death Star" thing, but even that's not enough to deter my enjoyment of it.