The Walking Dead Rick "Motherf***in" Grimes Thread


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Jan 6, 2009
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What do you guys think of his character development so far?
He's headed in the right direction. I want "remorseless killer if he has to be" Rick by season 5.
He was just a good main character for me until he
killed Shane
...Thats when he became one badass mother****er...I love his character development and the
machete scene
was just awesome
Its not like dude left him much of a choice.

I like it, and I think it's realistic under the circumstances.

I don't think he's turning into Shane 2.0 like some have said (Shane was borderline psychopathic), but he's learning what he sometimes has to do to protect the group.
Shane wanted to kill everyone. He would've killed all the prisoners in a second.
Hell, Shane would have killed everyone in the group and struck out on his own by now.
No, he would've kept the woman around to fulfill his "needs".
I honestly don't think I would be able to see anyone else besides Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes at this point.
Yeah, I love the way Rick's character has progressed. I don't see him ever going psycho like Shane, but he'll kill anyone he has to in order to protect the group. That machete scene was f***ing awesome.
Andrew Lincoln is killing it as Rick Grimes. It's not a big or showy performance, and that along with the genre nature of the show means it's unlikely to ever get recognised come awards season, but he brings a quite, believable gravitas to the character. There were some problems with ropey writing of the character in the first half of Season 2, but I think the character turned a corner in that conclusion of "Nebraska", and he has become a particularly compelling protagonist in Season 3. I like how the showrunners aren't shying away from the general arc the character follows in the comics of becoming more and more ruthless.
He was too much of a naive boy scout in the first two seasons, which really made me dislike him and wish Shane would have been the real group leader. He's starting to win me over in season 3 though.
If Shane was the group leader, they'd all be dead by now, probably from Shane himself.
You guys really like to exaggerate about Shane don't you?
He lured his "best friend" into the woods to murder him because he was obsessed with his wife.
That, and he felt he would be a better leader. Which he would have been. Luckily for the group Rick finally decided to grow a pair.
Also, lets not forget the attempted rape of Lori at the end of season 1.
That, and he felt he would be a better leader. Which he would have been. Luckily for the group Rick finally decided to grow a pair.

"Hey, everyone, while Rick and the guys are out looking for Merle, lets all sit around the campfire and tell eachother stories. No no, Dale! There's no need for a look-out tonight. When/if we get attacked, I'll just go ahead and blame Rick for it, like I do everything else."

Which is basically my way of saying "No, he ****ing wouldn't". :o
First episode that got me all teary eyed, mostly due to Lincoln.
"Hey, everyone, while Rick and the guys are out looking for Merle, lets all sit around the campfire and tell eachother stories. No no, Dale! There's no need for a look-out tonight. When/if we get attacked, I'll just go ahead and blame Rick for it, like I do everything else."

Which is basically my way of saying "No, he ****ing wouldn't". :o
"hey guys, remember when Atlanta was one of America's most populated cities!? Naw, neither do we. Probably not that many threats out here."

Rick indeed would have handled that better.

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