Robin or no Robin?


Krakoan native
Oct 31, 2006
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Should the next Batman movies feature a Robin? I think they definitely should. Robin is a major and important character and I like what he does to a person like Bruce Wayne. If he's done right it would be very interesting indeed!
Now that TDKR has stealthily communicated why Robin is such an integral addition to the Batman character, I totally think the next movies should have Robin.

I think around 15 years old to 20 is fine as well. If they went on the younger side then only if the kid is already a formidable martial artist (perhaps he does underground street fights to make money (dealing with his built up anger, always decimating the opponent within seconds/minutes)), and only if Bruce trains him to be a ninja, relying on stealth.

Alfred should draw attention to the fact that it's insane. Bruce should seem a little insane by doing it, though we can see that his intentions are good.

Alternatively, if it's an older Bruce Wayne (even Nolanverse), then perhaps there has already been Robins (or Batman successors) before. In the movie perhaps Bruce discovers (when he comes back to Gotham for the first time in 14 years to bury Alfred), that he has a son, conceived when he slept Talia Al Ghul (and born prematurely after 4 or 5 months if in the nolanverse (these premature births have happened before, they just require the baby to be in NICU)), and raised by the League to be the next leader (but recently rescued by Blake).

(sort of like this, but older, and with a dead Talia.)

(This revelation throws a wrench in Bruce's 'retirement' and decides to stay in gotham). His goal is to turn his twisted and damaged son into something positive and productive, and his answer to turn him into a crime-fighter. (Damien could take the name Robin from Blake, to spite his father).
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I say do Dick Grayson, aged 14/15. Have the first movie in a new series handle a Robin origin. Maybe a combination of Dick and Jason's comic origins could work in a film. Have Bruce (as Batman) encounter this boy vigilante (a "proto-Robin", wearing his circus tunic over a dark green hoodie, the R would have been for "Richard") who's attacking street thugs who he thinks may be connected to Zucco. Bats tracks Grayson back to a boys home, which he then visits as Bruce Wayne and learns of Dick's past with the circus and the death of Flying Graysons. Bruce sees himself in Grayson, and sees the opportunity to end a cycle of tragedy in the boy's life, keeping him from going over the edge to a life of vengeance and murder. Bruce offers the boy a job at Wayne Manor, whch Dick begrudgingly accepts, not wanting to be a charity case. Bruce reveals his identity to Dick, and offers to train him, and help him finally bring Zucco to justice (I would have Zucco peripherally connected to the story's Big Bad). Dick would choose the name Robin in homage to the old Erol Flynn Robin Hood he enjoyed watching with his father. By the film's end, Bruce would adopt Dick (none of this "ward" ********) and the team of Batman and Robin would be solidified.
I feel that there should be Robin, though not immediately in the next film. Introduce him in film 2 or 3.
I've always preferred Batman as a loner character and I always will. Im sure there is a way to have Robin in there and it not be silly but between focusing on Batman, Bruce Wayne and a villain or 2, someone is going to get the short end of the stick and i'll always prefer to hear a Batman story over a Robin one any day.

Also once you introduce the character you're stuck with him until you reboot again so if it doesn't work (and most of the time it doesn't) its going to be rough.
Yes bring on Dick Grayson for the next film.
I've always preferred Batman as a loner character and I always will. Im sure there is a way to have Robin in there and it not be silly but between focusing on Batman, Bruce Wayne and a villain or 2, someone is going to get the short end of the stick and i'll always prefer to hear a Batman story over a Robin one any day.

Also once you introduce the character you're stuck with him until you reboot again so if it doesn't work (and most of the time it doesn't) its going to be rough.

Eh, you could send the kid off to college or Bludhaven or wherever. There are some options if the character doesn't work.
Since I imagine the next film won't be an origins movie, Dick Grayson/Tim Drake could easily be introduced in that film, even if they don't become Robin. Then have him become Robin in a sequel.
I thought of having Dick be a member of The Court Of Owls, as one of the Talon assassins. That way he's already a trained and efficient fighter.

In the end he joins Bruce, becomes Robin, the name symbolizes his rebirth into a bird of innocence and purity, unlike the Owls.

Then Dick Grayson is passed off as Bruce Wayne's illegitimate child, which he will take care of, assuming the public name Damian Wayne.

My way of course will never happen lol
This will be the only time in my life that I will say this...

give me some Dick.

Dick Grayson has to be in the new series of Batman films and I would love a building story on Robin where he tries to avenge his family's death behind Bruce's back.
Since the most likely option is that we won't get a Batman origin story, if we get a established Batman, perhaps a good Robin origin tale would be great.
If they do include Robin, one thing is certain: he can't come off as a kid. He may be a minor, but he needs to be written and acted such as to sell the idea that he can take adult responsibilities, vis a vis vigilante crimefighting.

A large time jump, possibly between movies, possibly as part of a flashback, would be a big plus.
I prefer solo Batman, but I'm not completely against the idea of Robin if its done right. I rather enjoy the character in the comics when he's written well. However, when he's not, I hate him.
I definitely want Robin, but as to which Robin, it would depend on the age of Batman. If we have a Batman that's late 20's or early 30's I'd prefer Dick Grayson. If Bats is late 30's or 40's I'd prefer Tim with Richard as Nightwing.
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This will be the only time in my life that I will say this...

give me some Dick.

Dick Grayson has to be in the new series of Batman films and I would love a building story on Robin where he tries to avenge his family's death behind Bruce's back.

Yeah, I wouldn't mind Dick either. I think they can make him work. If he had Marty McFly's energy and Jon Conner's integration into the plot it would really enhance the movie.
This will be the only time in my life that I will say this...

give me some Dick.

Dick Grayson has to be in the new series of Batman films and I would love a building story on Robin where he tries to avenge his family's death behind Bruce's back.

I say no. Have nightwing make cameos and have drake just around but not as robin
They need to put the next director through a test to get the job.

Do you plan to include Dick Grayson/Robin in the series?


Mr Freeze,Clayface or Poison Ivy?

Unless they give a resounding "Yes" to all three questions,move on to the next prospective director.
Robin is needed to me. We've had our loner Batman for plenty of films now so it's time for a change. Robin deserves the story he's been waiting for.
I never want to see Robin in any Batman movies, which is why I loved the first two Nolan films so much (I didn't mind Nolans Robin, but I'm still not a fan). But I have a feeling there will be a Robin in future Bat films, sadly.
Don't set the next series at the beginning of Bruce's career. Set it about 5 years in. Tim is Robin, but has a fairly small role. Base the film on Jason's return to Gotham as Red Hood with Nightwing in a supporting role. Have the film explore the importance of Robin as a concept to Batman and how each of his sons affect his psyche, move away from the myth that Batman is a loner, it's the biggest piece of crap in comic book myths next to "Superman is boring".

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