The Dark Knight Robin Williams wants The Joker role!


Sep 21, 2004
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Robin Williams as The Joker?
Posted by Clint Morris on April 11, 2006

Robin Williams might be throwing his playing card in the direction of the Wayne manor.
In an interview with Latino Review, the funnyman said he’s very keen to work with Director Chris Nolan again – whom he worked with on the indifferent “Insomnia”, a couple of years back – and would even be keen to don the face paint of the Joker for Nolan’s “Batman Begins” sequel, should an opportunity arise.
Williams, whose actually about to start working on Warner’s “Licence to Wed” (so he might actually have a chance to pop his head in and let Al Horn know he’s keen), was quite fervent when asked whether he’d be interested in playing the clown prince of crime. “Oh God Yeah!” the actor responds.
Funnily enough, Williams was considered for the role of The Joker for the first (Tim Burton-directed) “Batman” movie, but he was pipped at the post by the arguably more bankable Jack Nicholson. A few years later, it’s believed he also met with Warners to discuss perhaps playing the role of The Riddler in “Batman Forever”. Again, Jim Carrey was the bigger drawcard at the time, so it didn’t happen.
I like the idea of a Williams’ Joker. Having seen his adaptability of the years – especially his maniacal performance in “Insomnia” – I think he’d be in with a good shot.
No maybe 15 years ago but know no he is to old we need a young joker.
I think they should let 10 different actors play the Joker, and just have 10 different Batman sequels. I'd love to see one with Williams ... but I like Bettany too ... and Hulme is an interesting choice ... Crispin Glover could be great under certain circumstances ..... I say, let them all do it.
More fuel to the fire of the rumour mil. I dont know really. He could pull it off but he would not be the first person in mind when selecting for me
I wouldn't mind him getting the role, he'd be good.

I really don't have an issue with his age either..............
Oh HELL NO! His oportunity already passed twice, and he would not make a good joker. I think he would kill it, but who knows.
Sorry, I don't think he was Joker Material in his prime. Riddler? yes.

His time has passed for a Batman movie. I wish him well.
He's a good actor, and certainly could pull it off. If he doesn't get this, I'd like to see Nolan cast him as the Riddler in the third film...............
He's a little old, but that doesn't bother me. He played an excellent villain under Nolan in Insomnia, and he's got the chops to bring Joker to life.

I wouldn't mind Robin Williams at all...
I'm sure you'd love to you hairy, aging comedian....however luckily you aren''re a good actor, but no
Dude I dont think he posts here unless you were talking to yourself nude in the mirror saying that lol j/k
This isn't worth the argument, he should stay the hell away from that franchise. (death to smoochie) ...I'm not too worried, though chris nolan did pull a fantastic performance out of him in Insomnia!
In his defense Robin Williams has PLENTY of fantastic performances both comedic and non comedic
The only problem that I have is his age. He can play a really good villian/psycho(See: Insomnia and One Hour Photo).
I always saw Robin Williams as a better choice for Ridder than Joker. Stick with the current contenders for Joker.
Super_Ludacris said:
In his defense Robin Williams has PLENTY of fantastic performances both comedic and non comedic

I don't dispute this, in fact I heartily agree. BUT, we've seen him onscreen soooo many times, it would never feel fresh in a Batman movie. He's done too much to bring good one of these characters; joker, riddler, etc.

It's the "superstar" principle, and its a hard thing to counter! For me, every time I see a new Tom Cruise movie, it gets harder and harder to believe he's actually "that" character. He's acting like "tom cruise" most of the time, its not character acting.

I feel the same can be said for Harrison Ford (in anything other than Star Wars, Indiana Jones), Michael Douglas, Bruce Willis (now), and Robin Williams as well.

On the other hand, superhero movies are ALL ABOUT character actors. And with superhero genre movies, the CHARACTER is "supposed" to be more important than the actor. That's why Bryan Singer chooses barely knowns for his movies. And look what happens, Hugh Jackman...Possibly Superman...this dynamic works.

Its the same reason so many critics said Jack Nicholson was playing "Jack Nicholson being the Joker". Because he is/was already such an icon, its difficult to seperate the two. For THAT reason alone, I don't think it's wise to put someone I'm TOO familiar with in a movie that I take way too seriously for my age (like Batman Begins).
ToddIsDead said:
The only problem that I have is his age. He can play a really good villian/psycho(See: Insomnia and One Hour Photo).

I agree; he can be a very good actor in serious/dramatic roles.

But someone (don't remember who) nailed the issue of the Joker, and why a comedian shouldn't play him -- he's NOT FUNNY. You should never laugh WITH him, and you shouldn't even laugh AT him all that much, unless it's nervous laughter about how completely crazy he is.

The Joker's only funny to himself. Consequently, it would be great to cast someone who NEVER makes you think of comedy outside of the role; you should only laugh at the character if he does something that's actually wacky, but you should be scared of him at the same time.

Finally, I don't know where this clamoring for Lachy Hulme is coming from; the only thing I know him from is a small role in the "Matrix" films, and to me, he's a cipher. I think Paul Bettany is a much better choice for the role (and I think his star is going to skyrocket when "The DaVinci Code" comes out.)

Or, dare I say it, Crispin Glover would be scary as hell, darkly funny if necessary, and is physically imposing enough to be able to deal with Bale. He's also a genuinely good actor, so...

-- Admiral Nelson
He's good actor but Williams as Joker? no he's too old.
No doubt Williams has what it takes to play the part, but 1) Too old 2) wrong physique 3) Danger of invoking nicholsonish thoughts
I like to see Robin Williams in a Batman movie Scarface perhaps?
Two Face said:
I like to see Robin Williams in a Batman movie Scarface perhaps?

You know what, something like that might do it justice. But he'd HAVE to play it completely psychotic! Not playing the ventriliquist bit for laughs (not ONE time!) ...He'd need to summon the darkness he brought to One Hour Photo...but then there's the comparison again:(
I doubt he would do Scarface cos he wants Joker role.
Prognosticator said:
You know what, something like that might do it justice. But he'd HAVE to play it completely psychotic! Not playing the ventriliquist bit for laughs (not ONE time!) ...He'd need to summon the darkness he brought to One Hour Photo...but then there's the comparison again:(
What actor doesn't get comparisons? You last point made sense, this's like saying Bale couldn't be Batman because he was in American Psycho and Equilibrium.

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