

Mar 3, 2005
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So am I the only one kinda freaked out by robots? They are very creepy looking and I don't trust them. I think I've watched I, Robot and Bicentennial Man too many times. I feel that they will take over the world like in Terminator.

They are evil!


i think that scientists are putting too much emphisis on artificial intelligence that can do things for us humans, instead of us humans doing things for ourselves. for one, i think it's just plain lazy.

but for another, i have seen the terminator and matrix movies, and i know what's going to happen if we make a.i. that's too good, and give it too much control.
I personally can't wait for nanotechnology to take over my body so that I can become a walking, moving zombie version of myself. It will be the beginning of a new beginning of the end of the beginning of the ending of the end near the end of the previous ending which hasn't really ended yet but is instead a new beginning...

of the end.
if trends in robotics continue all you'll have to worry about is being out danced by robots.
A fear that haunts us all.
I have an irrational fewar of the Terminator, so yes, Robots are the Devil. But Transformers are awesome. :o
We were promised robots!!! I for one am HIGHLY dissapointed we are not in some post-apocalyptic robot savaged war with only cool Michael Bein and Mad Max like manly men stroaming around kicking ass!!
i know what's going to happen if we make a.i. that's too good, and give it too much control.
"We were that close to going out forever. But there was one man who taught us to fight, to storm the wire of the camps, to smash those metal motherf**kers into junk."
"We were that close to going out forever. But there was one man who taught us to fight, to storm the wire of the camps, to smash those metal motherf**kers into junk."
"I don't know tech stuff!"
The good thing about robots is, like pirates and Nazis, you can kill as many as you want and not get in trouble.
Transformers don't bother me as much because they look more like cars. :confused:
I thought that was the scariest thing about them. The fact that the vehicle you use everyday could turn into a 60 ft killing machine. Personally I think robots are the most awesome thing since sex and wwouldn't mind dying by either.
People are afraid of robots for the fact that they can overthrow us and everything can end up like Terminator. It wasn't a 80's doomsday story,it could still happen. Computers can think millions of times faster than we humans.

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