RUMOR: Wizard Mag Spread


Mar 26, 2005
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I'm hearing rumors that while the press is heading to the set next week, Wizard magazine has already been there and is planning a reveal in either March or April.

Wizard is notoriously late when it comes to news.. so if they plan on releasing images in a coming issue we can expect to start seeing things very soon. :up:

Here's what I'm being told:
- An interview with Chatwin talking about his hair and bulking up for the role and the fight sequences.
- Interview with Marsters where he talks about fighting in a "massive arena", and the role of Piccolo.
- Interview with Emmy where she talks about her singing career and what it is like to work on a special effects movie.
- The teaser poster which Im told is of Chatwin and we only see his full torso from behind, his arms at his side (like in the show, preparing to do something).
- A picture of Piccolo about to launch someone into the air.

Anyway, I decided not to post this on the blog because it could easily be a load of crock, but I wanted to share it with you guys. So, take it with a grain of salt.
YES! Better be true...:D I'm so pumped.
Damnit man, how soon are we talking?!

Omg, I need to find a dying kid to make a wish to see some dragonball promo pics.
Preparing to do Kamehameha

Probably. Hope the rumor is true, dont want to get my hopes up, but Wizard HAS been conspicuously quiet on the Dragonball movie front
Sounds good to me. Would be a good start.
Cuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmoooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh please be truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeee
I went up in my attic yesterday and found an old issue of star wars insider from probably a whole 9 years ago. Wow, remember when we read magazines to get movie info? takes me back, this does...
All I want is a teaser and an Emmy Rossum as Bulma wallpaper.

Make it happen, Fox.
Who else here is going to buy the Wizard magazine if it has pictures and interviews from the "Dragon Ball" Set. I know I am!:yay:

So far its just me and Joker
we need a poster and a pic of piccolo
I went up in my attic yesterday and found an old issue of star wars insider from probably a whole 9 years ago. Wow, remember when we read magazines to get movie info? takes me back, this does...

The good ol' days.
maybe we'll see the kamehameha in the pic?
I'm just dying to see what Piccolo will look like. Oh, and I am also anxious to see how they pulled off Goku's hair.
I'm just dying to see what Piccolo will look like. Oh, and I am also anxious to see how they pulled off Goku's hair.

Come on!!....your just curious about it everyone else.:woot:

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