Superman Returns Saving the plane


Oct 5, 2004
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The part in the trailer where Supes is saving the plane looks stupid to me on repeat viewings. First, why does he stupidly try to grab a wing? Physics dictates it's going to break off, so why does he try? Second, why is he flying so slowly? I don't know how fast he can fly exactly (if that info is given in the comics), but come on, you mean to tell me Supes isn't fast enough to fly ahead of the plane to gently "guide" it along by its nose to tip up its angle and slow its descent?

Doesn't make sense to me, especially since we've seen the videogame trailer where he clearly flies faster than a MISSILE and guides it up towards the sky so it doesn't hit the building.

Can someone can come up with a plausible explanation on this, or was this just poorly thought out?
Okay in STM he had to catch the missile and he didn't just got in front of it,you, and yes he could just take the plane by the nose form the start but then if he flied super fast like that we wouldn't get the cool spectacular flying sequences with cape billowing instead we would get a flashing by the camera supes alomost a blur and the scene would end too fast, and frankly that doesn't look cool.
superkong 500 said:
Okay in STM he had to catch the missile and he didn't just got in front of it,you, and yes he could just take the plane by the nose form the start but then if he flied super fast like that we wouldn't get the cool spectacular flying sequences with cape billowing instead we would get a flashing by the camera supes alomost a blur and the scene would end too fast, and frankly that doesn't look cool.

no offence, but try to use commas, its easier to read.

Asr said:
The part in the trailer where Supes is saving the plane looks stupid to me on repeat viewings. First, why does he stupidly try to grab a wing? Physics dictates it's going to break off, so why does he try? Second, why is he flying so slowly? I don't know how fast he can fly exactly (if that info is given in the comics), but come on, you mean to tell me Supes isn't fast enough to fly ahead of the plane to gently "guide" it along by its nose to tip up its angle and slow its descent?

Doesn't make sense to me, especially since we've seen the videogame trailer where he clearly flies faster than a MISSILE and guides it up towards the sky so it doesn't hit the building.

Can someone can come up with a plausible explanation on this, or was this just poorly thought out?

Because it's in the script.:)
In all honesty I think it shows that he is way out of practice. That he is using trial and error. Even in the animated series he rips off the tail in an attemp to stop the plane. It's about tension. How about the fact that physics dictates that a man shouldnt be able to fly, lift heavy loads like he does, be bulletproof. It's a comic book.
Um also from the statue that weta is putting out we know that he does in fact fly to the nose and slow it down and stop it that way.
Asr said:
Can someone can come up with a plausible explanation on this, or was this just poorly thought out?

Ever heard of flat spin?
Anyway, a 777 full with press people incl. Lois is falling towards Metropolis in a flat spin. Which means that A) the logic dictates to STOP it from spinning and B) doing this too quickly would kill everybody onboard, as it would be equivalent to crashing into a non-movable object (e.g. Earth).

So what Supes is trying to do is bring the plane back to normal flight without injuring or killing the passengers. The best way to apply the greatest torque would be to grab the plane at the farthest point from its center of mass and rotate in the opposite direction.
The problem is, you have to apply the force horizontally to the plane of the wing. One mistake and... oops, you see what could happen...?

Now try to do that yourself :)

(Of course, there is the artistic vision of emphasizing the struggle against real-world physics. Holding a helicopter in one hand and a girl in the other never looked that impressive to me, I always expected the weight of the helicopter to break the landing gear... But that's just me).

Btw, the original plane sequence involving the Air Force One 747 was in the J.J.A.'s "Fly-by" script and also included a flat-spinning plane and a baseball field. The main difference was that in that script, Supes was using his powers for the first time. Some people speculate that in SR, Supes is also using his powers for the first time in 6 years, so he might be slightly out of training dealing with large objects...
why's that lady in the plane not wearing her seatbelt? That's foolish practice during a plane crash.
well it the "MAN OF STEEL IS BACK" paper says he "appears out of nowhere to save shuttle" I assume its the Virgin Galactic....thing. So my thought is the plane is a taxi, like so

Anyone with me? I could be wrong i mean i dont think the press would be allowed on that plane... :confused: it could also be an homage to the Man of Steel miniseries where Superman's first public appearance is saving a space shuttle.
Zor-El said:
well it the "MAN OF STEEL IS BACK" paper says he "appears out of nowhere to save shuttle" I assume its the Virgin Galactic....thing. So my thought is the plane is a taxi, like so

Anyone with me? I could be wrong i mean i dont think the press would be allowed on that plane... :confused: it could also be an homage to the Man of Steel miniseries where Superman's first public appearance is saving a space shuttle.

You could be write, considering that Richard Branson does have a cameo in the movie..It does make sense.
So that's how they make new planes these days? wow...
AsteroidMan said:
Ever heard of flat spin?
Anyway, a 777 full with press people incl. Lois is falling towards Metropolis in a flat spin. Which means that A) the logic dictates to STOP it from spinning and B) doing this too quickly would kill everybody onboard, as it would be equivalent to crashing into a non-movable object (e.g. Earth).

So what Supes is trying to do is bring the plane back to normal flight without injuring or killing the passengers. The best way to apply the greatest torque would be to grab the plane at the farthest point from its center of mass and rotate in the opposite direction.
The problem is, you have to apply the force horizontally to the plane of the wing. One mistake and... oops, you see what could happen...?

Now try to do that yourself :)

(Of course, there is the artistic vision of emphasizing the struggle against real-world physics. Holding a helicopter in one hand and a girl in the other never looked that impressive to me, I always expected the weight of the helicopter to break the landing gear... But that's just me).


Good points...makes sense to me

may i also add that he's not an engineer or a physicist, just a guy working as a newspaper reporter, so he uses instincts, not logic. When a person trip and is about to fall down, your first instinctive response as a bystander is to catch her arm, even though ideally, it would make more sense to grab her body and gently lower her.

good call on the seatbelt weyseed...
Michael Corleone said:
In all honesty I think it shows that he is way out of practice. That he is using trial and error. Even in the animated series he rips off the tail in an attemp to stop the plane. It's about tension. How about the fact that physics dictates that a man shouldnt be able to fly, lift heavy loads like he does, be bulletproof. It's a comic book.

Well in the animated series it was supes first time doing something like that, and he's no scientist, so I can see that going wrong, but in this rehash of the old Donner films, he's been around long enough and has had enough practice averting disaters. I think it's for suspense. It made no sense to either for Supes to grab on to the wing of the plane.
Yeah I'll agree that he probably is out of practice. Haha just imagine how people watching from the plane feel.

"Ahhh we're gonna die"

"look its superman, he'll save us"

"What the hell he just tore the wing off, we're doomed"
chaoticreign said:
Yeah I'll agree that he probably is out of practice. Haha just imagine how people watching from the plane feel.

"Ahhh we're gonna die"

"look its superman, he'll save us"

"What the hell he just tore the wing off, we're doomed"
I just don't get why he doesn't fly around the world and turn back time again. I mean, since this is a sequel, you figure if he did it once...he'd just do it any time something bad happened.
He propably has never saved a plane before. Stopping the rotation propably is what he is trying to do there so grabbing the wing first makes sense.
The Boeing 777 carries it's fuel iprimarily in the wing fuel tanks. There is a third fuel tank in the center of the plane. In the movie the wings are on fire,so it would make sense if he can't blow the fire out he needs to remove the wings before they explode.
Wow, people are complaining about the plane sequence? :confused:

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