The Force Awakens Scenes/sequences you'd like to see in Episode VII?

Hunter Rider

Staff member
Oct 24, 2004
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there are threads for characters and casting and even full story outlines, but what are some of the scenes/sequences you'd like to see in Episode VII?

Obviously we are so far away from things getting fully underway that we have no context to use for our hopes, but that wide open canvas is part of the fun of following these movies in the early stages, so I'll get us underway. :)

- Expanded use of The Force in action sequences: I still think to this day Yoda lifting Luke's X-Wing out of the swamp on Dagobah is the greatest visual representation of a Jedi using the Force in a movie, I'd like to see that change in the new trilogy, I'd particularly like to see a Jedi take down an AT-AT sized vehicle using the Force.

- A scene with Force Ghost Yoda: I know some are worried about "fan service" additions or whatever but I still want to see Yoda make an appearence to help guide one of the probable young Jedi lead characters.

- A duel Lightsaber wielding Jedi: Pretty simple, we got a glimpse of it in AOTC with Anakin but I'd love to see a character who uses this form of Lightsaber combat in a vast array of action scenes.

- A scene of a Jedi constructing his Lightsaber: I'd like to see the full process from collecting the crystal on Ilum to the moment he puts it together, I've wanted to see this on film ever since I saw this piece of art.

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Totally, GL should have inserted Luke constructing his into the beginning of ROTJ bluray instead of wasted as a deleted scene...
The expanded use of the force is a must. The creation of a lightsabre would be interesting.

A few things I would like to see:

1. An orbital bombardment and vertical envelopment spaceborne assault following some type of fireteam, preferably Mandalorian, from their dropship/pod all the way to surface and engaging in a firefight. The team calls for fire support from ships in orbit and helps clear the way for landing assault ships with vehicles and walkers. Think D-Day Normandy landing from space.

2. Dark Jedi or Grey Jedi who use both lightsabres and blasters, using the force to perform trick shots through walls, around cover, or weak points in armor. Think Gun Kata or Gun Fu for force wielders.

3. Urban warfare scene, involving mobs rioting and riot control losing control. Street to street battles, strike teams clearing buildings by going room to room, fighting in sewer and metro tunnels.

4. Droid strikes and marches against megacorporate entities. A group of droids go rogue, steal a ship, and try to escape to freedom, only to be hunted down by bounty hunters.

5. A heretical Undead Sith lord awakened on Korriban by Dark Jedi. Something along the lines of Imhotep from the Mummy, Thulsa Doom from Conan, Lord Voldemort from HP, and the Witch King of LoTR. Uses the force to levitate, creates an illusion over his undead form, has pet "Sith Hounds", and can sustain himself by devouring the life energy of others. Upon being awakened by Dark Jedi using a Sith holocron, he devours their life energy and animates their corpses using the Dark Side.

6. A Carbonite army dating back to the time of the Old Republic, probably belonging to a Sith Emperor, located on Dromund Kaas. Basically a Star Wars version of the Imperial Terracotta army. The awakened Sith lord uses his agents to locate an ancient tomb filled with thousands of these Sith Troopers, with hopes to awaken them and use them to build a new Sith Empire.

7. Ghost Ships: two scenes. One where a passenger cruise vessel emerges from hyperspace and its just coasting along and not responding. It is boarded and discovered to be empty, but there are still food and drinks sitting out. Some of the food is even still warm.
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Argh! Posted before second scene was finished.

Anyway, second scene would be a Flying Dutchman style ghost ship. An obsidian but etherial vessel emerges from hyperspace. It is seen after a Roanoke style colony dissappearing, similar to the first ghost ship where food is still warm, but the people are gone.
I like to have a scene where a jedi is surrounded by a group of soldiers and the lights go out and then you see a single green light saber and hear a bunch of cut down screams and then when the lights come on the jedi is gone but the soldiers are dead.
I want to see this level of badassness. With Force powers through the roof. Smashing through walls, crushing droids, maybe even vaporizing enemies. Though that last part might be a bit too much.



I would also like to see the Force amped up a couple of notches. While looking at the Clone Wars tv show, sometimes it feels like the Jedi forget they have that power.
I'd actually like to see a flashback scene of how the jedi/sith came to be.
Some holocron sequences could be used to show the origins of the Sith and the Jedi. That or some kind of psychic link with an ancient consciousness reveals it.

The history of both orders are filled with myth and legend, it would be interesting to have a few twists and swerves in their real history as opposed to what they teach. Both sides are willing to rewrite history or erase it when it suits them.
I'd love to see Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon make a Force Spirit appearance, maybe to aid Luke? (Or maybe Obi appear as a ghost and Qui-Gon in a holocron)
Totally, GL should have inserted Luke constructing his into the beginning of ROTJ bluray instead of wasted as a deleted scene...

It's a cool scene but it hurts the movie if you think about it. It ruins the reveal of the lightsaber at the sarlacc pit, if we see him building it, then it's expected.
I don't want to see the Jedi turn into superheroes. I don't like the idea of the force being over done too much here.
I'd like to see a Force Shield. I think it be cool if a jedi could surround him or herself with a shield on energy that could protect the jedi while it was meditating. I always wished Yoda had that power. Hovering around in a ball or energy and laser bouncing off of it killing clones or droid would have been awesome.
Have a scene where they are taking out a old empiral strong hold and a imperial walker come out and causes havoc. Then have it walking towards a cloacked figure and aiming its guns. the cloak figure then puts his hands out flat and then quickly turns it into a fist causeing the head portion of the At-At to be crushed by the force. Have the AtAT fall over and everyone in the battle satnds up to look at the hooded figure. the hooded figure takes off the hood to reval Luke Skywalker for the first tim in the movie.
They are somewhat already superheroes, similar to the Green Lantern Corps, Nova Corps and the Lensmen. There shouldn't be any four-color power level Sith and Jedi though.
They are somewhat already superheroes, similar to the Green Lantern Corps, Nova Corps and the Lensmen. There shouldn't be any four-color power level Sith and Jedi though. they're not...
They're based off of wizards of old, they work so well in Star Wars because the mystical and spiritual element contrasts the super high tech world around them. Not to mention the force isn't supposed to be used to do stuff like you guys are talking about, Luke crushing an AT-AT head like that sounds more like the darkside. The point is that it's not a weapon that it's just a powerful ally. Making the Jedi superheroes ruins the whole self defense point.

Over indulging with the lightsaber action and the force abilities is one of the prequels biggests flaws that shouldn't be carried into the sequels.
1. An orbital bombardment and vertical envelopment spaceborne assault following some type of fireteam, preferably Mandalorian, from their dropship/pod all the way to surface and engaging in a firefight. The team calls for fire support from ships in orbit and helps clear the way for landing assault ships with vehicles and walkers. Think D-Day Normandy landing from space.

2. Dark Jedi or Grey Jedi who use both lightsabres and blasters, using the force to perform trick shots through walls, around cover, or weak points in armor. Think Gun Kata or Gun Fu for force wielders.

6. A Carbonite army dating back to the time of the Old Republic, probably belonging to a Sith Emperor, located on Dromund Kaas. Basically a Star Wars version of the Imperial Terracotta army. The awakened Sith lord uses his agents to locate an ancient tomb filled with thousands of these Sith Troopers, with hopes to awaken them and use them to build a new Sith Empire.

You have some very vivid idea mike, I particularly like these 3.

I want to see this level of badassness. With Force powers through the roof. Smashing through walls, crushing droids, maybe even vaporizing enemies. Though that last part might be a bit too much.




The footage of Starkiller taking out the Stormtroopers in the first vid is definitely something I think would look great. I also liked the idea of the Vader vs Starkiller in the snow duel, that would be an awesome visual as we have never seen a snow set Lighstaber duel.

I'd actually like to see a flashback scene of how the jedi/sith came to be.

Kinda like the way Fellowship of The Ring started? they're not...
They're based off of wizards of old, they work so well in Star Wars because the mystical and spiritual element contrasts the super high tech world around them. Not to mention the force isn't supposed to be used to do stuff like you guys are talking about, Luke crushing an AT-AT head like that sounds more like the darkside. The point is that it's not a weapon that it's just a powerful ally. Making the Jedi superheroes ruins the whole self defense point.

Over indulging with the lightsaber action and the force abilities is one of the prequels biggests flaws that shouldn't be carried into the sequels.

I certainly don't want the Lighstaber action cutting back so I disagree there. As for your point on the Force, how is destroying a vehicle that is set to kill innocents something from the darkside? I mean I wasn't thinking of something as aggressive as Doomed_hero suggested, I was thinking more about Luke (or another Jedi) disabling it with the Force with shots cutting between Luke concentrating and the mechanics inside the AT-AT cracking and breaking until it simply collpasess onto the flat of it's body.
Kinda like the way Fellowship of The Ring started?

Something like that. I don't think it neccessarily has to be at the beginning of the movie. Just a 5 minute scene of the backstory of the jedi and sith. Maybe force ghost Yoda telling the story to young jedi? they're not...
They're based off of wizards of old, they work so well in Star Wars because the mystical and spiritual element contrasts the super high tech world around them. Not to mention the force isn't supposed to be used to do stuff like you guys are talking about, Luke crushing an AT-AT head like that sounds more like the darkside. The point is that it's not a weapon that it's just a powerful ally. Making the Jedi superheroes ruins the whole self defense point.

Over indulging with the lightsaber action and the force abilities is one of the prequels biggests flaws that shouldn't be carried into the sequels.

Youre telling me the Jedi have absolutely no influence or inspiration from the Galactic Patrol of the Lensman? They were galactic peacekeepers and defenders of the Republic. You might want to research the history of the Journal of the Whills. E.E. Smith was a major influence. The Jedi Bendu were originally more legendary space samurai than mystical wizards.
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Some holocron sequences could be used to show the origins of the Sith and the Jedi. That or some kind of psychic link with an ancient consciousness reveals it.

The history of both orders are filled with myth and legend, it would be interesting to have a few twists and swerves in their real history as opposed to what they teach. Both sides are willing to rewrite history or erase it when it suits them.

Damn you, I wanted to mention holocrons!:up:
Can I finally get a multiple Jedi-on-(DarK) Jedi battles? Pleaaaaaase?
Oh, yes please. This definitely needs to happen at some point in the new Trilogy.

If X-Men First Class hadn't done it already, I'd actually nominate the hell out of seeing a jedi use the force to bring up a large space cruiser that's about to crash into a planet or something like that and keep it a float.
I'd like to see a Ninja style jedi and he has two saber daggers instead of just the regular long light saber and is very dealdy and fast

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