The Force Awakens The Possibility Of Starkiller in Episode VII.....


Nov 3, 2011
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Starkiller (Real name: Galen Marek; played by Sam Witwer in likeness and voice) is the main protagonist in the "Star Wars: The Force Unleashed" video games.

In the games (which take place between Episode III and Episode IV), he was shown to be not only Darth Vader's secret apprentice but the inspiration for the Rebel Alliance (His family crest is used as their flag/logo). He was also the person responsible for the death of the surviving Jedi following "Order 66" in Episode III

The first game's canon, "lightside" ending shows him die at the hands of the Emperor after turning on Vader and the Empire. He is later resurrected in the second game (via cloning at the hands of Vader), which ends on a cliffhanger w/ Vader captured by the Alliance and (as we know, temporarily) imprisoned and Starkiller being tracked by Boba Fett.

Now, with no third game in the series having been released and no details given about what happens next in his story, it is unknown what transpires afterward and whether or not Starkiller dies prior to Episode IV or what the circumstances of Vader's escape are.

With all of this said, what do you think the chances of him appearing in Episode VII are and how would you reintroduce him if he were to be featured?

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I enjoyed the games, but nah.

He doesn't even look like a Star Wars character, or a person living in between Episode 3 and 4. He looks like B-Boy dude. And he's so damn powerful and yet, he never gets mentioned in the original trilogy. He can force push Tie Fighters and Star Destroyers. That's just obnoxious.

Even when I played the games, I was like 'Man, he's too powerful and he looks out of place' the entire time.

The games demonstrated what I didn't like the prequels: the abundance of jedi and the use of the force.
Gotta agree with Octoberist. Fun game but Starkiller completely ****s on the nonexistent Force power scale. He makes Vader, Luke, Yoda, and The Emperor look like pansies when it comes to raw power.

I would be surprised if he got more than a quick mention in the upcoming trilogy.
I'd personally love it if I got to see Starkiller/Galen Marek to return. If they did, they would have to address various issues. These most notably include:

  • Where was he, Rahm Kota and Juno Eclipse during Episodes IV-VI and every time after? Cause his help would've been nice
  • His age, he's not much older than Luke, so if he were to appear will he possibly not age because he's a clone?

As for what part he could play, in my vision of what episode 7 could be like, he'd make a good mentor figure for Ben Skywalker after the death of Luke Skywalker. He could be someone he seeks out for help against the Sith/New Bad guy.

It's about high time we got some badass Jedi and address where unaccounted characters like him and Ahsoka have their fates written.
I would like to see him in a movie but I think they really need to tone down his powers a bit to fit into the movie universe.
His chances will be zero I think. I say nay to it anyways. Only so much fan servicing that should be done.
I'd personally love it if I got to see Starkiller/Galen Marek to return. If they did, they would have to address various issues. These most notably include:

  • Where was he, Rahm Kota and Juno Eclipse during Episodes IV-VI and every time after? Cause his help would've been nice
  • His age, he's not much older than Luke, so if he were to appear will he possibly not age because he's a clone?

As for what part he could play, in my vision of what episode 7 could be like, he'd make a good mentor figure for Ben Skywalker after the death of Luke Skywalker. He could be someone he seeks out for help against the Sith/New Bad guy.

It's about high time we got some badass Jedi and address where unaccounted characters like him and Ahsoka have their fates written.

Keep in mind, I like the games but I don't see as CANON-CANON. Because anything these days can be canon it seems, only to mess with the main continuity further and ends up making no sense.

It's like making a game where C3PO and R2 meet up with a new wacky character during their walk to Jabba's Palace in 'Return of the Jedi'. In the course of the movie it's 1 minute long walk nor do they mention this character, but in the's be 20 hours of fun! SO who cares!
Keep in mind, I like the games but I don't see as CANON-CANON. Because anything these days can be canon it seems, only to mess with the main continuity further and ends up making no sense.

It's like making a game where C3PO and R2 meet up with a new wacky character during their walk to Jabba's Palace in 'Return of the Jedi'. In the course of the movie it's 1 minute long walk nor do they mention this character, but in the's be 20 hours of fun! SO who cares!

Now I feel like watching ROTJ. lol
He doesn't even look like a Star Wars character, or a person living in between Episode 3 and 4. He looks like B-Boy dude. And he's so damn powerful and yet, he never gets mentioned in the original trilogy. He can force push Tie Fighters and Star Destroyers. That's just obnoxious.

Could not agree with this more! Keep all that Force Unleashed crap the hell away!
There's always the chance he probably did die during the time between Episodes 3 and 4 which is why he wasn't mentioned.
I don't like jumping through hoops with the past to explain a villain. You could take aspects of his character and incorporate those into a new one, or an adapted version of Starkiller. Simply make him someone who believes in Darth Vader's legacy and wants to usher in a governing regime based on Vader's legacy.
I can agree with the sentiment that he's just to powerful, at least , to a degree.

However, I feel like he has so many ties overall to what happened in the original trilogy, that perhaps he SHOULD appear, even if slightly depowered.

Also, I agree that if not bringing him back, they could incorporate elements of his character into a brand new one or just reimagine him completely for the film canon.
Just have Justin Timberlake play him instead of Sam.
"As long as I have my suit and tie(fighter)."
I wouldn't mind if we got Galen Marek but I do agree that he was completely over powered in TFU games.

It'd be great if we got Sam Witwer involved in any capacity, he's played in total 4 character in the Star Wars universe. He's incredibly versatile and one of my favorite voice actors other than Hamill.
I hate TFU and everything it stand for, so I honestly hope he never gets mentioned. Then again, considering that it's episode VII, I doubt he will.
I would certainly hope not. Terrible character who doesn't fit the narrative of the films.
Starkiller? Nah. But I'd love to see Witwer get something.
Starkiller's not that interesting, he's just a Gay Stue for us to play god of war in the star wars universe
To me, Starkiller is like some video game characters who are designed almost like an empty slate. And you as the player fill in.

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