Science teacher fired due to previous career as porn star

As much as I'd like to be impartial about her past career, I also don't think I'd like her students to be able to find her movies on the internet if I had a son or daughter in her class.
If she was actually a good teacher, I think it was a bogus decision. That career was behind her, isn't a person allowed to move on? Especially after 6 years?
I don't think I'd like her students to be able to find her movies on the internet if I had a son or daughter in her class.


Decisions you make in life limit your career options later. That's just how life works.
I may have to review some of, before I can make a proper assessment.

Decisions you make in life limit your career options later. That's just how life works.

If she was actually a good teacher, I think it was a bogus decision. That career was behind her, isn't a person allowed to move on? Especially after 6 years?
As ThePhantasm says though, there is a line you cross.

Part of being a good teacher is not bringing distractions to learning into the classroom. This would qualify.
If she was actually a good teacher, I think it was a bogus decision. That career was behind her, isn't a person allowed to move on? Especially after 6 years?
Once her previous career became known, it would almost certainly have undermined her ability to command the attention of her students - not to mention their respect, and that of her peers. That's a big problem.

Of course, I believe that it was the school's responsibility to look into her background before hiring her. This constitutes a failure on the part of the school, regardless of whether she lied.
I may have to review some of, before I can make a proper assessment.
Yes, I shall review her work as well. Perhaps it shall change my mind. Then, after washing my hands, I shall return and give a more proper assessment :)
Well, they did give her porn name in the article, so research away.
I think that's a bunch of nonsense. Did she do her job well or not?
I know the distraction thing may be a reality, but that's where the school should back her by punishing students who try to undermine her authority or bring up her porn past in the classroom. Just give them detention, Saturday school, and the usual line of punishment. There's no reason she should be fired unless it was because she wasn't good at her job. It's only a distraction if you make it one, and if the kids want to pass the class they will stop thinking about her ass. If I had a kid in her class I'd tell them that it's no excuse for their grades, so they better pay attention and do well like I expect.

Things like this is the reason why a lot of ex cons go back to committing crimes. People just label them instead of letting them leave things they did in the past. She had a job that was perfect legal, and even if she was something worse like a drug dealer in her past you gotta give people a chance to redeem themselves before shutting them out from making any kind of progress.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go "research" her a bit more.
I know the distraction thing may be a reality, but that's where the school should back her by punishing students who try to undermine her authority or bring up her porn past in the classroom. Just give them detention, Saturday school, and the usual line of punishment. There's no reason she should be fired unless it was because she wasn't good at her job. It's only a distraction if you make it one, and if the kids want to pass the class they will stop thinking about her ass. If I had a kid in her class I'd tell them that it's no excuse for their grades, so they better pay attention and do well like I expect.
Except schools are penalized for poor student performance. Thanks, Dubya.

E-Man said:
Things like this is the reason why a lot of ex cons go back to committing crimes. People just label them instead of letting them leave things they did in the past. She had a job that was perfect legal, and even if she was something worse like a drug dealer in her past you gotta give people a chance to redeem themselves before shutting them out from making any kind of progress.
Not the same thing at all.
Never underestimate the power and weight of your decisions.
Except schools are penalized for poor student performance. Thanks, Dubya.

Not the same thing at all.

Smart mouth kids getting detention isn't going to ruin the school. It's just going to tell the students to focus on what goes on in class as opposed to trying to start **** with the teacher due to her past.
Smart mouth kids getting detention isn't going to ruin the school. It's just going to tell the students to focus on what goes on in class as opposed to trying to start **** with the teacher due to her past.
That wasn't the point.
Did she ever use a few planets in the lessons? Like Venus..Uranus...maybe big ol Jupiter?
As much as I'd like to be impartial about her past career, I also don't think I'd like her students to be able to find her movies on the internet if I had a son or daughter in her class.

What if your son or daughter found some movies of another person (who doesn't teach them) on the internet?
It always surprises me the outrage this sort of thing generates. Who amongst us hasn't done something in our past we'd like to move on from? It's in her past, if she's a good teacher then that's all that matters, god knows there's a shortage of decent teacher in western countries as it is. Like it or not porn stars, or ex-porn stars don't deserved to be judged, if they've moved on from that life then that's all that matter, they are people too and deserve the same respect as everyone else. I love how people make it out as if these people are somehow morally corrupt simply because they engage in the same thing that everyone else does for payment. I remember the hoo-haa when Sasha Grey read to a bunch of 6 year old kids at a school. I mean seriously, Sasha is such a lovely person from what I've seen and has moved on from her porn star life, why are people holding her past against her? What, they're afraid she might lure young kids into porn? **** off, you think she'd seriously try to do that? I'd much rather have Sasha Grey look after my kids than a priest that's for sure.
Is that person teaching them? You can't see how this might be a different situation?

I don't. I honestly don't see how this is relevant to her career as a teacher. She had sex on camera. Big deal.
I did some research, she was pretty good at her previous job.

My teachers never looked liked that.
Same thing happened to a teacher in my town (not in my school but one of the other high schools in the same town.). Her name was Tericka Dye, but she went by Rikki Anderson in her porn days. Somehow I think this isn't fair, especially if she left and tok the time to get her degrees to teach school. Yeah, decisions this and that, but it doesn't make her a sex offender or anything either.
I did some research, she was pretty good at her previous job.

My teachers never looked liked that.

I hope you waited about five minutes between research sessions.

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