Man, Killmonger Palpatine-ing it up in this episode! lol
Definitely a big step up from the uneven, rushed and tonally scattered episode from last week. Predictable, yes, but more focused and better paced.
Erik being into anime like his real life counterpart and building a Gundam.
Voice actors were pretty good. Didn’t take me out, so that’s a plus.
T’Challa and Rhodey, especially the former. That hits different.
“The difference between you and me, is that you can’t see the difference between you and me.” Great line. A lot of his dialogue in this episode was actually great.
The potential team-up between Shuri and Pepper is definitely something I’m looking forward to.
Final Watcher line got me a bit, considering Chadwick’s real life passing and legacy.
8/10. Predictable, yet compelling due to Killmonger still being an interesting character to explore in a different series of events. Would like to see other variants of him in other What-If’s.