Laraaaaa! I love everything about the Tal-Rho/Lara/Clark/Jordan scenes. Definitely the highlight of the episode for me. It was great to get Lara's side of the story and clarification that she did not even know of Tal-Rho's existence 'til pretty late in the game. And of course I expect Clark to take her Sunstone to his fortress eventually.
-Also loved that I got my wish/prediction from last season that Lana would be the one running for mayor. This is a good storyline for her, imo.
-Yep, Sarah/Natalie is totally happening.
-Small thing, but I love how the show makes an effort to highlight the heroism of regular people - in this instance, the guy in the mine who blew the charges and sacrificed himself to stop (presumably) Doomsday. I always say the key to a good Superman story is that the "Inspiration" aspect is a two-way street: Yes, Superman inspires us, but we also inspire him. That's a big part of the Superman mythos. In order to convey that, you can't portray the whole world of humans as a miserable rabble of hateful, jaded misanthropes who just need saving. You've
gotta show the good. This show gets that and makes a point to do so on a regular basis, and I love it.
Saaaaame. They even named the cult chick Ally?? This could get very awkward very fast.