Serial rapist used ChristianMingle site to find victims

Imagine that (spoken in regards to a seedy guy using an online dating service).
Wow, scary. this is why I don't do online dating anymore and I'm a dude. I used to go on but its just a scary world nowadays. But she should have been given some advice on how to meet people from those online dating sites.
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Scum such as this guy should be castrated. :jedi
That's why you meet in public.
Seriously. First date at HER HOUSE?!??!?!??! :doh:

The rule is, if you're going to go anywhere, meet at HIS place. So if he does something to you, HE has to go through more trouble to get rid of the evidence. :o

Wow, scary. this is why I don't do online dating anymore and I'm a dude. Its just a scary world nowadays. But she should have been given some advice on how to meet people from those online dating sites.
It's just basic common sense about safety. I met my fiance online, but we met in person on a busy street. He didn't go to my house for months.

I'm not saying she deserved it for being so naive, but 99% of people will be able to avoid the same fate by using basic common sense.
One of the reason I got rid of online dating. It's hard enough meeting people in real life. I'm not going to make it more ackward with meeting someone online. Too much can go wrong. I think some just like the thrill of thinking mr or mrs right are behind a computer screen. This generation just has a warped sense of how communication works with technology
One of the reason I got rid of online dating. It's hard enough meeting people in real life. I'm not going to make it more ackward with meeting someone online. Too much can go wrong. I think some just like the thrill of thinking mr or mrs right are behind a computer screen. This generation just has a warped sense of how communication works with technology
I would not have met my fiance except online, because we're both introverted hermits. :oldrazz:

But it's like the rule says, "if it's too good to be true, it probably is." :o
I'm not saying she deserved it for being so naive, but 99% of people will be able to avoid the same fate by using basic common sense.

Actually no. The vast majority of rapes are committed by a person the victim already knows and trusts, or at least feels is not a threat. Rape perpetrated by a stranger is actually fairly rare.
Actually no. The vast majority of rapes are committed by a person the victim already knows and trusts, or at least feels is not a threat. Rape perpetrated by a stranger is actually fairly rare.
Of course I already know that. :oldrazz: I was just pointing out how believing online dating is somehow more "dangerous" than regular dating is a kind of ridiculous. The guy you meet in a bar could be a possible rapist too, and the girl you meet at a professional conference could be a possible axe murderer. (This is how Jodi Arias met her ill-fated boyfriend...)

Initially meeting someone in person doesn't mean it's automatically safer.
And this is why I do not use online dating services.
:doh: (given the juxtaposition)
A lot of people don't have common sense anybody who says they even deserve a hint or 0.01 percent of such acts don't have much common sense
He looks like a neanderthal...

And eh, I met my girlfriend online (through a gum ARG..) and we weren't in public for too long our first IRL meet. Of course this is after months of talking online across states frequently and video chats galore, so we basically already knew each other as well as we would meeting in a cafe or some other form of public courting. I suppose if you want to go tin foil hat one of us could have been putting on an elaborate show so you can't be too careful, but when it's not all text I would imagine that becomes a lot more difficult, or at least almost as difficult as it would be to do in public.
He looks like a neanderthal...

And eh, I met my girlfriend online (through a gum ARG..) and we weren't in public for too long our first IRL meet. Of course this is after months of talking online across states frequently and video chats galore, so we basically already knew each other as well as we would meeting in a cafe or some other form of public courting. I suppose if you want to go tin foil hat one of us could have been putting on an elaborate show so you can't be too careful, but when it's not all text I would imagine that becomes a lot more difficult, or at least almost as difficult as it would be to do in public.
You'd THINK I woulda picked up a bf during the TDK ARG, but....nope! :funny:

My fiancé was the person who talked me into making that insane website though. :oldrazz:
You'd THINK I woulda picked up a bf during the TDK ARG, but....nope! :funny:

My fiancé was the person who talked me into making that insane website though. :oldrazz:

Hahahah! Well it's not like I was thinking "Test Subjects Needed.... I'm totally going to wind up in a long term relationship over this thing!" but was more like I was thinking "Uhhh, is this Batman related? Oh nope, Gum. Screw it, I wanna do an ARG." And well, sticking that ARG out led to more than just swag... I think it's true when they say, "These things happen when you least expect them!"

Also your fiance is awesome for talking you into making that awesome insane website. It's like the definitive source for a small but significant part of the best movie of the now-ended Nolanverse.
Seriously. First date at HER HOUSE?!??!?!??! :doh:

The rule is, if you're going to go anywhere, meet at HIS place. So if he does something to you, HE has to go through more trouble to get rid of the evidence. :o

It's just basic common sense about safety. I met my fiance online, but we met in person on a busy street. He didn't go to my house for months.

I'm not saying she deserved it for being so naive, but 99% of people will be able to avoid the same fate by using basic common sense.

I thought that the rule was that you should always arrange to meet someone for the first time in a public place, and make sure that you have your own transportation. Never let them know exactly where you live, and make sure that your own friends or relatives know about the meeting well in advance.

A couple of weeks ago a woman in my area was murdered by a man she met online. She told him where she lived and invited him over. The man turned out to be an addict looking for someone to rob. He killed her, set her house on fire and stole her car and credit cards. All for a fix.
I thought that the rule was that you should always arrange to meet someone for the first time in a public place, and make sure that you have your own transportation. Never let them know exactly where you live, and make sure that your own friends or relatives know about the meeting well in advance.

A couple of weeks ago a woman in my area was murdered by a man she met online. She told him where she lived and invited him over. The man turned out to be an addict looking for someone to rob. He killed her, set her house on fire and stole her car and credit cards. All for a fix.
I meant if you're going to go anywhere to get some er, alone time and the only choices are his place or yours. :oldrazz: Either is a pretty poor option, honestly.

Best choice is probably a hotel room, if you're going to do that.

The best way to meet someone for the first time are what you listed, absolutely. :yay:

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