

Aug 16, 2003
Reaction score
Did anybody else pick this up? I figured I'd give it a try (it looked better than Iron Fist ) and was pleasently surprised, it was fun. The writer has a very good feel for Jennifer's character, and it looks like he's got some interesting things to do with her
Blizzard attacks her in a bar, and she tells him to sit down and have drink, and she gets him drunk, then tells the bartender to call the cops. He thanks her, since most super heroes would have had a big fight and ruined his bar. Now that's creative
This is out? I didn't see it in my comic shop this week... :confused:
Does Jen ever break the fourth wall and talk directly to the reader like in the Byrne series? That was one of my favorite parts of the old She-Hulk comics.
Originally posted by Elijya
Did anybody else pick this up? I figured I'd give it a try (it looked better than Iron Fist ) and was pleasently surprised, it was fun. The writer has a very good feel for Jennifer's character, and it looks like he's got some interesting things to do with her
Blizzard attacks her in a bar, and she tells him to sit down and have drink, and she gets him drunk, then tells the bartender to call the cops. He thanks her, since most super heroes would have had a big fight and ruined his bar. Now that's creative
That sounds hilarious!
I was kind of curious about this book. I had originally wanted to pitch a She-Hulk relaunch to Epic back in the day, but we all know what happened from there. Ah well, I might pick this up...
yeah, you all sound interested. please pick this up if you have a few extra bucks. It's nothing spectaclar, certainly not a JMS or BMB book, but it was a quality story, and those should be rewarded

sadly, corpry, no breaking of the 4th wall, that doesn't seem to quite fit the tone of the story, but it definitely does have it's comedic moments

this is a major spoiler, but it was one of the funniet parts of the book:
jen's boss: Jen, last night you crushed one of our copiers taking pictures of your butt. Jen: How do you know that was me? it could've been anyone. Jen's boss: it was a color copier, jen.
Great story and a quality start! I know Jen had major emotional problems after that Avengers Red Zone story arc but this level of party ****tiness surprised me. I appreciated the intelligent legal aspect/result of her court case. I'd love for this series to turn in to Marvel's super equivalent of the TV show JAG. It's good to see that Cap, Jan & Herc all stayed in character.
Originally posted by Elijya
sadly, corpry, no breaking of the 4th wall, that doesn't seem to quite fit the tone of the story, but it definitely does have it's comedic moments

this is a major spoiler, but it was one of the funniet parts of the book:
jen's boss: Jen, last night you crushed one of our copiers taking pictures of your butt. Jen: How do you know that was me? it could've been anyone. Jen's boss: it was a color copier, jen.
Yeah, I read it just now. Funny stuff. I liked it a lot, it seemed like a nice character-driven take on the She-Hulk/Jen Walters dynamic but it doesn't take itself too seriously. I'll probably stick with it through the first arc, at least.

That spoiler was hilarious. :D
Sounds pretty good, I'll probably wait for the TPB though, I have a feeling this isnt going to last very long anyhow...
well, I'm much happier I spent my money on this than o Iron Fist
Originally posted by Elijya
well, I'm much happier I spent my money on this than o Iron Fist
I spent my money on both. Haven't gotten to IF yet.
I bought this on Friday (didn't make to the comic store till then) and I was surprised at it. All the reviews I had read about it made it sound like it was going to be bad but I really enjoyed it. I'll probably follow it for at least the first arc to see how it goes. I'm seeing potential there.

The writing was good and the story interests me but the art is turning be off. She-Hulk's face is looking a little too manga-girly for me. I prefer her to look a little more photoreal. And on a lot of pages she looked disproportionate. Especially her biceps.
I noticed that too. Her arms always looked weird; either her hands were too small or her upper arms were too big. Would that Adi Granov could do interiors too because that cover kicks ass.
Originally posted by TheCorpulent1
I noticed that too. Her arms always looked weird; either her hands were too small or her upper arms were too big. Would that Adi Granov could do interiors too because that cover kicks ass.

I agree, the cover was great. I didn't look at the interior when I bought it and was greatly disappointed to open it and find the interior art, and especially She-Hulk, looked nothing like the cover.

I like that guys rendition of she-hulk
Originally posted by guyverjay

I like that guys rendition of she-hulk

I totally agree. That's the way She-Hulk should look IMO. Not some Manga reject with freakish arms.
Originally posted by guyverjay
Could you post an example of this?

I'll see what I can find.
OK, this is the best I can find. It's from the online preview pages but it really doesn't show much of her. But I think you can get the idea. The picture where she is flexing her muscles pretty much shows how her arms are presented in this comic. And the picture with her drinking the soda gives you and idea of how her face looks in this series.

Maybe someone with a scanner can scan some more pictures from the comic that show what I've been talking about

Originally posted by guyverjay

I like that guys rendition of she-hulk

is that Joe Quesada art? It looks reminds me a lot of a page of Polaris (also talking to Doc Sampson!) from an old X-Factor I have.
no, I'm pretty sure that old she-hulk art is Ian Churchhill. This must be some of his early stuff. Look how thin her waist is. (oh, and she's suddenly dressed in the last panel)

the new book's art didn't piss me off that much, personally. I could see the manga influences, but they were far from being bad, I felt

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