No way. I like the idea Fav's came up with, keeping Mandarin in the background, not really focused on in the first two films and hopefully bring him in the third movie.
do you really think there will be Ironman 3?
Robert Downey will play Tony in two Avengers movie, at least, so that would be 5 years from now.
so when do you think they'd do Ironman 3?
In 2016?
IM3 will likely be the very next Marvel movie after the Avengers in 2012.
only iron man fans.Plus it keeps the mystery of the character alive. The first movie made the audience realize that he has some part with the "Ten Rings" terrorist organizations. Now what hints ...maybe actual physical hints will Fav's give us to the Mandarin in the second film.
you can not tease with a villain that noone knows. because the impct is nto big enough on the people. only fans would get happy because they would be the only one who know the GP i would be just some guy. or villain. ?
it was a tease to the fans.The first movie teased S.H.I.E.L.D. and The Avengers and the GP don't know what they are. I remember walking out of the theater with people asking "what is the Avenger Initiative?" and "Why was Samuel L. Jackson at the end?"