If he did, he would not have done something as simple to remedy as playing a round of golf after making the decision to bomb Syria. Which he did within minutes of that decision being declared. Then because of the outcry of our citizenry he decides to go to congress, changing within a few days the "strongly worded" speech of a few days before, a "strongly worded" speech that was over a year after another "strongly worded" speech with a "red line" attached, that he later says was not given by him. Then after his Secretary of State makes a comment that an adversary that has already made him look bad over another loosely lead issue, again makes him appear less the leader.
So, though golf is not a big deal, though people change their minds all the time....perception does not follow the rules. They are simply the truth that people take from what they see.
Perception is people's truth, whether he meant for any of it to come across as it did, though he "I'm truly positive in believing" that he takes the situation quite seriously, I have no doubt....the simple act of playing golf, changes the "perception". It may not be his feelings on the issue, but his "feelings", and because of sooooo many speeches and little action, his speeches no longer guide people's perception, stupid little things do, and that is a problem of leadership and lack of understanding of perception.
The same went with Bush and simply flying over New Orleans, rather than landing and walking the area within days of the hurricane Katrina. The facts were, the Federal government, under law has to wait for the Governor of said state to ask for help. The Governor of Louisiana did not ask for help in a timely manner therefore THE PERCEPTION was the Federal Government (Bush) did not care. Once the aid was sent, it was not effectively and efficiently given to those in need, again at the fault of the governor and mayor of said city. THE PERCEPTION, that the Federal Government (Bush) did not care. Then when he flies over, rather than landing (and it is a know FACT, that he has always hated the interruption in needed help when he comes on the scene. It is a total SHUT DOWN of those areas while he walks through them, he has always hated doing that....BUT THE PERCEPTION WAS he did not care. Not the facts, the perception was people's truth.
Obama has a problem with this as well...hence why his aids made it very clear to him that he needed to get on the ground in New Jersey, immediately after Sandy, even though it totally shut down for a time the work that was being done. Again, perception spoke loudly, and we saw it in the media very well.