Should the US convert to the metric system.


Jul 9, 2005
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I think if America wants to be a economical leader we have to start using the system that 95% of the world all ready uses.
I'm not against it, but it's not really a big deal
We tried having everyone voluntarily change before, and it didn't work. And making laws to require conversion has not been pretty for a lot of countries. I understand in England store owners were getting arrested for refusing, and it was a big debacle.

Using it in trade, science, and the military (which we already do) is, I should think, all we need when interacting with other countries. I wouldn't think the fact our roads are in mph and our milk is in quarts and gallons really affects our international economic status.

So basically I think it won't make that big a difference if we did.
Lord Siva said:
Well explain yourself, no one world answers.
No one wants to learn a whole new number/money/whatnot system, after knowing what we already have all their lives. Least of all, me.
Immortalfire said:
No one wants to learn a whole new number/money/whatnot system. Least of all, me.

It's not a money system, and only ignorant hicks don't already know it.
It's not a big deal, as stated earlier.

Who give a ****, seriously
Pul-ease, we are too arrogant a county to conform to the rest of the world. :o

Anyways we tried it once and it didn't work.
No, I think most of the US never be able to convert to metric, too confusing for them
Erzengel said:
Pul-ease, we are too arrogant a county to conform to the rest of the world. :o

Anyways we tried it once and it didn't work.

the only way I see it affecting our economic status is with exports and that's already taken care of... if you buy a bottle of Coke in Italy, it's going to have milliliters on the bottle instead of ounces.
Also I'm an engineer. Everything I do is in English units. I'd have to remember a bunch of new conversions. Also change the way our drawings are done.
my sig last week for those who had the audacity not to pay attention or remember was "**** THE METRIC SYSTEM"... cause I could never try Mr. Wizard's expriements using his counts.

3 winks of a horse's tail to every blaggard in order to make a bottle rocket. :(
I just poured 3 stones worth of water into the gagameter.. aye.
Erzengel said:
Also I'm an engineer. Everything I do is in English units. I'd have to remember a bunch of new conversions. Also change the way our drawings are done.
Who remembers this?

Mars Climate Orbiter (September 23rd, 1999)
The 125 million dollar Mars Climate Orbiter is assumed lost by officials at NASA. The failure responsible for loss of the orbiter is attributed to a failure of NASA’s system engineer process. The process did not specify the system of measurement to be used on the project. As a result, one of the development teams used Imperial measurement while the other used the metric system of measurement. When parameters from one module were passed to another during orbit navigation correct, no conversion was performed, resulting in the loss of the craft.
Lord Siva said:
I think if America wants to be a economical leader we have to start using the system that 95% of the world all ready uses.
Gee, I hope we can be an economic leader someday!
You know what they call a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris?

They call it a Royale with cheese. Man, they got the metric system. They wouldn't know what the **** a Quarter Pounder is. :o I should probably learn more about it sometime. -_-

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