Silver Surfer casting thread.......

Human Torch05

Jul 12, 2005
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Ok. I always have thought Billy Zane would be an excellent choice for the Surfer. He has the bald look & build for it. Also think "they" can go partly CGI & part costume with his attire. Another choice for the Surfer would that guy who came out in the movie Powder.........Sean Patrick Flannery, I think. Who would be a good voice for Galactus also???
No matter what anyone says to me in this thread. Vin Diesel would make a good Silver Surfer. I mean, his race were militants right? It would only make sense that someone like Diesel be in that kind of universe.
I wouldn't mind Billy Zane or Keanu Reeves as SS. Mainly Zane because he's got a great voice. As for Galactus I doubt he will even have a voice. Didn't Avi say something about him like a natural force or something?
Why Diesal is wrong- He can't act like a philosophical character. He is a one liner action hero. That is it. That is where he will stay because that is all he can do. Totally wrong for this movie. A Silver Surfer movie should make you think, and not be just an action movie in space. The Silver Surfer has potential to be one of, if not the, best comic movie ever. They just need to get it right.

I don't think Keanu is right for the part either. Just because he was the One, doesn't mean he can do this. I don't know who I would get, but I would get someone who is a very strong actor, someone better than Keanu or Vin.
Nah, I'm sticking with Vin. I think he has the potential to be philosophical. His movie, Multi-Racial, is supposed to be really good, and the one that got Vin a part in Saving Private Ryan. So he's definitely not a one liner guy, it's simply that the movies that he chooses, aren't the best one to show off his talent. See the thing is, people are easily thrown off by his voice, but the guy is a great actor.

Plus, everyone has the their own philosophy, whether they know it or it's just subconscious, but everyone has a philosophy, so in a sense, anyone can be philosophical if they wanted to. And my guess is story ways, and to make the Surfer humanizing, their not gonna make him philosophical in the beginning of the movie. Or at least he will forget all of his values once he becomes the Surfer and a slave. Then I guess they're gonna have him grow back into his once philosophical self by the end of the movie.

But then again, I understand what you mean by philosophical. But I really think Diesel could pull it off. I think he'd be similar to Tealc from Stargate.
The Phantom said:
No matter what anyone says to me in this thread. Vin Diesel would make a good Silver Surfer. I mean, his race were militants right? It would only make sense that someone like Diesel be in that kind of universe.

Casting people in movies when you know nothing about the character.

Silver Surfer or Norrin Radd came from the complete opposite of what you said, his planet Zenn-La is xenophobic. No fighting, no wars.
Ouch, aright, I know when I'm wrong.
Still think Vin should be the Surfer though. Don't know where I got the military idea from, but I did read it from somewhere, and I have read a couple of issues of Silver Surfer. And a Tealc-esque Vin Diesel would work as Surfer IMHO.

EDIT: Now I know what happened. I was getting Zenn-La confused with the Kree. My bad. Carry on.
You know if Vin Diesel wasnt bald, you guys wouldnt say hes perfect for SIlver Surfer.
Darthphere said:
You know if Vin Diesel wasnt bald, you guys wouldnt say hes perfect for SIlver Surfer.

Amen to that. People have to look at track record and acting ability when choosing someone for a role. Vin lacks in all other catagories but looks. LOOKS DON'T MAKE AN ACTOR RIGHT!
Sean Patrick Flannery is the best suggestion so far, I think. Another lesser known actor who might be pretty good is Ian Somerhalder, who some of you might know from Lost and Smallville.
Spider-Fan930 said:
Amen to that. People have to look at track record and acting ability when choosing someone for a role. Vin lacks in all other catagories but looks. LOOKS DON'T MAKE AN ACTOR RIGHT!
Unfortunately for you guys, I appreciate Vin for his acting. Go see his two movies he made entirely by himself. Impressive acting in those two, which got Spielberg, that's right Spielberg, to notice him and put him in Saving Private Ryan.
The Phantom said:
Unfortunately for you guys, I appreciate Vin for his acting. Go see his two movies he made entirely by himself. Impressive acting in those two, which got Spielberg, that's right Spielberg, to notice him and put him in Saving Private Ryan.

In a part where he gets killed in about the first half hour. Don't get me wrong, it's impressive to get cast by Spielberg, no matter how small the part, but seriously, anybody could have played that role.
That-Guy said:
In a part where he gets killed in about the first half hour. Don't get me wrong, it's impressive to get cast by Spielberg, no matter how small the part, but seriously, anybody could have played that role.
Wrong. Spielberg was so impressed with Diesel's first two movies, that created that part for him in Saving Private Ryan.
Vin Diesel is great actor I suggest you watch The Pacifier. :rolleyes:
That-Guy said:
Sean Patrick Flannery is the best suggestion so far, I think. Another lesser known actor who might be pretty good is Ian Somerhalder, who some of you might know from Lost and Smallville.

Ain't Ian Somerhalder the guy who plays Luthor on the series??
Human Torch05 said:
Ain't Ian Somerhalder the guy who plays Luthor on the series??

No, that's Michael Rosenbaum. Somerhalder played "Adam Knight" in the 3rd season, a great character until the writers ran him into the ground.
The Phantom said:
Wrong. Spielberg was so impressed with Diesel's first two movies, that created that part for him in Saving Private Ryan.

Okay so if Spielberg loves him so much, why hasn't he worked with him since? And even if what you say is true, it doesn't make me wrong in saying that his role in Saving Private Ryan was miniscule and barely memorable.

Moreover, yes, I know that Spielberg saw Diesel's short film "Multi-Facial" and was very impressed with him that he cast him in his movie, but that doesnt change the fact that Diesel's role in "Private Ryan" wasn't anything special.
That-Guy said:
Okay so if Spielberg loves him so much, why hasn't he worked with him since? And even if what you say is true, it doesn't make me wrong in saying that his role in Saving Private Ryan was miniscule and barely memorable.

Okay I'll start off with his role in Saving Private Ryan IMHO wasn't big, but it wasn't miniscule either. Miniscule is when you have an extra. He actually had a role with more than one line, and more than one camera angle. And was actually the focus of a scene.

Second, Spielberg is a busy guy. He's not going make whole features around Vin Diesel, because he's got like ten movies down the line that he's got to get to. Plus, I said he was highly impressed with his acting. That doesn't mean he's gonna be Spielberg's new in-house actor.

Don't believe me? Chew on this.
Afterwards, Vin returned to Los Angeles and raised almost $50,000 through telemarketing to fund the making of his first feature, Strays (1997). Six months after shooting, the film was accepted for the 1997 Sundance Film Festival, and although it received a good reception, it didn't sell as well as hoped. Yet again Vin returned disappointed to New York only to receive a dream phone call. Steven Spielberg was impressed by Multi-Facial (1994) and wanted to meet Vin, leading him to be cast in Saving Private Ryan (1998). Multi-Facial (1994) earned Vin more work, when the director of The Iron Giant (1999) saw it and decided to cast Vin in the title role. From there, Vin's career has steadily grown, with him securing his first lead role as 'Richard B Riddick' in the sci-fi film Pitch Black (2000). That role has earned him a legion of devoted fans and the public recognition he deserves.
The Source
Ok. My 2 cents on the whole Vin Diesel thing is he's a good actor & I appreciate his roles on Saving Pvt. Ryan & Pitch Black etc., but he is totally wrong for the role of the Silver Surfer. One is his voice & the other is his nose , also his acting style. The Surfer has always struck me as a person with less of "hoarse" voice and calm demeanor....something Diesel IMO could'nt pull off. Secondly his nose just would'nt go with the Surfer's profile. Sorry but he's just not right.
Hmm...ok, well, how about Marvel's Captain Marvel for Diesel? He'd make an interesting Marv.
What about Shane McDermott? He was the kid from Airborne.


I know it's a long shot that he actually gets the role, but in that movie he was very mystic, almost Zhen Buddist. He was born in '76. So he should be going on 29, which isn't too old.

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