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Sequels Singer's X-Men 3?


Rewriting my 4th, 5th, 6th, & 7th books
Jun 12, 2005
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I haven't seen this brought up...if it has please close it...or redirect me to it...

I was thinking...instead of doing X4...if it happens...do you think Fox/Marvel should pull an "Excorcist: The Beginning/Dominion: Prequel To The Exorcist"...the film the studio wanted was released, I think they wanted a more violent/gory film, more of a "modern" horror, I haven't seen the films, if anyone has seen them please comment about the quality of each, I know the original version was shelved by studios to create what they wanted.........but eventually the original directors version was released, and is considered by many the better film. I think it would be a wise decision to give Singer the chance to create the X-men 3 that could have been...

...part of my reason is...it started with Singer it should end with him in my opinion.

I love all the films and can't wait for Wolverine and Magneto and any other spin-offs...but I hope to one day see in some way that X-Men 3...
This has been discusssed a lot. I think It'ss too early, and lots of people see no problem with X3. It was a mega hit, so I don't see that ever happening. I wish it would too, but I'm not sure I'd like to see one without all the orignal cast. Halle would probably never do that, due to Singer directing it. And, well, I'm not sure an X3 without Storm would be as perfect as I would expect it to be. There's just no way Singer will get to make the X3 he was supposed to do. He should have done it in 2005, he did not. I think no matter how much we or they might try, it would just not be the same as he wanted it to originally be.
This has been discusssed a lot. I think It'ss too early, and lots of people see no problem with X3. It was a mega hit, so I don't see that ever happening. I wish it would too, but I'm not sure I'd like to see one without all the orignal cast. Halle would probably never do that, due to Singer directing it. And, well, I'm not sure an X3 without Storm would be as perfect as I would expect it to be. There's just no way Singer will get to make the X3 he was supposed to do. He should have done it in 2005, he did not. I think no matter how much we or they might try, it would just not be the same as he wanted it to originally be.

I forgot out the Halle/Singer conflict...

Myself I love the X3 we got, it did have a few problems...but I'm still interested in seeing what could have been...has anything ever been revealed about Singer's X3. I only remember the introduction of Emma Frost, and she would be manipulating the Phoenix.
I forgot out the Halle/Singer conflict...

Myself I love the X3 we got, it did have a few problems...but I'm still interested in seeing what could have been...has anything ever been revealed about Singer's X3. I only remember the introduction of Emma Frost, and she would be manipulating the Phoenix.
I'm glad Ratner didn't do that. Honestly, I really don't want to see Frost in the movies. Maybe if they do a prequel with young X-Men, she could be in it to complicate Scott and Jean's relationship. :oldrazz: But I'd rather they just did sequels and kept her out.
I forgot out the Halle/Singer conflict...

Myself I love the X3 we got, it did have a few problems...but I'm still interested in seeing what could have been...has anything ever been revealed about Singer's X3. I only remember the introduction of Emma Frost, and she would be manipulating the Phoenix.

It appears Singer had a draft ready, but he took all his ideas with him. Well, Sigourney Weaver would play Emma, the Hellfire club would be involved on Jean's turn into Dark Phoenix, and this was supposed to be the main plot. Storm would probably have only a little cameo, or simply be ignored, and the excuse would be she was in Africa. Also, Singer planned to film both X3 and X4 back to back, to fully explore the Phoenix saga, but Rothman declined. It's rumored Singer asked the same amount of money that Ratner spent on X3 to film BOTH X3 and X4. Given how much these two movies could earn if directed by Singer and following the greatness that was X2, I imagine how much money Fox lost by spending the money to make only one film.
It appears Singer had a draft ready, but he took all his ideas with him. Well, Sigourney Weaver would play Emma, the Hellfire club would be involved on Jean's turn into Dark Phoenix, and this was supposed to be the main plot. Storm would probably have only a little cameo, or simply be ignored, and the excuse would be she was in Africa. Also, Singer planned to film both X3 and X4 back to back, to fully explore the Phoenix saga, but Rothman declined. It's rumored Singer asked the same amount of money that Ratner spent on X3 to film BOTH X3 and X4. Given how much these two movies could earn if directed by Singer and following the greatness that was X2, I imagine how much money Fox lost by spending the money to make only one film.

Wow I had no idea, that was really stupid of them, they must've thought anyone could've done Singer's job... they need to be adults and work things out
The fact is they never thought they would spend so much on making "the Ratner" X3. But after the release date for Superman Returns was set, FOX rushed X3 to the maximum to release it before SR and thus, had to explode the budget to make the movie be ready.
Were any story/plot ideas for X4 ever revealed...or just that it could be filmed back 2 back with X3?

Back to the spin-offs..I know Wolverine (some of the recent interviews with Hood really make me think the film will be great) and Magneto are underway...has there been any news on the 3rd spin-off? Remember way back when, there was all this specualtion about what it could be...has there been any updates...I just rememer hearing about Young X-Men with no real details about it...and then a potential Emma Frost film.
no news on a third spinoff.

I wonder how many of Singer's plans would've been shot down or reworked had he continued.
Would Singer come back? Would Fox want X3 remade? I doubt it.

But what they could do is flesh out X3 with another edition that adds in some of the deleted and alternate scenes. A mutated version of the theatrical release, if you like.

It could be: X3 - The Mutated Edition or X3 - X-tended Edition or X3 - Evolved!

If Alexander can be released three times, then I see no problem with a further edition of X3.

There must be much more footage than we've seen, but of the extra scenes we've seen I'd like these especially to be included into the main film: the Xavier voiceover (either from the deleted scene or the version from the trailer), Extended fight scene at Jean's house (shows teamwork, more tension), Storm's wave (she should do more at Alcatraz, each movie gives her a goddess moment, and this was it), the alternate version of the speaking before boarding the jet to go to Alcatraz (it showed Bobby growing up), Jean sensing the scared girl and Jean refusing Magneto's request to fight (showed Jean's humanity and emotion and reluctance to be there), Bobby and Colossus vs Phat (showed teamwork, gave meaning to Phat's earlier appearance in the church so he wasn't just a random kewl-effect character), new year begins (i like Beast and Bobby being there with Storm, the X-family is reunited), Jean displays powers at camp (could be intercut with theatrical scene so she appears to make nuclear mass out of remains of cure gun rather than a metal cup), Rogue not taking the cure, Extended Dark Phoenix destruction (much more epic, showed scope and threat of her powers)....

I'd so like those things edited into the movie....and to know what else is hiding in those reels of footage. Scenes of Psylocke fighting? Mei Melancon mentioned filming fight scenes. How much else is hidden away?

As i said, if Oliver Stone can keep fussing around with Alexander, then we can get another version of X3. Released at the same time as the Wolverine movie or Wolverine DVD perhaps?

Go on Fox, treat us. The material is there, the fans want it.
We just need a giant X-Men production history sticky.
Would Singer come back? Would Fox want X3 remade? I doubt it.

But what they could do is flesh out X3 with another edition that adds in some of the deleted and alternate scenes. A mutated version of the theatrical release, if you like.

It could be: X3 - The Mutated Edition or X3 - X-tended Edition or X3 - Evolved!

If Alexander can be released three times, then I see no problem with a further edition of X3.

There must be much more footage than we've seen, but of the extra scenes we've seen I'd like these especially to be included into the main film: the Xavier voiceover (either from the deleted scene or the version from the trailer), Extended fight scene at Jean's house (shows teamwork, more tension), Storm's wave (she should do more at Alcatraz, each movie gives her a goddess moment, and this was it), the alternate version of the speaking before boarding the jet to go to Alcatraz (it showed Bobby growing up), Jean sensing the scared girl and Jean refusing Magneto's request to fight (showed Jean's humanity and emotion and reluctance to be there), Bobby and Colossus vs Phat (showed teamwork, gave meaning to Phat's earlier appearance in the church so he wasn't just a random kewl-effect character), new year begins (i like Beast and Bobby being there with Storm, the X-family is reunited), Jean displays powers at camp (could be intercut with theatrical scene so she appears to make nuclear mass out of remains of cure gun rather than a metal cup), Rogue not taking the cure, Extended Dark Phoenix destruction (much more epic, showed scope and threat of her powers)....

I'd so like those things edited into the movie....and to know what else is hiding in those reels of footage. Scenes of Psylocke fighting? Mei Melancon mentioned filming fight scenes. How much else is hidden away?

As i said, if Oliver Stone can keep fussing around with Alexander, then we can get another version of X3. Released at the same time as the Wolverine movie or Wolverine DVD perhaps?

Go on Fox, treat us. The material is there, the fans want it.
I am really hoping they do, and they need to get rid of that whole split personality thing, it just irks me the most abt the film IDKY
I am really hoping they do, and they need to get rid of that whole split personality thing, it just irks me the most abt the film IDKY

No, that would be silly. To 'get rid' of that, they'd have to leave out loads of scenes and make the movie shorter. That would be ridiculous. An extra edition is not about re-writing the story (they won't be re-shooting any scenes), it is about fleshing out the existing story. What you are wanting is another movie entirely, and that ain't gonna happen so let's smash that idea down right now.
Released at the same time as the Wolverine movie or Wolverine DVD perhaps?

I think that's a safe bet. Extended editions are usually released to promote hype for a sequel/spin-off (ex: Daredevil Director's Cut before Elektra, Spider-Man 2.1 before Spider-Man 3, extended Fantastic Four before ROTSS).
I always thought that Singer would introduce Genosha, Sentinels ala Gen. Lang, Phoenix, Emma Frost and have it mention that the Hellfire Club is funding Genosha/Sentinels...as in TAS Storm/Rogue/Kurt/Logan befriend Gambit, reintroduce Sabretooth(as a slave), they get captured/become slaves, Logan gets the x-gene taken from him so the Sentinels can locate.kill mutants and so does Mystique when she gets discovered impersonating Sen. Kelly, Rogue finds out Mystique is her mother, and mutant cameos,the B.O.E wit newcomers Pyro/Avalanche for X3 and Colossus is added the X-men

For X4 after Phoenix's display of power at Genosha, introduce the cure, Angel(much older), Beast, Trask, Hellfire Club(fund the cure), the Morlocks, Juggernaut,Mystique gets cured, Kurt finds out Mystique is his mom,Kurt leaves the X-Men to start a relationship w/Raven, B.O.E army, and DARK PHOENIX!!!! the X-Men: Cyclops,Storm,Beast,Wolverine,Iceman,Colossus,Kitty,Gambit,Rogue,Angel and the death(s) of Prof. X(by Jean) Scott/Jean as they lay downs there lives to save the team from a Prime Sentinel and from Dark Phoenix (I always liek the idea of lovers dying 2gether n will be 2gether 4 eternity)
I always thought that Singer would introduce Genosha, Sentinels ala Gen. Lang, Phoenix, Emma Frost and have it mention that the Hellfire Club is funding Genosha/Sentinels...as in TAS Storm/Rogue/Kurt/Logan befriend Gambit, reintroduce Sabretooth(as a slave), they get captured/become slaves, Logan gets the x-gene taken from him so the Sentinels can locate.kill mutants and so does Mystique when she gets discovered impersonating Sen. Kelly, Rogue finds out Mystique is her mother, and mutant cameos,the B.O.E wit newcomers Pyro/Avalanche for X3 and Colossus is added the X-men

For X4 after Phoenix's display of power at Genosha, introduce the cure, Angel(much older), Beast, Trask, Hellfire Club(fund the cure), the Morlocks, Juggernaut,Mystique gets cured, Kurt finds out Mystique is his mom,Kurt leaves the X-Men to start a relationship w/Raven, B.O.E army, and DARK PHOENIX!!!! the X-Men: Cyclops,Storm,Beast,Wolverine,Iceman,Colossus,Kitty,Gambit,Rogue,Angel and the death(s) of Prof. X(by Jean) Scott/Jean as they lay downs there lives to save the team from a Prime Sentinel and from Dark Phoenix (I always liek the idea of lovers dying 2gether n will be 2gether 4 eternity)

and you thought he would include all this why?:huh:
I always thought that Singer would introduce Genosha, Sentinels ala Gen. Lang, Phoenix, Emma Frost and have it mention that the Hellfire Club is funding Genosha/Sentinels...as in TAS Storm/Rogue/Kurt/Logan befriend Gambit, reintroduce Sabretooth(as a slave), they get captured/become slaves, Logan gets the x-gene taken from him so the Sentinels can locate.kill mutants and so does Mystique when she gets discovered impersonating Sen. Kelly, Rogue finds out Mystique is her mother, and mutant cameos,the B.O.E wit newcomers Pyro/Avalanche for X3 and Colossus is added the X-men

For X4 after Phoenix's display of power at Genosha, introduce the cure, Angel(much older), Beast, Trask, Hellfire Club(fund the cure), the Morlocks, Juggernaut,Mystique gets cured, Kurt finds out Mystique is his mom,Kurt leaves the X-Men to start a relationship w/Raven, B.O.E army, and DARK PHOENIX!!!! the X-Men: Cyclops,Storm,Beast,Wolverine,Iceman,Colossus,Kitty,Gambit,Rogue,Angel and the death(s) of Prof. X(by Jean) Scott/Jean as they lay downs there lives to save the team from a Prime Sentinel and from Dark Phoenix (I always liek the idea of lovers dying 2gether n will be 2gether 4 eternity)

because after the huge success of X2, he needs to top X2 with a gr8 story for his X3 and what a way to introduce Genosha/mutant slaves, intro. of Sentinels, pivotal human/mutant characters, and PHOENIX(with Jean's original backstory w/Magneto) this should be 2hrs long

X4 ties in with the events in X3, Frost/Sentinels/Genosha and now the cure all tie in with the Hellfire club...who basically want to get to Jean and they do...Singer had good writers so they would've figured out how to tell the Dark Phoenix plot, the cure plot, and flesh out the B.O.E and X-Men...another 2hr smash and a way to end the X-Men films...
because after the huge success of X2, he needs to top X2 with a gr8 story for his X3 and what a way to introduce Genosha/mutant slaves, intro. of Sentinels, pivotal human/mutant characters, and PHOENIX(with Jean's original backstory w/Magneto) this should be 2hrs long

X4 ties in with the events in X3, Frost/Sentinels/Genosha and now the cure all tie in with the Hellfire club...who basically want to get to Jean and they do...Singer had good writers so they would've figured out how to tell the Dark Phoenix plot, the cure plot, and flesh out the B.O.E and X-Men...another 2hr smash and a way to end the X-Men films...

Nice thinking... but there's no way of knowing if he'd have been able to include all that. Great wishlist though, but pointless now....
No, that would be silly. To 'get rid' of that, they'd have to leave out loads of scenes and make the movie shorter. That would be ridiculous. An extra edition is not about re-writing the story (they won't be re-shooting any scenes), it is about fleshing out the existing story. What you are wanting is another movie entirely, and that ain't gonna happen so let's smash that idea down right now.

no, IDthink it'd be that difficult, insted they could just re-work that scene to say something like jean's powers were boosted the night she used cerebro and they've been growing since, it could be like an alternate scene, plus it would tie in the 1st two films much better:X1-cerebro scene + liberty island, X2-scott to jean: "ever since liberty island...", phoenix

and 2 keep continuity get rid of the scene where they meet her parents and add in the prof's monologue

*nd 4 bonus features they could show the pheonix raptor, cuz i heard they shot scenes where Phoenix manifests it, but they didn't like how it looked
no, IDthink it'd be that difficult, insted they could just re-work that scene to say something like jean's powers were boosted the night she used cerebro and they've been growing since, it could be like an alternate scene, plus it would tie in the 1st two films much better:X1-cerebro scene + liberty island, X2-scott to jean: "ever since liberty island...", phoenix

and 2 keep continuity get rid of the scene where they meet her parents and add in the prof's monologue

*nd 4 bonus features they could show the pheonix raptor, cuz i heard they shot scenes where Phoenix manifests it, but they didn't like how it looked

Do you really think they still have the sets from the movie? Do you really think they would re-hire the actors, director, cinematographer, make-up and costume people and everyone else involved to shoot a few new lines just to make an alternate scene? Let me anwer for you: No.

Javphonic, you are being less than intelligent to think this. Let it go. It's silly.

They also aren't going to pay FX companies at this stage to add on a raptor. I very much doubt there are scenes where a firebird was already completed.

No, no and no. What you are suggesting is not gonna happen. It's just fanboy dreaming and totally unrealistic.
Do you really think they still have the sets from the movie? Do you really think they would re-hire the actors, director, cinematographer, make-up and costume people and everyone else involved to shoot a few new lines just to make an alternate scene? Let me anwer for you: No.

Javphonic, you are being less than intelligent to think this. Let it go. It's silly.

They also aren't going to pay FX companies at this stage to add on a raptor. I very much doubt there are scenes where a firebird was already completed.

No, no and no. What you are suggesting is not gonna happen. It's just fanboy dreaming and totally unrealistic.

Well neway these are my ideas, and I am entitled 2 post them, so if u don't like it don't read it!

I'm pretty sure they didn't just scrap everything, as they might make more films, so to scrap all the sets would be pretty ridiculous, but I guess it's just fanboy speculation, and not realistic at all

BTW wutevr u post next I won't reply 2
Is anybody really talking about the possibilities in the believe that they'll happen? I just like speculating, daydreaming... They could do great things with the next X-Men, but I don't expect them to make it.
Singer's X3 could have been amazing. But it didn't happen, and never will. We can just hope that in the future, the series will be able to match the level of success and critical acclaim of Singer's movies.

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