Sitcom Cliches


Aug 30, 2003
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So I was wondering what are some of your favorite, or hated cliches.

things that you love, or can`t stand seeing in sitcom after sitcom after sitcom.

Stuff like folks swapping jobs (and one always beeing much better at it)

Or roommates having a fight and drawing a line down the middle of the apartment.

stuff like that?
My most hated, hated, HATED cliche is the idiot father. The dads a bafoon, the mom is always right, the dad learns his lesson and makes up for it at the end of the episode. The Simpsons is the only one that does it right.
Because the father is not an idiot??? (but I do know what you mean, Marge is off too sometimes, she's not inherently superior like other TV moms.)

That is my least favorite and the very one that I was going to come in to say, the idiot father.

But my second least favorite cliche is the whiny impotent kids. Kids are smart, sadistic and don't always get into trouble that's PG-13, and they have ONGOING issues. So I get real tired of 'bad little boy' getting in big trouble for stealing some worthless baseball cards or 'everstudious little girl' getting corrupted into sneaking out at 8pm (OH Noes!!) with her best friend. (Dang, the idiot father cliche even sinks to the kids) It's Embarassing, and it's as far removed from raising kids as directing traffic is from Live Free or Die Hard.
Ugly and/or fat man with model-quality wife. That's the worst.
Ugly and/or fat man with model-quality wife. That's the worst.

I was just about to say that. I HATE that cliche. In the real world, no hot woman would be with a fat ugly guy (unless she's a gold digger and he's rich).
I was just about to say that. I HATE that cliche. In the real world, no hot woman would be with a fat ugly guy (unless she's a gold digger and he's rich).

Such an aoptimistic veiw of love. :o
Because the father is not an idiot???

Oh, Homer is very much an idiot. I'm just saying that in terms of the "idiot father" cliche, the Simpsons is one of the few I like. In fact, I think when the Simpsons first aired, the idiot father wasn't a cliche, hell they may have started the trend. I also hate slasher movies, but still really like John Carpenter's Halloween. Every other idiot father show feels like a pale retread of the Simpsons. Even with Home Improvement, one of my favorite shows growing up, I got sick of Jill always being right and Tim always being wrong.
Oh, Homer is very much an idiot. I'm just saying that in terms of the "idiot father" cliche, the Simpsons is one of the few I like. In fact, I think when the Simpsons first aired, the idiot father wasn't a cliche, hell they may have started the trend. I also hate slasher movies, but still really like John Carpenter's Halloween. Every other idiot father show feels like a pale retread of the Simpsons. Even with Home Improvement, one of my favorite shows growing up, I got sick of Jill always being right and Tim always being wrong.

That's because Patricia Richardson was a *****.
Canned laughter....I KNOW WHEN TO LAUGH GOD DAMN IT!!!

I love The Big Bang Theory (mainly because of the geekiness) but it would be even better without all the laugh tracks.
pfft, Patricia Heaton was a bigger *****
Such an aoptimistic veiw of love. :o

love is just a bunch of neurons firing in the brain. But I'm really tired of the cliche with the hot wife and fat husband. What about a fat wife and good looking husband? They should try that combo (nobody will watch it though).
Problems with a pregnancy

And its annoyed me how so many shows have an episode where everyone goes bowling, I dunno that just bugs me since besides The Simpsons you never see them there again. It seems so cliche, "The bowling episode".
1. Nobody ever locks their doors. Neighbours and friends just walk in and out at will.

2. Nobody's ever on time or arrives in a restaurant as a group. The last person has to rush in with "Sorry I'm late."

3. New York City is 90% thin, good-looking white people.

4. Gay guys are always a little bit smarter than straight guys.

5. A disproportionate percentage of the population works in advertising.

6. All African-Americans have some sort of urban or Southern accent.

7. All Asian women are sexy love interests for white protagonists and speak perfect English. All Asian men just got off the boat and speak comically accented English.
the chick's best friend hates her boyfriend/husband, and they insult each other regularly.
i hate the inevitable sit down discussion . i want to bail when it gets overly sentimental.

also canned laughter is the death of sitcom.
People never, ever drink water. They're always grabbing a canned soda out of the fridge, or fathers are always holding a beer.
i hate the inevitable sit down discussion . i want to bail when it gets overly sentimental.

After Bill Cosby's hilarious Monopoly sit down with Theo, it should have never been done in a sitcom again.
After Bill Cosby's hilarious Monopoly sit down with Theo, it should have never been done in a sitcom again.

I need a big giant "Everything I need to know about parenting, I learned from watching "The Cosby Show"" Poster, ASAP. Who ever can make this happen, my kds will thank you. :)
Canned laughter....I KNOW WHEN TO LAUGH GOD DAMN IT!!!

I love The Big Bang Theory (mainly because of the geekiness) but it would be even better without all the laugh tracks.

The few times I've watched that show I've needed the canned laughter to know when they were trying to be funny. That show sucks!

the *****y mother-in-law

Yeah, this I never really understood since both my parents got along with their in-laws.
i hate the obsessive drunk or smoker that doesn't actually drink or smoke that much on screen

i also hate the genius child who quips or has an incredible iq...

i hate all forms of nerds on telly.

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