Comics SM- Red & Blue & Whatever All Over?


Apr 10, 2004
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Who's got this?
What is it?
Is it any good?
Is that the Dodsons?
Well for one thing, the book is called Spider-Man: Black, Blue, and Read all over, lol

Got it, and it was BRILLIANT. Krueger NEVER fails to impress me. Even his weak stuff is better than most people's work IMO

The story takes place just after Mark Millar's run on MK Spidey, (it starts with the Vulture in his MK get up.) Peter still has his secret identity, and he's having coffee with May. He tells her about a recurring nightmare that he has been having for months. She gives such a touching speech to him, about who he is, about Ben, and her, and how special Peter actually is. She also tells him that he deserves better, and convinces him to unmask(!?)

Peter takes this to MJ, and MJ agrees. So, Peter strikes a deak with JJ, where Peter tells his side for the 1st 3 pages of the Bugle, and then the next day, Peter comes in front of the Daily Bugle and unmasks.

I won't spoil the ending, but it's great, truly great

Not only does it make the point of WHY his secret ID is important, but it also explains why he became a choice candidate for The Avengers, and on top of that, it gives more reason for why he chose to unmask himself right now.

THESE are the kind of writers that need to work on Spider-Man, true A-List greats, who know how to handle down to Earth charachters that you can feel. He proves not only do you not need Earth shattering events to make a story with great impact, bit he also proves that Peter doesn't need to a real sad ending to make a touching Spider-Man story. This was in true Stan Lee spirit I felt.

I'm not a big fan of all the changes in Spidey in last few years, but Kreuger proves it's all in the delivery. If things were handled in this manner, with the real character development which he brings forth, all of the changes would have been MUCH easier to swallow. He did all of this all in one book, imagine if he had a longer run on Spidey?

There was a nice back up story, a reprint of the 1st time Spidey got unmasked by Doc Ock, (which ALSO had a happy ending!:)) I know we've read it, and already own it, but fun still nonetheless.

The book is SO worth the price. I never heard of (the artist,) Drew Johnson before, but he really pulls it off in this story, great stuff.

And best of all, we get to see MJ IN THE HOTTEST, (and only,) Spidey nighty I've ever seen!!!!!! I'm SO getting one made up for my girlfriend! Lol!
I've still got to pick this up...any story that doesn't revolve around "The Other", the unmasking, or feature the "Iron Spider" costume is a rare one...and it's automatically better than anythign else out there right now.
wolvie2020 said:
Well for one thing, the book is called Spider-Man: Black, Blue, and Read all over, lol

Got it, and it was BRILLIANT. Krueger NEVER fails to impress me. Even his weak stuff is better than most people's work IMO

The story takes place just after Mark Millar's run on MK Spidey, (it starts with the Vulture in his MK get up.) Peter still has his secret identity, and he's having coffee with May. He tells her about a recurring nightmare that he has been having for months. She gives such a touching speech to him, about who he is, about Ben, and her, and how special Peter actually is. She also tells him that he deserves better, and convinces him to unmask(!?)

Peter takes this to MJ, and MJ agrees. So, Peter strikes a deak with JJ, where Peter tells his side for the 1st 3 pages of the Bugle, and then the next day, Peter comes in front of the Daily Bugle and unmasks.

I won't spoil the ending, but it's great, truly great

Not only does it make the point of WHY his secret ID is important, but it also explains why he became a choice candidate for The Avengers, and on top of that, it gives more reason for why he chose to unmask himself right now.

THESE are the kind of writers that need to work on Spider-Man, true A-List greats, who know how to handle down to Earth charachters that you can feel. He proves not only do you not need Earth shattering events to make a story with great impact, bit he also proves that Peter doesn't need to a real sad ending to make a touching Spider-Man story. This was in true Stan Lee spirit I felt.

I'm not a big fan of all the changes in Spidey in last few years, but Kreuger proves it's all in the delivery. If things were handled in this manner, with the real character development which he brings forth, all of the changes would have been MUCH easier to swallow. He did all of this all in one book, imagine if he had a longer run on Spidey?

There was a nice back up story, a reprint of the 1st time Spidey got unmasked by Doc Ock, (which ALSO had a happy ending!:)) I know we've read it, and already own it, but fun still nonetheless.

The book is SO worth the price. I never heard of (the artist,) Drew Johnson before, but he really pulls it off in this story, great stuff.

And best of all, we get to see MJ IN THE HOTTEST, (and only,) Spidey nighty I've ever seen!!!!!! I'm SO getting one made up for my girlfriend! Lol!

Damn I'm sold.

Mainly cause it directly follows on from MKSM#12.
Should have picked it up today while I was getting my Punisher back issues.
So is it both Dodson's on art duties or just inks?, I can't tell.
Dangerous said:
Damn I'm sold.

Mainly cause it directly follows on from MKSM#12.
Should have picked it up today while I was getting my Punisher back issues.
So is it both Dodson's on art duties or just inks?, I can't tell.

The Dodson's ain't on it at all. It's Drew Johnson inked by Tom Palmer. Although, the artists were picked to go in the same direction as the Dodson's on MK Spidey I'm guessing. Very similar, but the art here leans slightly more on the gritter side, (think a little Darick Robertson.) It's not as stylish as the Dodsons. Still really good stuff though.


This is the most spectacular cover I've seen in ages!
The only one that comes close was that issue of Spidey Unlimited where the top half of his body is used nearly as a sillhoette over NY, (it came out during Spider-Man 2.) But I prefer this one, it really brings forth the feeling of 'a ballet in the sky!'
shinlyle said:
I've still got to pick this up...any story that doesn't revolve around "The Other", the unmasking, or feature the "Iron Spider" costume is a rare one...and it's automatically better than anythign else out there right now.

But... from the synopsis I just read in this thread, it seems to be ALL ABOUT the unmasking... :confused:
Cyclops said:
But... from the synopsis I just read in this thread, it seems to be ALL ABOUT the unmasking... :confused:

Not THE unmasking. That was obviously used as a bit if a ruse. It connects the dots about why Peter has made certain recent decisions, but really, it's more about just telling a decent, regular, Spidey story. That has no Goblin babies etc.
wolvie2020 said:
Well for one thing, the book is called Spider-Man: Black, Blue, and Read all over, lol

Got it, and it was BRILLIANT. Krueger NEVER fails to impress me. Even his weak stuff is better than most people's work IMO

The story takes place just after Mark Millar's run on MK Spidey, (it starts with the Vulture in his MK get up.) Peter still has his secret identity, and he's having coffee with May. He tells her about a recurring nightmare that he has been having for months. She gives such a touching speech to him, about who he is, about Ben, and her, and how special Peter actually is. She also tells him that he deserves better, and convinces him to unmask(!?)

Peter takes this to MJ, and MJ agrees. So, Peter strikes a deak with JJ, where Peter tells his side for the 1st 3 pages of the Bugle, and then the next day, Peter comes in front of the Daily Bugle and unmasks.

I won't spoil the ending, but it's great, truly great

Not only does it make the point of WHY his secret ID is important, but it also explains why he became a choice candidate for The Avengers, and on top of that, it gives more reason for why he chose to unmask himself right now.

THESE are the kind of writers that need to work on Spider-Man, true A-List greats, who know how to handle down to Earth charachters that you can feel. He proves not only do you not need Earth shattering events to make a story with great impact, bit he also proves that Peter doesn't need to a real sad ending to make a touching Spider-Man story. This was in true Stan Lee spirit I felt.

I'm not a big fan of all the changes in Spidey in last few years, but Kreuger proves it's all in the delivery. If things were handled in this manner, with the real character development which he brings forth, all of the changes would have been MUCH easier to swallow. He did all of this all in one book, imagine if he had a longer run on Spidey?

There was a nice back up story, a reprint of the 1st time Spidey got unmasked by Doc Ock, (which ALSO had a happy ending!:)) I know we've read it, and already own it, but fun still nonetheless.

The book is SO worth the price. I never heard of (the artist,) Drew Johnson before, but he really pulls it off in this story, great stuff.

And best of all, we get to see MJ IN THE HOTTEST, (and only,) Spidey nighty I've ever seen!!!!!! I'm SO getting one made up for my girlfriend! Lol!
Wow, to each their own I guess.....I thought the art was great and the newspaper splash page was cool....but that's about all I liked about it!.....What in blazes was the purpose of this thing?

So we find out Peter was going to unmask before Civil War....because Aunt May said "People needed to know"....."Peter keeping his identity secret to protect his family was rubbish?".....Aunt May was wriiten as if she was off her freaking meds....

So Spidey indeed decides to unmask, in fact he prints it in the Daily when he shows up, New York decides to protect their own, protect their Spider-man and his identity, by all wearing spider-man costumes and revealing themselves......including Aunt freaking May??.....who just a dozen panels before that had convinced him to take it off?

So we're left with Peter willing to unmask without the protection of the Avengers (he wasn't a member at this time), no Stark Towers, No Tony asking him to, no law dictating that he should, no input from MJ......and the same New York that's spitting on him in Civil War comes out to protect his identity?.... me the whole thing was really absurd and incongruous...but that's just me :)

...sorry...forgot to use spoiler tags
wolvie2020 said:
Not THE unmasking. That was obviously used as a bit if a ruse. It connects the dots about why Peter has made certain recent decisions, but really, it's more about just telling a decent, regular, Spidey story. That has no Goblin babies etc.

So... it's really just more justification for a really bad decision (unmasking). Yeeeaaaah, no thanks.
Cyclops said:
So... it's really just more justification for a really bad decision (unmasking). Yeeeaaaah, no thanks.

actually there was really no new concrete justification was like Marvel saying "sure the unmasking was in character in Civil he is months earlier willing to unmask because of bad dreams??...he's been an idiot for a while now!!"....sigh*
I definitely got the impression when I was reading this that this issue was slapped together to try to add more justification for why it's "okay" for Pete to unmask... to show that Pete put more thought to it than what we saw in Civil War. He even mentions that he'd feel safer if MJ & May were living in Stark Towers (which is a crap excuse for me, since there's no way they'll live there forever). It did leave somewhat of a sour taste, if not for the article that Pete wrote, which was nice.

And for anyone that's seen the movie Spartacus, the ending is hardly original though. ;)
Ummm story to me sounds like more justification because of the unmasking has went over so poorly. I'll glance through it, it looks like it will be more "justification" as to this whole thing.

MARVEL!!! Stop delaying books and tell the damn stories you have us hanging on for. For the love of god, tell the writers to turn in the whole script before things get going. it's only 6? 7? issues.. BAH!!

*rage off*
Il be picking this up today for my train journey to London for the weekend.
Just glancing at it the thing I really dig is that the artists did a really good job of re creating the style of the Dodson’s.
Will post thoughts tmr.
Dangerous said:
Il be picking this up today for my train journey to London for the weekend.
Just glancing at it the thing I really dig is that the artists did a really good job of re creating the style of the Dodson’s.
Will post thoughts tmr.

Hey, I didn't know you're English! Next time you come to London, you should come down to my store! I run a company called Urban Species, and we have a Marvel license. Our store, (in Camden,) has clothing and all things pop culture. Naturally, Marvel, (and all things about comics,) has a very large presence in our store :)

P.S. I really hope you mean London England, otherwise everything I'm saying is pointless! Lol
Yup London England, bout to grab a train from Nottingham at my gfs.
Store sounds cool but don reckon Il get to check it out this wkend as were going to my gfs sis party but next time Il drop by.
Read this today. It wasn't that bad, not much to write home about, but just a straight forward Spidey story. Though the best line was when Spidey told JJJ to get new material, haha. Great stuff there. And the newspaper article was a nice touch as well.

The ending was pretty fun to the story and a free reprint of ASM # 12 isn't too shabby either.
The ending of the book is clearly inspired by v for vendetta.
Never read or saw V for Vendetta so I don't see any kind of inspiration what so ever. :word:
Well only the film version of V features the multiple costumes at the end.
The book does not, but you should read the book its great the film is not so.

As for this comic I thought it was pretty cool, but did not expect the ending to turn out as it did nor (other than the old ‘were all NY'ers together‘ thing ) see the point to it. I guess the newspaper article did kinda flesh out the reasoning to Spidey unmasking but the book did not rock my world.
Should get round to reading FNSM#12 tonight.
it was a good unmasking collection book that could have really benefited from a "spider-man unmasked" tag-line like the initial books after the event. but it didn't get one and will probs suffer in sales. it may have not been linked directly to current unmasking but it's there to JUSTIFY why he would unmask (apparently he almost did before. nice retcon :rolleyes:) And it reprints that classic stan lee, doc ock unmasking (the first one, obviously, not the one where he found out only to be killed by kaine - though i would have loved to see that reprinted).
Finally read this book. It was freakin' great.

I think this is how the unmasking SHOULD HAVE happened. It's the only way it should have went down.

Instead, we get Peter losina bout 175 points off of his IQ and listening to Tony Stark.

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