Opening titles: The theme song and the look.


The Return of the O.G
May 19, 2003
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How do you think the opening titles will look? The first scene where the web comes across the screen in SM 1 was blue. SM 2 was red. Should this one be green ala Sandman, or black ala Venom? Or a combination of SM's costume-red and blue?

Should we get a re-cap of the first 2 movies, ala paintings, like we got a recap of SM 1 in SM 2? Or should they come up with something different?

And lastly, as someone else has said, since there are 2 villans, should we hear both villans themes songs in the titles, or just keep it with Spideys as we've never had 2 villans in one SM movie?

Your thoughts.....
That's kinda complicated. I don't think most of the people here will be able to understand what you said. I do, though.
S-M's red and blue mix that slowly turns black or something to indicate the influence of the suit and Venom. I like the idea of some kind of recap again, but this time just for S-M2. Maybe more of a comic book style this time.
Good idea, Spidey-Sean. I agree that the web in the opening credits should go from red and blue to black...:venom:
In the Spider-man 1 Opening Credits we saw some bits of the Villain, so maybe that It could show that image of spidey in his normal colours then taken over by the black suit. Then cut to that image of him in the black suit in then fade to a villain music and start to get a bit darker and the webs turn to black but have trendles to move around the screen in an organic fashion
I think they shouldn't give away the black-suit-thingy in the opening... even if we'll see the black suit in trailers before
Spidey-Sean said:
S-M's red and blue mix that slowly turns black or something to indicate the influence of the suit and Venom. I like the idea of some kind of recap again, but this time just for S-M2. Maybe more of a comic book style this time.

i agree:up:
i think it should be a recap in paintings off the last 2, and then it will be red/blue webbing and then the music will get darker and you can see the sybiote take over the red and blue, making it black and then before it cuts to the real movie, you can see venoms eyes and maybe teeth then they fade out, showing a prison on a beach and sandman running from it.:venom:
I think that it should be Green background, symbolizing The GREEN GOBLIN. Also, I think that the recap, this time, should be done by Todd McFarlane:

It will probably be the Elfman score with black and white background and titles. Maybe a recap.
Spidey-Sean said:
S-M's red and blue mix that slowly turns black or something to indicate the influence of the suit and Venom. I like the idea of some kind of recap again, but this time just for S-M2. Maybe more of a comic book style this time.

good idea
Catman said:
It will probably be the Elfman score with black and white background and titles. Maybe a recap.

The Elfman score can be used and can be adapted for the film as Sony Pictures owns the rights to it.

I would like, as said, a combination of red, blue and then slowly turn to black as the credits continue.

Christopher Young worked extensively on the music for Spider-Man 2, during the difficulties between Raimi and Elfman, and I think he did a great job. With him on board for Spidey 3, I have few worries about the score.

Can't wait to hear the villains' theme music.
They should save green for the Lizard in S-M4,and use black for S-M3,since S-M3 will have spidey wearing a black costume,fight GG2 who is mostly in black himself,and Venom who is also in black.
I would like it, if the movie opens the camera up close. One one side of the screen you see spider-man hanging upside down by a web and on the other side you see a thug hanging upside down with his mouth webbed shut. Spider-Man is sitting there yacking away, just talking up a storm about stupid every day life. "And then I was late to work, it's like man what's a spider to do?"

and after 30 seconds of spider-man talking, he goes "What do you think I should do"

slient pause

"oh yeah, I forgot" the thug can't talk because his mouth is webbed shut.

sirens start in the background, and spider-man "goes well ta ta" and swings off.

then the theme music starts, the screen goes black, and they do their opening sequence like part 2. oh yeah and this scene needs to be funny.
Robin91939 said:
Also, I think that the recap, this time, should be done by Todd McFarlane:

It could happen. He is credited over at the IMDB. I know it's fan submitted but at least it's something.
Golgo13:The Hitman said:
How do you think the opening titles will look? The first scene where the web comes across the screen in SM 1 was blue. SM 2 was red. Should this one be green ala Sandman, or black ala Venom? Or a combination of SM's costume-red and blue?

Should we get a re-cap of the first 2 movies, ala paintings, like we got a recap of SM 1 in SM 2? Or should they come up with something different?

And lastly, as someone else has said, since there are 2 villans, should we hear both villans themes songs in the titles, or just keep it with Spideys as we've never had 2 villans in one SM movie?

Your thoughts.....

I think it would be intresting to have the opening credits done in black and white for a few reasons. Because spidey will be wearing the costume later, because Venom/eddie brock will appear, and because this movie could possibly be darker than the others.

We should get a recap, but not in the form of paintings of the movie. We should have black and white photos of the previous villains and Spider-man on a Daily Bugle paper. In other words, it will be like reading the newspaper of the events from the previous movies. Finally ending with MJ at the harbor with John Jameson and the police, Spider-man swinging away.

Just have spidey's theme play, like you said, cause we've never had two villains.
ChineseFooD said:
I think it would be intresting to have the opening credits done in black and white for a few reasons. Because spidey will be wearing the costume later, because Venom/eddie brock will appear, and because this movie could possibly be darker than the others.

We should get a recap, but not in the form of paintings of the movie. We should have black and white photos of the previous villains and Spider-man on a Daily Bugle paper. In other words, it will be like reading the newspaper of the events from the previous movies. Finally ending with MJ at the harbor with John Jameson and the police, Spider-man swinging away.

Just have spidey's theme play, like you said, cause we've never had two villains.

me likes:up:
TheCardPlayer said:
It could happen. He is credited over at the IMDB. I know it's fan submitted but at least it's something.
He's is credited as the creater of the Character Eddie Brock/ Venom.
But, we can hope he'd do some art for it.

I think something doing with Venom or the black symbiote in the opening would be cool.
Alex Ross won't be doin' it this time. He was a ***** about it last time they say.
ChineseFooD said:
We should get a recap, but not in the form of paintings of the movie. We should have black and white photos of the previous villains and Spider-man on a Daily Bugle paper. In other words, it will be like reading the newspaper of the events from the previous movies. Finally ending with MJ at the harbor with John Jameson and the police, Spider-man swinging away.

Or what about having the colors of the first spidey-black-suit-pic and also having rain??? And then Daily bugle papers could fly through the storm and show us different pic from the last two movies or just the last movie. And now and then a dark silhouette swings through the storm...
It's kind of a mix of the openings from SM1 an 2..

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