Julie Taymor: Bono and I turned Spider-Man into a Broadway musical.
Spider-Man: Make it stop.
Clark Kent: That was you? Nice going, brainiac.
Brainiac: Hey, don't blame that mess on me.
Julie Taymor: Forget him. We'll call it "Smallville: Turn Off the Clark."
Clark Kent: Wow. That title doesn't make any sense.
Assistant: I saw that coming.
Dr. Fate: You can see into the future, too?
Assistant: No, but I worked for Julie Taymor before.
Clark Kent: Darkseid? What happened to you?
Darkseid: I was told by head wasn't big enough to be seen in the backround.
Julie Taymor: Are you kidding? That's the great thing about working with superheroes. They're invulnerable.
Green Arrow: Uh, I'm Green Arrow. I don't actually have any real powers.
Julie Taymor: What kind of power do you want?
Green Arrow: How about the power to delay opening night?
Julie Taymor: Too late!
Jonathan Kent: I came back from the dead to see this trainwreck!
Lex Luthor: We finally made a fool of Superman, huh, Zod?
Bono: Actually, I really am Bono.
I've actually been trying to figure out how to do that. Can you shoot me a message and let me know, or at least point me in the right direction? Also, does it matter whether it's cable or satellite?Funny, although it made more of a joke of the "Spider-man: Turn off the Dark" issue than it really did Smallville.
BTW Do people really still hold video recorders up to their TV's?
C'mon people, transferring something you DVR to your computer isnt all that difficult.
BTW Do people really still hold video recorders up to their TV's?
C'mon people, transferring something you DVR to your computer isnt all that difficult.
It's actually a loop-hole in the legalities that is why so many things on YouTube now are like that. Not sure how/why/what, but the studios and companies can have YouTube take pretty much anything off if they just claim "copyright" -- which is a bogus bunch of bull thank you Google sell-outs! -- but for some reason, if it's a 2nd generation copy like done from a cell-phone/camcorder, it becomes "immune" from that protection.
It's why that Space finale promo we all loved was only on in such crap quality, and why lots of other stuff like that is so.
What a weird world we live in... hyper-legal nonsense...