So Eddie Brocks got cancer then!

I really hated Ramos at the beginning but he is really growing on me. Particularly those black and white panels of Eddie in the most recent issue of spectacular spidey, with the end panel looking excellent!
Check out the preview for SSM #4 in the Spidey Comics thread. It looks spectacular :D
how long can this guy hold on? he's been dying of cancer for three years.
MaraJanesSlave said:
how long can this guy hold on? he's been dying of cancer for three years.

My dad has cancer for 5 years now.
I've read that in some cases some people with cancer in thier early 30's can live with it and die from old age in thier 70's-80's with treatment.
Eddie will beat the cancer eventually, and become Venom once again.
Assuming he didn't die from sliting his wrists of course.
Oh, well, okay. What was this in, Spectacular? Yeah, I don't read that.
It was in Amazing, and keep in mind, in Marvel years, its been more like six or seven months.
So is Scorpion still Venom?
bored said:
So is Scorpion still Venom?

No, Scorpion has the symbiote, he is not Venom, I dotn care what anyone says.
Darthphere said:
No, Scorpion has the symbiote, he is not Venom, I dotn care what anyone says.

And Wally West was never the Flash. He just wore the costume, had the powers and had the name.

Someone seems to be in denial.
Purple Man said:
And Wally West was never the Flash. He just wore the costume, had the powers and had the name.

Someone seems to be in denial.

Someone seems to be an *******.
That's true I am a "*******"

I'm also a *********, a *****, a ******, and sometimes a complete and utter ********
Purple Man said:
That's true I am a "*******"

I'm also a *********, a *****, a ******, and sometimes a complete and utter ********

What about a *********?

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