Now that Singer and his team are conveniently out of the way, Rothman and the wise men at Fox have done what they've always wanted: subjected the X-men franchise to a long hard unprotected ****. As a result, it seems we've gotten the movie Fox always knew we wanted: The X-men movie by studio committee, guaranteed to kick 34% more ass and raise the intensity level up 6.2 notches. In order to produce this Frankensteinian masterpiece, the source material was also subjected to a good ****ing, whence came the juice with which they brought this monster to life.
I really feel that when this movie was made, despite Zak and Simon's shrill protests to the contrary, NO consideration was given to the original material. None. Tons of stuff is thrown in, not because they pay attention to why they worked in the original storyline, but because, hey, its there, lets throw it in. Key case in point: the Sentinel. There is no goddamn need for a "Sentinel" that is a toy in the Danger Room. It could be a giant Jabba the Hut that attacked the X-men for all that it mattered. The reason the Sentinels are cool is because they are mutant hunting robots created by the govt. That is why they are cool. Not because they have robotic heads and walk around like robots. That does not make them sufficiently cool.
Same deal with the Juggernaut. Why is he in this movie? To ham it up? He's not related to Xavier (which is kind of his point as a villain), he doesnt wear cool armor, hes just Jaws pt 3. Sabretooth making campy one-liners.
Same deal with a bunch of other characters who are being thrown in only to be mangled by the story's requirements.
Same complaint, except X100 for the Phoenix storyline.
The litany about that one:
1) Cyclops is casually killed by his true love 25 minutes into the movie after 2 scenes in this movies "version" of the Dark Phoenix Saga. Audience attempts to give a damn, but fails on account of not really giving a damn about him previously from the past movies.
2) Wolverine apparently plays a decisive role in leading and inspiring the team, in a desperate attempt to surgically graft yet more Cyclops-like characteristics onto his insufficiently watered-down personality. It is rumored that Cyclops had to die in order for these personality traits to be harvested.
3) Given that the Phoenix Saga was pretty poor source material, it had to have the ass-kicking levels pumped up with heavy injections of KEWL. Such includes, but is not limited to, replacing stick-in-the-mud Cyclops's role with Radical X-treme Wolverine, replacing Jean's wimpy self-sacrifice with a Radical X-treme Wolverine Claw Move that Will Have You Bawling Like a Baby, and having the main character become a Zombie Mute instead of a Phoenix. Demographic research has shown the Phoenix concept to be totally lacking in Ass-Kickery Factor, as well as, um, costing loads of money. It is also apparently now a medium sized subplot in a 93 minute movie (since when is Phoenix a subplot to be thrown away like a DR Sentinel. Imagine if Apocalypse was a SUBPLOT.)