Actually there were a lot of good jokes there, from when pete was taunting the reign guys to the sneaker joke sandgirl had, it was surprising funny for such a dark tale. "What's you're name? Ben. Ben Dover. Last name, Takit." hehe.
What I thought the main difference between this and DKR was in what the character's purpose was. Batman just came back and was still a badass, he had plans in place, he wanted to fight, he planned for his "death" so he wouldn't die, classic batman.
Now take Reign, Pete had become a crazy loser (rightfully so) and was forced to mask up even though he didn't want to fight. It wasn't until Ock made him face his fears, something missing from DKR, that he became Spider-Man again and then not because he wanted to he did it because he needed to be that man again for the people he loved. He didn't plan on winning, he went right into battle fully expecting to die. Unlike DKR, where bats basically fixed all the problems himself, Pete did relatively little, what he did really was to inspire other people to fight again. If he didn't inspire JJJ there would be no resistance, if not for what he did for Ock, he would have died or given up, if he didn't inspire sandgirl, he would have died and the city would be lost. Batman fixes your problems, Spider-Man inspires you to fight for yourself, I liked that contrast a lot and I think too many people missed that saying it just parrotted DKR. Other than the news stuff this was worlds different, at least to me.