Spidey's Wisecracks... SUGGESTIONS


Banned Usèr
Jul 1, 2001
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We all know and love the wisecracking witty dialogues of our friendly neighborhood spider-man. well, what if we were in his shoes. what kind of gags would we have pulled.


anybody know a witty dialogue? SHARE IT here...
Spidey lands on a wall,meeting Doc Ock fdor the first time:

Spidey:"Dude,i've heard of multi-talented,but you take it up a notch"

okay,that sucked,but oh well.
Originally posted by BW/BM
Spidey lands on a wall,meeting Doc Ock fdor the first time:

Spidey:"Dude,i've heard of multi-talented,but you take it up a notch"

okay,that sucked,but oh well.

No, it wasn't that...wait...yeah it was...it does suck. J/k.;) :D
Why two threads? As for a wisecrack, I wouldn't mind seeing this one from the comics "Lets just say your fairy godmother thought you'd be lonely, so she conjured me up!":)
They should have one about doctors and patience. You know, something like "I'm losing my patience with you Spider-Man" and the reply being "Losing patients? You must be a lousy doctor then." Something like that.
Originally posted by SpyderBurning
They should have one about doctors and patience. You know, something like "I'm losing my patience with you Spider-Man" and the reply being "Losing patients? You must be a lousy doctor then." Something like that.

Good one.:D
The possibilites are endless, BUT I'm not very good at coming up with them, therefore I shall remain silent. :(
"the fact that doctors call what they do practise just scares me"

"i would shake ur hands but dont no were theyve been"

"imagen trying to wipe ur ass with those"

"whats up doc trying to make up for something ,thik have more of those will accont for youre coff coff"
A few more bad comments by Spidey:

"You must have one hell of a handshake."

"Is that a huge metal tentacle coming out of your back, or are you just happy to see me?"

"Dont pat yourself on the back too hard there."

"So I stopped your master plan, you don't have to get all up in arms about it."
"I'd shake your hand, but i cant decide which one"

"Which section of the store do YOU buy ur clothes from?"
I remember from one issue with Spidey vs. Doc Ock he made a crack about him wearing those sunglasses at night, and made a reference to that song with the same name...lol.

Seriously, as long as his jokes are not groaners or bad puns, I'm good. They need to take a cue from the Buffy tv series, as they had wisecracks during fights down to a science.
"This is a hold-up. Put your hands at the back of your head. ALL of them!"

"I think i saw you in sea world before"
Doc ock: My arms arms are a force to be reckoned with, a diabolical wonder if you will...

spidey: Uh huh. Listen, ever thought of taking your act to vegas?
"Nice goggles doc, we going swimming later?"

The sunlgasses at night one would be funny, since I know that song.
*Spider-Man struggling with all 4 tentacles of Doc Ock at once, trying to fend them off.

SM: Now I know how a Freshman girl in the back of a car on Prom Night must feel.
"I'm a spider. Technically. I should have more arms than you do. Now i'm really pissed!"
spidey: Wow ock, how do you scratch when you have an itch?
"When you get arrested, how the hell are the police gonna cuff you?"
"If i sing you a song, do you promise to cut your fingernails?"
Originally posted by mehzeb
"I'm a spider. Technically. I should have more arms than you do. Now i'm really pissed!"

Doc ock: Insignificant fool! Your remedial retorts do not phase me and for the record your simple mind is too elementary to comprehend that spiders have legs not arms!
"first I had to face a "green" goblin.

"let me guess, you're now captain Squid."
Originally posted by spider-jide
Doc ock: Insignificant fool! Your remedial retorts do not phase me and for the record your simple mind is too elementary to comprehend that spiders have legs not arms!

Spidey: "Legs, arms, whatever. You're as picky as those damn fanboys!"

Not my best work for sure.
spidey: Wow, ock. You sure bring a whole new meaning to "bearing arms".

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