Transformers Spike to be renamed Sam


Sep 10, 2004
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Spike will be his nickname from what I have heard
On Transformers it seems the amazing Mr. Bryce has been keeping you all caught up on our progress, so much so that I have little to actually report. I filed my notes with the writers- the structure and characters are great, the notes were just to help make things more "Transformery". Casting is going great and there seems to be almost a consensus for young SAM/SPIKE. Yes you've seen him before and yes you'll groove on him- should he end up with the role. The other roles are still being cast and things are looking good.
Spider Ham said:

Spike's too stupid to be a real name.
Actually there are kids named Spike...but whatever I am fine with it
ShadowBoxing said:
Actually there are kids named Spike...but whatever I am fine with it

Doesn't make it any less of a silly name. It's better as a nickname.
Sam/Spike. I can live with that. No Bio-mechs please.
No spike :( no no no dammit. I hate this movie a little more with everything they change.
From the looks of it they're just going to call him Sam "Spike" Witwicky.
I don't think that's so bad.

His dad probably won't be called Sparkplug, though.
DrSpengler said:
From the looks of it they're just going to call him Sam "Spike" Witwicky.
I don't think that's so bad.

You are correct.

I always assumed that SPIKE was some sort of nickname anyway.

Who the f*** is SAM?

Why are there so many humans involved here and none of them established characters?

Spielberg and Bay LOST.
truth0ne SGC said:

Who the f*** is SAM?

Why are there so many humans involved here and none of them established characters?

Spielberg and Bay LOST.

The est human characters in TFormers aren't very endearing anyway...they are expendable. Who cares? You're too dramatic, you haven't even seen anything from the movie and the movie creators already "LOST"? :rolleyes:
Yeah a kid being named Spike is A LOT stupider than a movie about giant robots that can talk and turn into vehicles.
Hypestyle said:
hmm.. what about Sparkplug and Carlie?

Sparkplug is most-likely gonna get a name change, too. Carly? Hell, I doubt she'll even be in the movie (haven't they already confirmed Sam's love interest as someone else? I forget).
Im not bothered about a name change at all I just hope Shia can actually pull this off as he has mostly been very irritating in the things Ive seen him in
Considering his name was Buster in the comic book *BEFORE* the cartoon even came out, that's not totally unexpected. I think "Spike" being a nickname thing is a good idea.

At one point after the cartoon proved so successful the comic book writers had to scramble to write in "Spike" (by coming up with some dumb story about a little brother or something or other).

It reminds me of the Incredible Hulk series where the writers thought Bruce was a bit "unmanly" or something and wrote in David Banner into the script (as an alias... cuz "Bruce" Banner was legally dead).
CFlash said:
Considering his name was Buster in the comic book *BEFORE* the cartoon even came out, that's not totally unexpected. I think "Spike" being a nickname thing is a good idea.

At one point after the cartoon proved so successful the comic book writers had to scramble to write in "Spike" (by coming up with some dumb story about a little brother or something or other).

It reminds me of the Incredible Hulk series where the writers thought Bruce was a bit "unmanly" or something and wrote in David Banner into the script (as an alias... cuz "Bruce" Banner was legally dead).

I actually read the Trial by Fire TPB yesterday which has Spike's first appearance in it and the whole thing is real sloppy.

Spike just pops out of the blue "Hi, you're never heard of me before, but I'm Buster's older brother. No, we're not the same character."

Then they have to kill off Galen after only 5 issues because the toy's name was Spike and make him the leader for no good reason...

The whole thing was just sloppy.

Fortress Maximus getting the shaft was pretty cool, though.
From what I remember...

Sam "Spike" Witwicky's father in the movie script is named Ron Witwicky. He's probably got the nickname "Sparkplug" too, we just haven't heard about it yet.

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