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Star Wars: Aftermath RPG

Logan Howlett

Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score


Five years after the battle of Endor, The New Republic has just been established, the last remnants of the old Empire have been fought off with few loyal followers still clinging to Empirialistic ideals. Mon Mothama has been established as the leading representative for the New republic and its idealogy.

Luke Skywalker, the last remaining Jedi, has spanned the galaxy in search of some remnants of the once great order. His search recently took him back to the planet Yavin IV, of which the rebel alliance had once based and launched their asault on the Empire. On the planet Luke found ancient ruins of a Jedi academy apearently abandoned long before the overthrow of the Republic by the Empire. With assistance from the newly established Republic, he has begun to rebuild the academy and bring new life to the order.

On the planet of Corasant, Leia Organa has begun to involve herself in the political chaos of a newly forming Galactic Republic. She has been apointed by Mon Mothma herself as a galactic peackeeper and ambasidor for the New Republic. Han Solo has been apointed as a General in the Republic fleet and is currently running missions to strike out the last of the remaining Empirial forces. Along with Chewbacca, C-3PO, and R2-D2, Han is currently heading to the dessert planet of Tatooine to search for a shipment of supplies registered to an Empirial star comander.

For the first time in many years the galaxy has known peace. Planetary systems have begun to break old ties that tore their planets apart, their governments no longer feel opresion or fear. Luke Skywalker is a hero of the Republic, but in the minds of most both he and the Jedi order are a myth, fictional tales ment to enthuse the people about the New Republic, but on Yavin IV Luke prepares to span the galaxy once again in search of force sensitives that will become the new order of Jedi. He knows the task will be trying, he expects to find many things he never encountered before, but what he will find in this next journey, he could have never prepared for. ........

GameMaster: Olcanucklehead

This game is similar to other Hype RPG's except it is based soley in the Star Wars universe.


-This is a GM run RPG. All major events and story arcs are goverened directly by the GM. This includes character deaths, planetary alliances, and War.

-Only certain player will be allowed to comand ships, others must either travel with them or find public transport.

-You may choose any character still living after Return of the Jedi. You may aswell create a character with the GM's aproval.

-Everyone exists in the Star Wars timeline 5 years after the events that took place in Return of the Jedi.

-No Killing. Unnamed faceless NPC's may be killed, but not comic characters. Someone else may want to take up the character, or they may be important to another story.

-You can go anywhere in the galaxy, travel off planet, and enter deep space, but do so within your characters means.

-You are your character, so act like it. Talk like them, use there dialouge. Do not exaggerate your powers, or pop-up here and there without explination.

-Several stories can be going at once, and you have the freedom to interact with other characters.

-No Time Travel.

-You must post at least once every two weeks, though it is preferred that you post more. If you go two weeks without a post without prior notice, your character is up for grabs.

-And of course, all regular rules of the Hype apply.

-Have fun.

Star Wars: Aftermath character aplication.

Screen Name:

Character name:


Birth Planet:

Aliance (Republic/Empire/Nutral):


Froce adept/Jedi?:

A brief description of the character in proper Basic....(Star Wars joke):

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:




What can you bring to this game?

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG:

Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards:
Star Wars: Aftermath character aplication.

Screen Name:

Character name: Loganas Darkalo

Profesion: Ex jedi/traveler/smugeler

Birth Planet: Yavin IV

Aliance (Republic/Empire/Nutral): Nutral, but soon to be aliance

Race: Human

Froce adept/Jedi?: His conection to the force has been severed, but he was once a Jedi, his path will lead him back to the force and the new order.

A brief description of the character in proper Basic....(Star Wars joke): Loganas Darkalo was once a master Jedi and general during the Clone Wars. When he began to fall in love with a young female jedi that he known since childhood, he asked master Yoda to allow him to leave the order, out of fear that he might be lured to the darkside, and to sacrifice his connection to the force in the Valley of the Jedi. Yoda relectantly acepted this and allowed him to leave. He sacrificed his conection to the force in the Valley, leaving behind his lightsaber. During his journeys he became a smuggler, secretly runing suplies to injured Republic soilders and Jedi, using the name Dom Banret as a guise to keep his identity a secret. But as he was piloting his starship through deep space, he intercepted a message on a frequency that only one person posesed.....Jedi Master Yoda. The message stated that the Jedi were being slaughtered, that they were in desperate need, that the Republic istelf had been overthrown......during all of this the only thing he could think of wa Deadra, the female Jedi he had fallen in love with. As he began to prepare his hyperdrive a large Republic ship came into his position, locking weapons and firing on his ship. In the explosion he and his ship were thrown into an asteroid, deep inside his frozen core, where he slept for the next 30 years. His ship was discovered by a pirate salvaging crew, full of smuggelers and thieves. Luckily for him they were not of ill intent, they thawed him from his frozen state and reanimated his body. Now he is on a strange ship, with no memory of the last 30 years.

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1. I have been working on this character for years.

2. I love the self sacrificing heroes.

3. To bring in a character not from the usual cast of Luke, Leia, and Han.

What can you bring to this game?
The same thing as always. Fun. excitment, experience, and my own interesting story arcs and plot twists.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: At least 1 or 2.

Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards: Yes indeed. And by the way this is what my character will look like now, for a good description of him as a Jedi think of this guy with Qui Gon's style.

And for those ineterested this RPG will be played on Star Wars Galaxies aswell, same RPG rules aply and when interacting with others you must remain in character. Just create the same character that you have here on the Gorath server, or if you already have a character on Gorath than create it here to play along in RPG format.
Screen Name:SpeedballLives

Character name: Darth Xerxes (Ulic Rayburn)
Height: 10 feet
weight: 540 pounds
Eyes: Red
hair: White

Profession: Lord of the Sith/ Fromer Jedi Knight

Birth Planet: Onderon

Aliance (Republic/Empire/Neutral): Neutral


Force adept/Jedi?: Oh, defianantly yes

A brief description of the character in proper Basic....(Star Wars joke):
Ulic was a former Jedi Knight, who left the order after the Battle of Geonosis and went to find a new meaning to the force in the Unknown Regions.
After finding a planet resembling Coruscant, he uncovered a great, forgotten evil. This evil possessed him, and transformed him into a creature inlike anything the modern galaxy has ever seen.
Darth Xerxes had finally found a new body, and would return to his conquest of the galaxy that he began 10,000 years ago. The rule of two means nothing to him, since it was after his time. He now sits on the side lines, waiting in his ship, The Dark Vision, for those who rule the Galaxy to mess up.
His plan: find the few Sith that remain, and begin an army of unstoppable Sith warriors.

Features: His blood red lightsabers are in his arms. when he activates them, they come out of the palm of his hands.
His head has large devil-like horns, that formed when he was transformed.
His armor resembles that of Darth Revan, but without the mask and hood, and is blood red.

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1. We need a Sith Lord

2. Being pure evil is fun

3. Because I LOVE Star Wars.

What can you bring to this game?
I'm a walking Star Wars encylopedia.
If you have a star wars question, you can come to me.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: A Lot, star wars is my passion, i'll make this rpg a part of it.

Can I post pictures?
Don't worry, i won't make him TOO powerful.
He's gonna be skilled with a lightsaber, but prefers to only kill with them, and not the force.
...Both of those guys are dead.

Did you even read the rules?

-You may choose any character still living after Return of the Jedi. You may aswell create a character with the GM's aproval.
Ya it need to be someone within the timeline after Return of the Jedi. If you would like to create a character put in an aplication and I will look it over.

I am currently taking in AGM aplications for those interested.
I'll put up an application tonight.
Hopefully, I'll have time.
If not today, then tomorrow.
Star Wars: Aftermath character aplication.

Screen Name: Byrd Man

Character name: Lando Calrissian

Profesion: "Consultant"

Birth Planet: unknown

Aliance (Republic/Empire/Nutral): Republic

Race: Human/ Black

Froce adept/Jedi?: no force powers

A brief description of the character in proper Basic....(Star Wars joke): former head of Cloud City since the fall of the Empire has lost Cloud City to the Hutt's now roams the Galaxay consulting and assisting the Rebublic in diffrent matters, since Han has taken a promanent role in the new republic Lando is the captain of the Millenium Falcon with Co Pilot Nien Nunb

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1. he's the only black charcter in the old trilogy

2. four word's: Billy Muthafu*king Dee Williams

3. i've alwyas liked Lando he's just a cool charcter and i hope to have some adventures

What can you bring to this game?:
I've done some RPG's just none Star Wars themed hope to have fun and add my own stle

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG:
Will try to post something at least once a day probably more

Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards:

Swordmaster said:
...Both of those guys are dead.

Did you even read the rules?

Well Darth Maul has "died" like 3 times has he not, lol. He could come back again, haha.
Victor Creed said:
Well Darth Maul has "died" like 3 times has he not, lol. He could come back again, haha.
Lol, the Venture Bros. have died 14 times each, why not resurrect Maul, and have him on my side.
Too bad he was shot in the head by Owen Lars, this time we had a body to confirm he was dead.
Olcanucklehead, I'd like to put in an app for AGM
Why aren't people posting? We still need a Luke.
SpeedballLives said:
Lol, the Venture Bros. have died 14 times each, why not resurrect Maul, and have him on my side.
Too bad he was shot in the head by Owen Lars, this time we had a body to confirm he was dead.
Olcanucklehead, I'd like to put in an app for AGM
But wasn't he brought back again as a spirit or hologram or something, lol. It's ridiculous.
I'm not sure about the hologram thing, but he has definantly returned with sweetass robotic legs. His look was truly menacing.
Yea the old Wookieepedia article on Darth Maul, before it was changed to some bull**** Star Trek info, said that Darth Maul was either resurrected or cloned (never specified which) by a group from the Dark Side who wanted him to kill Vader because they believed Darth Vader was not worthy of his status.

Quoted Directly from the Old Article

"The agile Maul held the advantage over the strong yet bulky and slow Vader. Yet, in the final moments of the battle, Vader surprised Maul by performing a manuever similar to the Japanese Samurai act of seppuku; stabbing his lightsaber through his own body (and through proximity Maul as well), damaging his own circuits and almost losing his own life in the process."

"Later, during the reign of the New Republic, a mad Zabrak scientist named Drell Kahmf managed to retrieve and resuscitate Darth Maul's brain from where he was killed. This mad Iridonian scientist believed Maul to be a paragon of the Iridonian people."

"To the end of giving Maul new life he placed his brain in a chemical vat, wired up to a device which utilised technology he called a "solid-state holographic projection" which could manifest anywhere in Iridonia's capital. As a hologram, this wraithlike version of Maul had the ability to strike, but could not be struck back."

"When Jedi Master Luke Skywalker arrived on Iridonia in an ambassadorial capacity, he was attacked by the Jedi-hating holographic Maul. Not easily fooled by the dark warrior's ghostly appearance, Luke searched for the anomalous presence of Maul through the Force and stumbled upon Kahmf's hideout. Luke declared that "artificially keeping him alive was causing an unnatural disturbance in the Force" and scared Kahmf away before switching off the life-support system sustaining Maul's disembodied brain. Finally, Maul was brought to an end."

That is one damn persistant Sith, lol.
Victor Creed said:
Yea the old Wookieepedia article on Darth Maul, before it was changed to some bull**** Star Trek info, said that Darth Maul was either resurrected or cloned (never specified which) by a group from the Dark Side who wanted him to kill Vader because they believed Darth Vader was not worthy of his status.

Quoted Directly from the Old Article

"The agile Maul held the advantage over the strong yet bulky and slow Vader. Yet, in the final moments of the battle, Vader surprised Maul by performing a manuever similar to the Japanese Samurai act of seppuku; stabbing his lightsaber through his own body (and through proximity Maul as well), damaging his own circuits and almost losing his own life in the process."

"Later, during the reign of the New Republic, a mad Zabrak scientist named Drell Kahmf managed to retrieve and resuscitate Darth Maul's brain from where he was killed. This mad Iridonian scientist believed Maul to be a paragon of the Iridonian people."

"To the end of giving Maul new life he placed his brain in a chemical vat, wired up to a device which utilised technology he called a "solid-state holographic projection" which could manifest anywhere in Iridonia's capital. As a hologram, this wraithlike version of Maul had the ability to strike, but could not be struck back."

"When Jedi Master Luke Skywalker arrived on Iridonia in an ambassadorial capacity, he was attacked by the Jedi-hating holographic Maul. Not easily fooled by the dark warrior's ghostly appearance, Luke searched for the anomalous presence of Maul through the Force and stumbled upon Kahmf's hideout. Luke declared that "artificially keeping him alive was causing an unnatural disturbance in the Force" and scared Kahmf away before switching off the life-support system sustaining Maul's disembodied brain. Finally, Maul was brought to an end."

That is one damn persistant Sith, lol.

LOL yeah, Maul is one of the better characters to come out of the prequels. Silent, yet very deadly. I wish Lucas would have shown him more.
All characters aps have been aproved :up:

And Speedball you are my new AGM:)
WOW cool.
Can't wait to be the big baddy of the game.
SpeedballLives said:
LOL yeah, Maul is one of the better characters to come out of the prequels. Silent, yet very deadly. I wish Lucas would have shown him more.

Just like Grievous. They shoulda put more of his action the movie instead of the cartoon.
I'm working on a few more details of my character before I post the application.

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