Stay Outta my head

I thought the performances from all three of them were amazing and flawless. I loved the bickerings b/w Magneto and Xavier. I liked it how Magneto was egging Jean on and making Xavier out to be the bad guy.


Great clip.
I loved how everything Jean said sounded the same it made her sound so confused and empty.
Mr Lex Luthor said:
I thought the performances from all three of them were amazing and flawless. I loved the bickerings b/w Magneto and Xavier. I liked it how Magneto was egging Jean on and making Xavier out to be the bad guy.


Great clip.

I thought it rocked. I'm even more hyped about this movie now. So do you think Xavier could have just used his powers to make Mags shut up or do you think Jean would have known and been more pissed? I know he usually tries to get to people through honesty but damn. Idda blasted the hell out of his mind.
onejeremytogo said:
I thought it rocked. I'm even more hyped about this movie now. So do you think Xavier could have just used his powers to make Mags shut up or do you think Jean would have known and been more pissed? I know he usually tries to get to people through honesty but damn. Idda blasted the hell out of his mind.
He can't. Magneto is wearing his helmet.
Can someone post a full transcript of that clip, please? I couldn't make out what Magneto was saying.
OMG! Thank you sooooooooooo much Lex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mr Lex Luthor said:
Can someone post a full transcript of that clip, please? I couldn't make out what Magneto was saying.
Anyone? :)
Ooh i love that clip...i wonder what the battle with Xavier would be like
Is it just me or is the table behind her when she says "Stay outta my head" is starting to rise...?
Mr Lex Luthor said:

OK....I just wrote down all of what Mag said:

"You know he thinks your power is too great for you to control"

"I don't believe your mind games will work anymore, Charles"

"He does!"

"Ablosutely Nothing"

"No Charles, Not this time"

"You've always held her back!"

Hope that helps!!!! :)
AVP82 said:
Is it just me or is the table behind her when she says "Stay outta my head" is starting to rise...?
No, it's not you. It was levitating.
PhePhe112 said:
OK....I just wrote down all of what Mag said:

"You know he thinks your power is too great for you to control"

"I don't believe your mind games will work anymore, Charles"

"He does!"

"Ablosutely Nothing"

"No Charles, Not this time"

"You've always held her back!"

Hope that helps!!!! :)
Ah, thanks very much. ;) I thought he said "Good girl" instead of "He does". :p Didn't catch these parts:

"You know he thinks your power is too great for you to control"

"I don't believe your mind games will work anymore, Charles"

i love how the guy on the talk show said that he heard this is much better than the first two films lol
AVP82 said:
Is it just me or is the table behind her when she says "Stay outta my head" is starting to rise...?

Indeed it is. :up:

Edit: Carson Daly. :down
Carson Daly gives me nightmares. Why does he have his own show? :o

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