Storm's costumes

kenshin himura

Mar 19, 2005
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Hey, i'm thinking of cosplaying as Storm for a con, and was wondering if anyone has proper pics of her various costumes over the years. I need like full body shots etc so that i cud remake it accurately, and be tru to da character.I've been searching online and it doesnt look promising. So if anyone can help me out, It would be greatly appreciated.thx


These are pictures of the costume I am most familar with. I'll try and find more tomorrow, but I'm going to bed now.
Please don't.
I prefer her current look-as in what she's wearing when T'Challa pops the question.
Chris Wallace said:
Please don't.
I prefer her current look-as in what she's wearing when T'Challa pops the question.

It was a joke, I always thought it would be funny to see a girl show up in that costume at a con.
me in a mohawk lololololololol that aint right man rofl
after seeing the costmes i think i'm leaning more towards the white costume, its the most known, lil vintage lol and i'm yet to see it done right. Whats the current one ur talking about? is it in black leather with the black crown??
Yup. W/gold trim around the cape & a gold collar. Some guys draw it w/a kind of "lightning bolt" cape, but i don't like that; makes it look torn.
I wish. What I can do is point you in the right direction; go to a thread in the Marvel Comics forums entitled "Favorite Costumes". There's a whole gallery of Storm's outfits & last I checked it was son the last page of the thread. The suit I'm referring to is #9.
It'll also give you some more options if you don't wanna go with that one.
Try UXN they have a spotlight on Storm which shows a lot of her costumes over time inlcuding off-shoots.
She is arguably one of the best-dressed characters (and THE best dressed female, IMO) in comics.
yeah thanks, basically everyone is pointing me in that same direction, so thats a gd onto the next hurdle.....wigs lolol
Don't suppose you could post a pic of yourself; that might give us an idea what wig would best suit you.
lol nah dont think thats possible;) the doc recommended against it, with my anti-photogenic disease n all lolol i also dont think it 2 wise a move on my part.....sry..... if u have info on where i can locate gd wigs of the variety needed, that wud be kool tho......thx a bunch:)
Chris Wallace said:
She is arguably one of the best-dressed characters (and THE best dressed female, IMO) in comics.

Please. The Wasp has had so many outfits that by default she beats Storm out. ;) The sheer quantity of her wardrobe... there's no way there wasn't like, the best costume in all of comics in there somewhere. ;)
I disagree. And unless you can point out a specific suit, your post is invalid. Quantity never beats quality. But then I did say, "arguably".
I'm just saying she's had so many costumes that statistically, the best one ever has got to be in there somewhere.

Or I could just be ribbing. You know how easy it is to get a rise out of some Storm fans around these parts... ;)

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